Poll: This Tuesday: Rage or Dark Souls?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm not into fantasy RPGs that much so I'd personally lean towards Rage. After all, it is made by the grand-daddy of the FPS genre. Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake are all produced by them. It's hard for them to not make a brilliant game.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
If I were going to buy either, I would choose Dark Souls. I may even pick it up from a bargain bin a few years down the road.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
EverythingIncredible said:
Dark Souls.

Dark Souls has no online pass and half the content isn't chopped out for DLC.

Rage is looking for new ways to screw customers over. Especially the ones that don't line Bethesda's pockets.

Between these two, you should be getting Dark Souls on principle.
Considering you buy the game new, what are you missing out on if you buy Rage?

OT: Rage looks fun, but they're two completely different games. If you want to buy one of them now, and want one for Christmas then I would buy the one you're least sure about, during Christmas you will have all the time in the world to play. Honestly I would go for Rage though. Though that's probably because Dark Souls is a console exclusive.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Demon souls was really fun, but mostly just because I had my friends to play it with me. If not for that the game wouldnt have been nearly as exciting.

Rage looks interesting but I was thinking Christmas as well.

If you dont have a buddy to play dark souls with, one with good patience preferably, then you might want to wait a bit.
It really is worth the wait to play it with friends.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I plan on getting getting Rage. I am going to pay it off after I get out of work and then go to the midnight release later on. I might rent Dark Souls a week or two after it is released.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Neither, Rage looks to much like Borderlands ATM, and I don't give two shits about Dark Souls; other than what the devs did to people in Japan that got it per-release.

Goliath Corp

New member
Aug 31, 2010
Put me down as another vote for Dark Souls. I sunk about 250 hours (murderous, nerve-wracking, exhilarating hours) into Demon's Souls alone, and have high hopes of doing the same for this one.

I've also played many 100s of hours of FPSs over the last few years (Borderlands, Bad Company 2, various CoDs, the GRAWs and Vegases), and I just can't work up an ounce excitement for Rage.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
It usually depends wether you enjoy hardcore and difficult games that trive on kicking your ass and killing you on a whim whenever it wants,that difficulty being the appeal to this game compared to Rage which looks like a decent FPS with some RPG elements in it which gives a small Fallout 3 vibe to it(being post apocalyptic as well and all).

All in all,Dark Souls,even with it's difficulty it's still gonna give you "more bang for your buck",so choose that.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I'm waiting for reviews but I'm betting I'm going for RAGE. I didn't play Demon's Souls because it just looked... kind of generic. I know the hook is that it's punishing and challenging, but that's not enough for me.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
For me, definitely Rage. I'm an addict of the post apocalyptic atmosphere, and if Rage is done properly, then it could turn out like a more gritty Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I would LOVE that.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Kawaiitsuki said:
Dark Souls for me.
I was excited for Rage until I heard about the 8GB install size so, in short, fuck that. >.>
If by 8GB you mean 22GB, then you can understand how butthurt I am with my 20GB hard drive.
Dark Souls looks awesome, so I'll be getting that too!


New member
Jun 13, 2011
archvile93 said:
Rage for me. I like a challenge, but not masochistic levels. And this is coming from someone who played and beat Super Mario Bros 2, the real one, the one that wasn't sold outside Japan in an unaltered form until the virtual console because they thought it was too hard.
Are you on about what we got as the lost levels? the original that puts you back to the start of the world if you lose all your lives rather than the start of the level? because if that is the case that game is way way way harder than Demons souls (and hopefully Dark Souls) hell even the altered one is harder than demon souls its an absolutely brutal game.

Demons souls wasnt easy but it wasnt overly difficult either it punished mistakes harshly but it was fair and I hope Dark souls strikes a similar balance instead of just making it absurdly difficult for the sake of it.

OT: I wont be getting either money is to tight also wont be able to get skyrim, uncharted 3, disgaea 4 and whatever else may come out I wanted but if I was getting one it would be Dark Souls simply because I am still burnt out on FPS and I quite liked Demon Souls although to be fair if I was to get a FPS this year Rage would probably be it simply because its a new IP (which I always like to see even if I dont like the game) and the people behind it should be competent.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Rage seems to be fun but honestly, I'll play Dark Souls at first and get Rage later on for the PC.