Poll: "Torture Porn" films.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
I've never saw any of those, but it seems like the only reason people watch them is for the copius amounts of murder and rape.
Ah c wat u did thar.

Oh, god I hate typing like that. Anyway, I just don't get the appeal. I mean, why would I want to watch someone get tortured?

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I've never watched one.

I remember when SAW came out, it got a lot of hype, and then quite quickly SAW 2 3 and 4 came out, and from what I understand of the plot, I wonder how they could carry it on, and how many different ways they can come up with for self mutilation.


New member
May 12, 2009
Kajin said:
crypt-creature said:
Kajin said:
The appeal is in the thrill. Movies like Saw are so popular because you're watching something that could very well end up happening to you in real life.
I don't envision myself being trapped in a house, having to get a needle out of a box which is obviously a trap, because it contains a vaccine for a deadly toxin that has been released in the air by some twisted old man, and getting my hands stuck in his trap because I'm to stupid to analyze the thing to begin with and figure out that one hand keeps the razor cuffs open while you use the other to grab the needle (massive run-on sentence. It couldn't be helped).

Sorry. That's just a tad bit unrealistic.
I didn't mean exactly word for word how its done in the movie. Getting captured by a deranged psychopath intent on killing you for no other reason than to teach you a lesson is a totally plausible way to end life, they just probably wouldn't go that elaborate with it.
Yeah, I just took it a bit literally. Bad me.

Though these days you don't hear about too many people like that. Since technology has improved, the types of murders/murderers that used to be fairly disturbing don't seem to happen nearly as often. Maybe every couple of years a real twisted individual will crop up, but not as often as they used to (or at least, I haven't heard of many. I do enjoy reading about those types of individuals for the psychology aspect of things, but SAW and Hostel are pushing things a bit too far.)


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I think the Saw movies are pretty decent, but I also think they are pretty overrated by a lot of people. They're decent enough, but the fans that claim they are some godsent gifts from heaven are waaaay off.

And yeeeeaaaah... I kinda just like seeing people die in increasingly gruesome ways. Like, the Final Destination movies are awesome. I scream in glee when there's enough blood to fill a bathtub squirting all over the screen.

Yeah... I'm pretty messed up...


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I hate the fact that the SAW series are always next to that stupid Hostel series everywhere.

Hostel really is nothing but a stupid film about people getting kidnapped and tortured in disgusting ways by perverts who will pay for this kind of pleasure.

SAW on the other hand has quite a deep plot - it's almost like a TV series - every year there is a new episode with new clues and new mysteries + a grand plot twist at the end - OKAY - there is also torture in those films, but they really have meaning since people are traped in different machines or other deadly traps. They are there not because they didn't respect life enough - so Jigsaw the mastermind who is dying of cancer - can have something to be happy about. That is important in the philosophy of the film about respecting life - and the rehabilitation of the subject and his or her view of life if they survive, but everyone who happen to be victims and players in Jigsaw's game - all had a meaningful role in one big puzzle - from which we get new information and detail in every new film. Till of course 2009. October 23. when the VI and last part will come out and wrap it all up, and we will find out everything at the very end. We wait it eagerly :)

One more important thing :

SAW really can't be that bad if it's the most succesful horror franchise ever - and I'm not just saying that because I am a fan- it's fact:

The SAW films - with the premier of the 5. part has made more than : 300 million dollars
Fast leaving behind Jason from Friday the 13th series who made : 317 millon - but with 11 films
Also Michael Myers who made 307 million with 9 films

I don't think so many people can be wrong :)

Hostel can go to hell I agree with that! :)


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I like the Saw movies for the psych-thriller aspect of them, and I even enjoy the creativity of the traps. I tried to watch Hostel, keeping it on low volume so that my family wouldn't hear, but it was dumb. Torture and blood doesn't bother me, but sometimes it is just stupid. Doesn't seem realistic or necessary.

Simon Hadow

New member
Mar 12, 2009
Yes, I love them, because I am a sick, sick person with no way to let out my blood lust and frustration other than to salivate over the horridly realistic vivisection of innocents... I also like long walks on the beach, watching the stars in the night sky, and a girl who isn't afraid to go into my unlit basement to meet my dog Chainsaw... I mean... Scruffles...


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
Saw: The first one wasn't bad. I liked the style of it and the complexity of some of Jigsaw's puzzles. The second one, I stopped watching when the pit of syringes came into play. Ever since then, I've seen none of them.

