Poll: What console are you playing Skyrim on?


New member
May 17, 2009
PC, because anything else would be insulting to the game. Bethesda was kind enough to give us the power of modding the game in any way we see fit. I don't understand why anyone would want to play it on a console where the experience would be ultimately inferior.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
why is there no option for none because im not getting it, i hated oblivion and to me i dont see a big difference between these two games so im not going to bother there are to many good games anyway in december.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
zehydra said:
Omnific One said:
zehydra said:
Omnific One said:
PC because of mods. Like everyone with a half-decent computer should.
I dunno, you're probably going to have to need a nicer-end computer to play this game on good graphics at a decent fps.

I'll be playing it on the PC, but because I can run it on my laptop on higher graphics than the XBOX. I don't care much for elderscrolls mods. I've always liked the vanilla versions better.
It doesn't take much to run a game at 720p at 30 frames per second at medium settings (360/PS3 levels). I dropped a 25 dollar video card into a crappy single core sytem and was pulling that off on newer (2010/2011) games.

For 415 dollars, I got a system that runs Crysis and the Witcher 2 at almost full settings at 1080p. Guess what else is around that price?
You got a system that runs Crysis at 1080p at full fps for $415?

What did you buy?

Edit: I don't really like playing any modern games at anything less than 1080p
I mean it will dip down into the 30s when the action is really heavy, but it hangs around 45-60 pretty much everywhere else. Including the snow levels. Except for the final fight, which is one of the most unoptimized messes I have ever encountered.

Athlon II X4 3.00 ghz $100
5770 $100
Case $30
4 gigs 1333mhz DDr3 $30
Asus Mobo $70
1 TB HDD $50
PSU $30


Plus I ripped the old HDD out of my computer and used it to install XP (recovered it and it recovered onto my new drive as it was first in BIOS); and I ripped the old DVD drive out.

Though eventually I put $30 into a wireless mouse and keyboard and $100 into 64 bit Windows 7, but that was optional.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Most likely on my 360. Although considering I've recently found out I can play TF2 on my PC, playing the PC version may be a possibility as well.

Also, didn't Bethesda say they wanted console versions of the game to have access to mods as well?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Xbox at first, collectors edition if possible, then after a while I'll buy Skyrim for my PC from steam at a unreasonable discount. I did that for fallout 3 and it worked great. I normally go Xbox first because I'm gonna be too tempted to cheat.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
just dumped almost 900 into upgrading my pc to the max I could....for a combo of Skyrim and The Old Republic, definitely PC (it needed the upgrade anyway)


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Omnific One said:
zehydra said:
Omnific One said:
zehydra said:
Omnific One said:
PC because of mods. Like everyone with a half-decent computer should.
I dunno, you're probably going to have to need a nicer-end computer to play this game on good graphics at a decent fps.

I'll be playing it on the PC, but because I can run it on my laptop on higher graphics than the XBOX. I don't care much for elderscrolls mods. I've always liked the vanilla versions better.
It doesn't take much to run a game at 720p at 30 frames per second at medium settings (360/PS3 levels). I dropped a 25 dollar video card into a crappy single core sytem and was pulling that off on newer (2010/2011) games.

For 415 dollars, I got a system that runs Crysis and the Witcher 2 at almost full settings at 1080p. Guess what else is around that price?
You got a system that runs Crysis at 1080p at full fps for $415?

What did you buy?

Edit: I don't really like playing any modern games at anything less than 1080p
I mean it will dip down into the 30s when the action is really heavy, but it hangs around 45-60 pretty much everywhere else. Including the snow levels. Except for the final fight, which is one of the most unoptimized messes I have ever encountered.

Athlon II X4 3.00 ghz $100
5770 $100
Case $30
4 gigs 1333mhz DDr3 $30
Asus Mobo $70
1 TB HDD $50
PSU $30


Plus I ripped the old HDD out of my computer and used it to install XP (recovered it and it recovered onto my new drive as it was first in BIOS); and I ripped the old DVD drive out.

Though eventually I put $30 into a wireless mouse and keyboard and $100 into 64 bit Windows 7, but that was optional.
I'm surprised at how cheap that is. Where did you get it?


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
PS3, since my laptop is shit. Whyyyy did my desktop PC explode?!
But since I never used mods in Oblivion or Fallout 3, that doesn't change much for me.

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
On my PC. The way it was meant to be played.

Unless the Xbox version is better (by some twist of fate). I heard someone saying it was designed for that console in mind...but...I do like mods.

Also, this is off topic but, I am really not a fan of having to sit through an ad for captcha.

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
I'm torn between Xbox and PS3. I just don't have the funds currently for a top-end gaming PC. But if there are slight graphics changes favoring PC, or less glitches on 1 console, then my mind will be made up.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
PC, because the community will probably, in typical Bethesda fashion, have to finish the game themselves.

Oh, and mods.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
PS3. I also have a 360, but I recently bought an extended warranty on the Sony system. I went through three Bethesda games on my old model 360 elite and I never got the three red lights or the E74 error. Wasted 60 bucks for that warranty. I know one more game will brick my 360, since it's expired now.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I should play it on PC, but I'll probably get it for PS3.
What's up with all of these Skyrim topics surging recently? It was quiet for a little while after the announcement, and now it has started back up again.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
FuzzySeduction said:
Zenn3k said:
I don't own a PC (I own a Mac, which won't have this title).

I don't own a PS3, because...well, why would I?

I DO own a 360, so that will be what I play Skyrim on...eventually.
You can always bootcamp it. Then it wouldn't matter if you have a mac.
I'm aware of this.

Its also a laptop, gaming on a 2 year old laptop isn't exactly amazing.

Graphically, the 360 experience will be superior, and why would I wanna screw up such an amazing looking game with a mobile video card?

Plus then I'd have to spend $300 and buy Windows.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I spent a good deal of money upgrading my PC this summer for the sole purpose of playing Skyrim on it. So yes, PC for me.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
'Cause seeing this thing on high with user-generated graphics mods (4x grass distance? 2x texture resolution? Extra shaders?) will not be a sight readily missed.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
Of course to beat a dead horse MODS!. also all you people with your foolish "Consoles are more immersive" BS How can you say that it is more immersive on a console what is the major point of difference? controls? PC can use keyboard and mouse or 360/ps3 pad.