Poll: This Tuesday: Rage or Dark Souls?


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I recently played demon's souls to see what the deal was. And frankly i wasn't impressed. Firstly the game isn't difficult in an interesting way, at least for me. Most enemies can be handled easily with standard tactics and it doesn't require the type timing games like shinobi demanded, in fact the whole game was very sluggish. Basically you have to hack away at an enemy for quite some time using an approach that it's vulnerable against. Difficulty comes with how easily you can die. The game rewards persistence & patience.

Secondly the setting was bland to say the least.

If given a choice i'll buy rage. I'll like open world exploration type games & I'm a fan of carmack.
May 29, 2011
EverythingIncredible said:
Fusioncode9 said:
EverythingIncredible said:
Dark Souls.

Dark Souls has no online pass and half the content isn't chopped out for DLC.

Rage is looking for new ways to screw customers over. Especially the ones that don't line Bethesda's pockets.

Between these two, you should be getting Dark Souls on principle.
It's amazing how you already know 50% of Rage's content has been removed from the game to be sold as DLC. You must work for Id or Bethesda or else you'd just be talking out of your ass.
Oh wow. I seriously screwed up.

I didn't mean to say that this is what Rage is doing. I know that they're doing some sort of new fangled way to get players to buy new. Like limiting them from the single player campaign. Of which, I have to ask: wtf.

But I didn't mean to say that they were chopping out content for DLC. But I can see why you would think that I would say that. So I apologize. My mistake.

I still think that you should be getting Dark Souls for the reason I stated in this post.
Wait, did you just... admit you made a mistake? ....On the internet?

Where is your mothership, alien!


New member
Oct 20, 2009
jackpackage200 said:
Both look like really good games with solid gameplay and graphics but im leaning towards Dark Souls at the moment. Rage looks like a good christmas gift
I'd say Dark Souls but I'm just getting into Demon's Souls right now, so I'll wait at least a few months. Just picked up X-Men Destiny yesterday.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Dark Souls. I already have it pre-ordered (but for me it doesn't come out until Friday).

I didn't buy it because it's hard though. I don't really care about that. I bought it because I find the style amazing. Dark, gothic, twisted and very creative. Like a warped medieval fantasy. It looks amazing. I also love knights <3


New member
Sep 2, 2009
dimensional said:
archvile93 said:
Rage for me. I like a challenge, but not masochistic levels. And this is coming from someone who played and beat Super Mario Bros 2, the real one, the one that wasn't sold outside Japan in an unaltered form until the virtual console because they thought it was too hard.
Are you on about what we got as the lost levels? the original that puts you back to the start of the world if you lose all your lives rather than the start of the level? because if that is the case that game is way way way harder than Demons souls (and hopefully Dark Souls) hell even the altered one is harder than demon souls its an absolutely brutal game.

Demons souls wasnt easy but it wasnt overly difficult either it punished mistakes harshly but it was fair and I hope Dark souls strikes a similar balance instead of just making it absurdly difficult for the sake of it.

OT: I wont be getting either money is to tight also wont be able to get skyrim, uncharted 3, disgaea 4 and whatever else may come out I wanted but if I was getting one it would be Dark Souls simply because I am still burnt out on FPS and I quite liked Demon Souls although to be fair if I was to get a FPS this year Rage would probably be it simply because its a new IP (which I always like to see even if I dont like the game) and the people behind it should be competent.
Yeah that's the one. I guess I found it easier (though still brutally difficult) since I was always good at platformers. The main problem I had with Demon Souls is its tendency to laugh at you and make the game harder for it, you know because if you couldn't do it the first time at your best, certainly you'll be able to do it when your weaker and the enemies are tougher. At least Mario never went "Hmm, that's your third lost life, what can we do now? We already removed all the mushrooms from the game, and replaced all goombas with spinies. I know, lets double the enemies speed and halve yours." It might now even be the game itself, maybe I'm just burned out of brutally difficult games after SMB 2.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I'll wait till both reviews hit screwattack, vgt, and escapist b4 I make my decision
Rage looks like Borderlands and if so I'll go for that
Dark Souls... well no need to say anything bout that :)


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
EverythingIncredible said:
Yopaz said:
EverythingIncredible said:
Dark Souls.

Dark Souls has no online pass and half the content isn't chopped out for DLC.

Rage is looking for new ways to screw customers over. Especially the ones that don't line Bethesda's pockets.

Between these two, you should be getting Dark Souls on principle.
Considering you buy the game new, what are you missing out on if you buy Rage?
I assume you didn't see the most recent Jimquisitions.

When I buy a new game for a console, I am buying it with the intention of reselling it later. But when they try this used game pass BS, it inherently devalues the used product and makes it sell for less. And because of this, I am less inclined to buy the game in the first place.

Second, it begins the start of a future where exploring the roots of games and how it got us to where we are today and how it can help us going forward becomes a big ****ing hassle because some greedy CEO thought it was a good idea to discourage used sales.
And that changes the game experience how?

Delta Gier

New member
Sep 27, 2011
I'd like to get Rage, as for Dark Souls, it's sorta like Skyrim for me . . . I wouldn't go out of my way and spend money on it, but if someone got it for me for Christmas, it would be a pleasant surprise . . .


New member
May 27, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
Yopaz said:
And that changes the game experience how?
By not playing it in the first place because the product is worth less in resell value.
If you're planning on getting a game just to sell it later, shouldn't you just rent games from Gamefly or something?


New member
May 27, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
Kopikatsu said:
EverythingIncredible said:
Yopaz said:
And that changes the game experience how?
By not playing it in the first place because the product is worth less in resell value.
If you're planning on getting a game just to sell it later, shouldn't you just rent games from Gamefly or something?
Hm, that's a good idea. Oh wait, you can't do that with Rage because of the one time use code to play the goddamn game's single player mode. Never mind.
Truly impressive over exaggeration. You can't access a few holes in the ground that're probably filled to the brim with bullet sponge enemies (Because ALL of them are) and a couple of weapons.

It's not like they're removing actual story/cutscenes from the game or something. It's just as playable without those little hovels as it is with.