Hostel: As a filmmaker, myself, I refuse to use the term "movie" to describe this catastrophe. It's awful. Sex followed by gore with no good story anywhere.

The genre as a whole: Horror as a genre is becoming more and more awful with each passing day. It's sad, really. Some of the best movies I've ever seen are horror films, but since the 80s, 90s, and the turn of the millenium, horror has just gone from one bad thing to the next. Suspense no longer exists, every horror film must have an obligatory "drama" attached to it, and the only ones that "push the envelope" are the ones that up the gore by a billion, and add porn to it. Saw needs to die out, and hostel needs to not exist.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
I like my gore but i'm not a sadist.
And no, i wouldn't want those movies banned for those who are enjoying them.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I think its unfair to categorize SAW and Hostel in the same genre, mainly because I quite like the SAW series, and it has an OK plot. Hostel has no plot at all, basically just "Lets Explore Living Peoples Anatomy" classes.

Parallel Streaks

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Inuprince said:
I hate the fact that the SAW series are always next to that stupid Hostel series everywhere.

Hostel really is nothing but a stupid film about people getting kidnapped and tortured in disgusting ways by perverts who will pay for this kind of pleasure.

SAW on the other hand has quite a deep plot - it's almost like a TV series - every year there is a new episode with new clues and new mysteries + a grand plot twist at the end - OKAY - there is also torture in those films, but they really have meaning since people are traped in different machines or other deadly traps. They are there not because they didn't respect life enough - so Jigsaw the mastermind who is dying of cancer - can have something to be happy about. That is important in the philosophy of the film about respecting life - and the rehabilitation of the subject and his or her view of life if they survive, but everyone who happen to be victims and players in Jigsaw's game - all had a meaningful role in one big puzzle - from which we get new information and detail in every new film. Till of course 2009. October 23. when the VI and last part will come out and wrap it all up, and we will find out everything at the very end. We wait it eagerly :)

One more important thing :

SAW really can't be that bad if it's the most succesful horror franchise ever - and I'm not just saying that because I am a fan- it's fact:

The SAW films - with the premier of the 5. part has made more than : 300 million dollars
Fast leaving behind Jason from Friday the 13th series who made : 317 millon - but with 11 films
Also Michael Myers who made 307 million with 9 films

I don't think so many people can be wrong :)

Hostel can go to hell I agree with that! :)
Just because a mass audience likes it and pays to see it doesn't mean it's the best horror movie of all time, it just means people are more willing to spend money nowadays. If you released the SAW franchise and the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise side by side I'm sure they would make about the same, if you cut out the other three. (Freddy's Dead, Wes Craven's New Nightmare and Freddy vs Jason)

But I agree that the plot is deep in most cases, its just I disagree with the view that a movie's quality is decided by the amount of money people spend to see it.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
TBH they suck at this time. give me a good plot and engaging characters then i'll watch it.
instead we get the cinema equivelant of a snuff film. pointless and only there to entertain psychopaths and people who have repressed sexual or violent urges and get it up every time they cut themselves.

oh yeah and teenagers :p


New member
Feb 5, 2009
The SAW films are really good, but I didn't feel Hostel was anywhere near as good or entertaining, it's just all gore and no real plot. Quite a disappointing production from Q.Tarantino

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
corroded said:
Playing Devils Advocate here, but where to the Final Destination films come in to this.

Personally, i find them hilarious. People really only watch them for the death scenes. Is the level of gore the issue, or is it the fact it is disconcerting to think that such person could exist rather than the issue of 'fate' in Final Destination.
Oh, I think the Final Destination movies are a scream (uh, no pun intended). The deaths are so absurdly over the top that you can't help but laugh at them.

As for the Saw movies, I enjoy them, though I think they're very uneven. I quite enjoyed 5, I thought it had an interesting premise that sadly wasn't developed quite enough. I appreciate the creativity that goes into each trap, though I don't think the movies are far too contrived to actually be scary.

Saw's popularity led to an inevitable flood of torture-porn movies, and few of them put any particular thought into setting up anything but the flimsiest of reasons for the fate of the victims. They just got more and more extreme with the violence in order to maintain viewer interest and got very dull, very quickly.
Apr 15, 2009
I don't get it. If you want a creepy guy called "Jigsaw" watch War Zone, guy goes through a glass crusher and he's still alive. My question is: was the stuff in Saw 1 was supposed to be psychological or just gory?