Poll: what do you want done with your body after you die


New member
Apr 24, 2011
Wow. I really like the cremation then launched into space in a capsule idea. I was just going to go with plain old cremation and spread my ashes somewhere nice thing but now...to go where no ash heap has gone before...me likes.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Honestly? I'd want my remains fired out of a cannon, into a two-inch thick pane of glass, positioned above the home of someone I don't like so it's their job to clean it up.

I really don't mind what happens to my body. Stick it in the woods somewhere without a casket and let all the creatures eat it and spare up room for more useful things. If I need a patch of soil for people to remember me then I clearly went about life the wrong way.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
If it was possible/reasonable, I'd prefer to be put in a stone sarcophagus and stored away in some vault, preferably with some supplies nearby, like a refrigerator filled with beer and sandviches, just in case.

But beyond daydreaming, they can do what they want with me, or whatever is left. I personally hope they get drunk beyond their wildest dreams and drag me along, taking pictures and doing pranks before dumping me into a dustbin in an amusing position. It'd be one hell of a hangover-story to tell, something I'd be glad to provide the living with. Perhaps I'll haunt the bar, some of their booze vanishes mysteriously now and then, but all would-be burglars and racketeers are found dead in the alley outside, like if they've seen a ghost...

Or perhaps the same as above, but rather than dump me in a dustbin, they go down the docks, props me into a little inflatable raft (complete with sunshades, a martini in my hand and a little radio) before setting me afloat, out in the unknown. Again, one hell of a good story for the grandchildren. And one hell of an awkward moment if I go floating into one of the posh marinas!


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I donated every single cubic inch of it to hospitals & science; whichever one want it first, because once I've started rotting only one of those two can make any further use of it. Maybe in 200 years time a transplanted part of me is still circulating the NHS as a healthy organ and my brain is in a jar being preserved for scientific revival. Who knows.

Of course I would massively, like 100% indefinitely, prefer to not die at all. But should I end up in a less than revive-able state then I'm all for letting others make some proper use out of my body parts. I don't fancy becoming the oil or fertiliser of tomorrow, but I wouldn't mind if a blind wo/man could see for the very first time perfectly using my eyes; or a sufferer of leukaemia receive a total blood transplant ... I don't know, I'm just speculating, but it's better than rotting into the ground like a half-eaten apple.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I don't really care, I suppose it'd be comforting to know it was being put to good use, so if I could donate it to science that'd be nice. Maybe future generations will be able to appreciate discovering the source of my chronic headaches.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I want my body (including my brain) to be intergrated into a virtual reality, so i can be a AI, but not be A :D


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I want all my organs to be donated but then I want to be sown back up so that I look presentable in my open coffin funeral then cremation with the ashes being used as fertiliser for a new tree. I then want my tombstone carved into the tree and then when the tree is fully grown, I want it cut down and carved into a life size statue of me which is burnt after a few years and the ashes used as fertiliser for another tree and the cycle goes on until someone decides to stop or someone forgets

Something to laugh about just before I kick the bucket


New member
Sep 22, 2010
[/quote] If that doesn't pan out, my backup plan would be to have my body crushed until all the carbon forms a diamond, then I can be passed down through the family.[/quote]
If that's actually possible, that would be awesome.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
[/quote] If that doesn't pan out, my backup plan would be to have my body crushed until all the carbon forms a diamond, then I can be passed down through the family.[/quote]
If that's actually possible, that would be awesome.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
[/quote] If that doesn't pan out, my backup plan would be to have my body crushed until all the carbon forms a diamond, then I can be passed down through the family.[/quote]
If that's actually possible, that would be awesome.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Someone has probably mentioned this already since I know from experience that I'm not the only one on here who's a fan of Cracked;


If you didn't read the article, I kept the following as spoiler free as possible. Not that there's much to spoil honestly but I just thought I'd give a warning.

As for 6, I would only do that if I ended up really bitter when I died. I would request to be used on a death-row inmate in a state that still did that sort of thing, that sort of way (I'm thinking Texas but could be wrong)

As for 5, That would be pretty cool: I would wanna be either blue or purple. One of the big flair ones instead of a loud one.

As for 4, once again I'd have to die somewhat bitter and ordered for my final resting place to be in a high school. On the plus side, that could easily be made into a movie.

As for 3, I had thought of doing this before reading this Cracked article. I've actually thought of going a step further and talked to my GF about using her as well. In death, I and my GF could make for a very sweet museum piece (or morbid piece of jewelry)

As for 2, I would request this if I felt as though I really, REALLY fucked up in life and wanted to make up for it. Well, maybe just really fucked up as opposed to really, really.

As for 1, prop me up in front of an active console and turn me into a modern-day ghost story (or just another morbid museum piece)


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Either left at the epicentre of a nuclear blast or shot out from the nearest space station back to Earth. Either way, it'll be fancy and there'll be nothing left. If I can't use my body, no-one can.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Mr. In-between said:
FamoFunk said:
I'd let them take my organs if they're good enough or they want them. After that or otherwise I want to be cremated and have them spread somewhere. It's the done thing in my family.
If my organs can't be donated to someone who needs them, I want them placed into canopic jars with the heads of different Zelda characters on them.
Awesome idea is awesome. Excuse me while I steal it!


New member
Sep 21, 2008
backinthepresentfuture said:
when i'm dead....please. please rape me.
I know a guy who might jump on that grenade.

OT: Probably cremation and then buried somewhere in the woods.

Sam Warrior

New member
Feb 13, 2010
I plan to donate my body to medical science and or organ donation if any of mine are usable, afterwards I'd like to be cremated.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I wish a part of me to be turned into this

Which thanks to the awesomeness of living in our time is entirely possible. I wish for a part of me to remain with the person I love. Yes it sounds a bit sick or disturbing to some, but keep in mind all we are mostly carbon. What happens to carbon when its squeezed? It turns into a diamond.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
MisterM2402 said:
Hazy992 said:
Cremated so there's no prospect of me waking up in a coffin :/ Plus I don't like the idea of my body putrifying and rotting for some reason
So instead of waking up in a coffin, you wake up in a fiery, fiery coffin? Yeah, the death would be quicker, but it would probably be much more painful haha :D Why not get them to install a bell by your gravestone with a string that runs down into your coffin - should you find yourself buried alive, you can ring the bell and someone will come save you :p
Oh I'm sure my screams would make my family realise something's wrong :p