Poll: This Tuesday: Rage or Dark Souls?

Guillermo Gonzalez

New member
Jun 23, 2011
Spawny0908 said:
I'm buying both...now which will I play first...hmmm maybe RAGE. MAYBE!

Finally someone is smart enough to get both.

I'm going to get them Both, and i'm going to love them.

RAGE is more than likely gonna be the shortess one, so i'll beat that one first and then dedicate all the time possible to Dark Souls.

This will an insanely busy gaming season!


New member
Feb 25, 2011
RAGE looks like another generic, if it wasn't for the title, I would have thought it was just a Doom update

so Dark Souls wins my vote


New member
Jun 15, 2010
CthulhuMessiah said:
Issurru said:
Well I guess i'm the first one to say Rage...hmm I
I'll come join you in the RAGE corner.

I have nothing against DS, but I haven't heard enough about it to make me want it.
Same here. Never played it, and I probably never will... well maybe in a year or two


New member
Sep 15, 2009
I had great fun playing the preview code of Dark Souls. Tough as nails (never had a PS3 controller in my hands, weird right?) to figure out the controls and the timing and mustering the patience to find openings in the enemies attack pattern. But great massive fun. Yes it might cost you a controller at some point, but hey! That's what we're playing games for. To be challenged (and even better, to beat your mate at it and rub it into his face.)

Skyrim... Well... I'd go for both really. Skyrim is less of a technical fight (as opposed to the gently nuding and prodding / fireball throwing of Dark Souls type of finding openings.) and more of a storydriven fantasy world to lose yourself in for hours (morrowind: 250+ hours, Oblivion 120+ hours. I expect skyrim to be about Morrowind's hours for me personally)

For Rage... I dunno. I don't find it entertaining for long..


New member
Jun 5, 2011
Going with rage... something just said "this will be worth it" way back when i first heard about rage. I have fath in ID putting together a solid game, so im getting it on day one. Also i dont get to miss out at all cos my housemate will be getting dark souls same day. Rage just looks lke my kind of game, i really hope it lives up to the promise.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Dark Souls, because and just because I keep forgetting that Rage even exists but I have yet to forget about Dark Souls existence, though my opinion might be biased since as I've said before I am not a big fan of FPS's that are not TimeSplitters.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I am changing my Batman AC pre-order tomorrow to get Dark Souls. Already got Skyrim pre-ordered. I am thinking Rage and Batman as wifely Xmas gifts. Dark Souls looks...I dunno really. I feel like I need to play it.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
ghost whistler said:
what is it that makes DS hard? Are the enemies ridiculously overpowered, one hit kill machines? Are they cheap?
It's not that enemies are always super-hard, the game as a whole is just punishing. Every mistake, mistimed block or roll, and loss of concentration is punished in a big way relative to many other games. It is relentless. Check out some of the YouTube vids from players in Japan.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
I wish I had the werewithall to take on a Dark Souls or a Demon's Souls. But I just don't have the patience for a dastardly punishing game anymore. A game like that will just end with me putting my fist into something. Most likely the TV, drywall, or perhaps some random passersby.

Rage looks entertaining, but I am not sure if I'll be picking it up. I hadn't planned on Gears of War 3 being as engaging an experience as it has turned out to be. I've been playing it non-stop and have only really scratched the surface. Plus a week after RAGE drops, Forza and the new Dead Rising are both coming out on the same day (10-11-11). As fun as I expect RAGE could be, I know once I have the new Forza it'd just end up on the pile of games I've not gotten around to beating or even playing more than a few hours.

So I'll probably ask for RAGE as a Christmas gift, or maybe on my birthday in January. You know, once the release schedule has died down a bit.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Neither. I'm on a student's budget and I need to save my monies for Arkham City. On top of that, I didn't really like Demon's Souls and Rage looks like a mash-up of Borderlands and Fallout without the charm of either.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
rage, because i love editing id games. mapping, modding etc. idstudio woohoo!

idsoftware is my gaming roots


New member
Jan 21, 2011
RAGE. i like the idea of dark souls, but it's not on pc, and as i said to a friend last week on the same matter, i wouldn't trust the 5 year old doddering thing that my 360 has become to not spontaneously explode before i get anywhere in the game.

plus i pre-ordered RAGE(alongside skyrim) months ago, and paid for it mostly with the spare money i usually waste on snacks and other horrible junk food.

i do have a ps3 at my other house though, and may pick up a copy of dark souls someday if i have the money to spare, however i'm much more likely to go after the SOTC/ICO double pack before that happens.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'm a PC gamer so it will be Rage for me.

Dark Souls is console only and thats not enough to warrant getting a new console.

With Skyrim just around the corner i'm not all that bothered about either but think i'll give Rage a run around just for a look.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
If I were getting one of these, it would be the PC version of Rage (even if did own a console). Yeah, it's a post-apocalyptic shooter (was there really a flood of these, though?), but it looks gorgeous (it pays to have distinct art style) and seems deeper than your average cutscene fest. It's actually the first shooter to get my attention me since the STALKER series (and Human Revolution, but I don't count it as a shooter).

That's not to say I don't appreciate what Dark Souls is doing. It looks pretty solid in every aspect. I just don't think I'd enjoy that type of unforgiving gameplay for very long.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
i preordered both, but i will play dark souls first. i am just winding down on gears 3 and will a fantasy adventure will be a nice change of pace.

however, rage looks astoundingly good. i think it is important to mention that. it really does look beyond excellent, and ID makes great shooters, hell the pioneered the whole genre.

believe it or not, the games i think i will adopt a look and see attitude for is arkham city and skyrim. especially skyrim, i will probably still preorder arkham city too, but i have not decided.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Since Rage won't be punishingly difficult for the sole purpose of fulfilling the sadistic needs of a very specific audience, I think it'll be better than Dark Souls (For me, at least. And definitely more widely appealing).

At the end of the day, I might get Rage if it gets really good reviews, in 6 months or so when the price is normal (Won't get dark Souls either way. like I said, not my kind of thing), but the only game I'm interested in for now is Batman: Arkham City (Could distract me until GW2 Beta).