Poll: What is your stance on JRPGs?


New member
Apr 23, 2009
They are okay, I have FF8 and FF12. Not my favorites. I prefer the WRPGs myself.

Eyepatch Cyborg

New member
Jul 1, 2009
The poll needs an "other" option, because mine most definetely is not on there. I love anime, manga, and such, but I just can't stand JRPG's. They're so repetetive... grah. I honestly don't see how anyone can like them, but I let people keep that to themselves as long as they don't try to give me a JRPG.



New member
Jun 12, 2009
I don't personally like them but I could see why maybe some people might like them. I think western RPG's are way better.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm a half fan, most JRPGs are clones of each other, same story similar characters and all, but there are some real gems, outside the FF group. Skies of Arcadia was mentioned before and that is one of my all time fav games!! I've played through it many times. Good story, characters were fun, not totally irritating, the addition of the ship to ship combat was the games new idea, and though it worked Fantastically, it hasn't been repeated.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I clicked "western style are better" because in my experience they tend to be just a half notch better on average than JRPG but i have played some JRPGs that blow many amazing western RPGs out of the water.

Edit: Some people have been saying that most JRPGs are clones and thats true but so are many western RPGs. Just saying...


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Even though I've got a JRPG as my #1 best console game of all-time (FF6), I'm generally bored stiff and completely disinterested in the genre. As for anime, don't even get me started. I think I'd hate it less if it weren't for the annoying "desu kawaii ^_^" otaku crowd attached to it.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I put loving both, but both can be really hit and miss. Every game genre has good and bad games, but in my opinion JRPGs cover a more extreme ends of the spectrum. Some are excellent, and some are downright atrocious.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
The JRPGs from the SNES generation were very well done. The stories captivated me and the environment fascinated me. That being said lately JRPs are following different trends which reflect more from the current Japanese respective subculture. IMO present day JRPGs are terrible because of this.

Today's RPGs from a western perspective are picking up the slack thank goodness, and I think it is because we are taking new ideas to the field. From older games like Balder's Gate, to Deus Ex which combined FPS with a very well done plot making it more of a RPG, to something like KotOR, to today's RPGs like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect(cool story, less will be said about gameplay).

While Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, and FF6 will always have a place with me, western rpgs give me more variety and something else to look forward to. It's a tough pick if I took the entire time line into account but I'd say that currently Western RPGs are far better than current Japanese RPGs.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Radeonx said:
The only JRPGs that I've ever enjoyed were Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem 6,7,8,9, and 10, and The Ogre Battle series. I just don't find most of them interesting, and I just prefer Western RPGs.
So you only enjoyed one JRPG. Since the rest weren't RPG's at all, but tactics games with (fairly weak) stories.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
JRPGs are pretty good. My favorites (and basically the only ones ive played):
Paper Mario
Mario and Luigi Superstar saga series
FF 12
Blue Dragon
Persona 4

one of my favorite RPGS ever is Persona 4.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I have never really played a JRPG (Unless you count Folklore as one). I prefer western style RPGs, always have. I just never liked the art style of anime and since that usually carries over to JRPGs i've never really cared for them either.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
I wouldn't say I hate them.
Final Fantasy and its offspring have always amused me and Dark Cloud was one of my favorite games.

So that's it.
They're as good as any other gaming genre but with a higher rate of fail imo.


New member
Oct 2, 2008
I Have one of the most variety when it comes to games. I enjoy almost every genre of game there is (Except sports, cant do sports games). Recently JRPGs have been high on my list because I've been Joygasming every day about dissidia lately and have played every final fantasy in anticipation. Im on ten now and loving it.


New member
May 19, 2008
Rush_Thores said:
Recently JRPGs have been high on my list because I've been Joygasming every day about dissidia lately and have played every final fantasy in anticipation. Im on ten now and loving it.
mmmm, playable demo comes out tomorrow (Jul,23) yay!! I didn't bother to import since I'd rather understand whats being said. I will not sleep until I have that demo!!

Whenever I crave for a good story, JRPG's are where I turn to. I also don't mind turn based combat, i actually enjoy it, I mean seriously it's not as bad as some people think it is. I'm sorta the other way around and tend to not be satisfied with WRPG's much...just just feel vapid and have no soul sometimes. They just become boring pointless grinds with shallow storylines. Thats not to say I have not played GOOD WRPG's, but most of them make me fall asleep.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Ok. Here is the funny part. Aside few, and by that I mean counted on the fingers of one hand, I consider most Jrpgs grindfests with flowcharts and stories written by people on drugs.

And yet I sometimes relish the idea of a grindfest every now and again. As long as it hasn't multiple kinds of grinding (eg weapons, skills, techniques, etc.) or difficult yet neccesary grinding (hello there Phantasy Star II)

As for western rpgs, while flowcharts still exist and combat is usually little more than clickfests, the story though is usually much better. Assuming it doesn't try to ape the bloody typical Tolkienesque mythology with disastrously laughable results yet again.

So, in my humble opinion, both western and eastern rpgs are flawed genres and in need of improvement. Mass Effect did provide an interesting, yet failed, attempt at improving combat and wasn't too complex. Now if the second one succeds at making the combat actually work great, then we could be looking at a great sequel.

And if both genres stopped using the "save the world from the evil wizard" plot point retardation, things could be better. Then again, the RPGs aren't the only genre to do that. A lot of films and games do that too. "Sigh"

Bourne Endeavor

New member
May 14, 2008
JRPGS have been my favorite genre and to this day that still holds true. I prefer games with a long detailed and engaging storyline with characters I can grow to care about. The storylines and/or character development presented in Lunar, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, FFX, Suikoden II and etc are fantastic. Unfortunately they have begun to heavily deviate from their roots, leaving us with games like FFXII. I want a complying storyline not a throw away MMO.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
A random person said:
And I don't care what you think about JRPG's, Chrono Trigger is awesome.

I do like JRPGs, but I can definitely see how some people wouldn't. Like alot of people I was introduced to RPGs with FFVII, and now that Square Enix has gone down the crapper in my opinion, if anyone would like to recommend some JRPG's for playstation, I am all ears. (My PS3 is fully backwards compatible.)


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
ZerOmega said:
The older I'm becoming, the less meaning jRPG seem to have. The plots start to sound the same. The characters seem to look alike. Everything just starts to recycle itself. I think I'll go to cry over there now.
You could say the same for almost every single genre of video games, or all kinds of media as a whole.
Biek said:
I think ive grown too old for them. The usually morale heavy storyline4s just sound dumb to me nowadays. The last JRPG I attempted to enjoy was Valkyria Chronicles and I actually ragequit during the opening intro. But thats also because im a European with an interest WWII history and dislike for Japanese pop culture.
I find that ironic since the game was based off of WWII. But if you're one of those hardcore WWII historical nut-jobs I would understand your dislike of this game. Then again I would find people like you to complain just about everything that's related to WWII as pure crap. However if you don't, then you're just a hypocrite.

I personally don't see the real difference between Western or Japanese RPGs. Both of them follow pretty linear stories that sound coincidentally similar to one another. But that's just my opinion. Also Anime is just like any show/movie with drama, just in an animated kind of format. Really I just don't see why some people love a certain show/movie when there is probably the same thing in Asia and choose to hate that one. It makes no sense to me.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
I have grown out of them. Still I enjoyed played them.

Good points:
Kickass animation. Awesome attacks.
Good plots.
Developed characters.

Weak points:
Slow action.
Status are a bunch of big numbers which have a strange addictive property. (Eastern RPGs also have that).
Lots of emos and girly men.
Nowadays storylines, plot and characters are getting old. New juice is needed.