Poll: What would you do in order to kill camping?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Ok I've been seeing a lot of posts on websites complaining about camping.But the one thing they couldn't do is actually figure out how to solve it as they were just complaining like the "others" of the internet.So what exactly would you do to your favorite games so as to eliminate camping, or at the very least make it increasingly difficult.
Oh, and on a side note the poll was added on as an afterthought.Its basically what it says so you can leave two opinions at once.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Seems to me that it's a rare occurance that someone accuses someone of "camping" when they actually were. Camping usually seems to mean that someone was sitting in a tactical defensive position and killed you and got you frustrated. Yes there can be camping if the spot is unfair or the guy just won't leave, but usually I dismiss accusations of camping. Defending a good spot or shooting from an ambush position are simply good tactics, which is why noobs get killed enough to complain about it all the time.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Look at this if you were in a real war youd rather be the camin sniper than the assulting marines


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Whoa kill camping? That's a bit extreme.
I think camping is a perfectly valid activity. There's nothing better than heading out into the wilds with a pack on your back and a song in your heart.

Edit: Oh you mean camping in games, ho ho silly me.
Well I think the solution is obvious, developers simply need to make it so that any player standing still for 0.05 seconds is instantly banned.
Voila, no camping.


New member
Mar 10, 2008

CAMPING: The act of staying in one spot for an excessive period of time, often for a whole match. Not to be confused with Defending or Sniping, Camping does not have an objective to justify the act of said Camping. Motivations of Camping include, raising Kill:Death ratio, being a dick, knowing that people usually come in the area of the camper.
EXCEPTIONS: Game modes requiring camping (which would be considered Defending), Games that encourage Camping (Metal Gear Online), a newbie at the game at which until said newbie gets good enough to go out on his or her own, a maximum or 2 kills and if streched 3 kills while camping. An enemy chasing you and you quickly hiding and poping out will be considered escape and defense and not condemn you of camping. Camping in a key building or structure that is essential for winning shall not be considered Camping but be considered Outsource Defending
EXAMPLE: A man staying in one spot with a shotgun the whole entire match in Call of Duty 4. This man popped out every time someone was near and quickly rushed back to his "heaven". His spot was the perfect place to throw back grenades and sheild himself from bullets. As a result, this man ranked up the most kills. This is considered camping as there was neither a mode or objective to justify this behavior.

Let's not compare Video Game Camping to Real Life Camping. They're two completely different things unless the Video Game is trying to be like real life.

For example, what about Camping in Unreal Tournament where you have these big-ass guns? What about in Halo when you're a super soldier with regenerating armor? What about if you just regenerate health in general? In real life, of course you're going to stay in one spot because you're not stupid enough to barge in head first. In video games however, there's a chance that you could just barge in and take out all the enemies without anyone noticing.

And because I like you guys, I'll post the other defenitions I wrote;

DEFENDING: Although similar to Camping but not to be confused with it, Defending requires an objective to justify the player staying in one spot often for an entire match. If however, you have a shotgunner far away from the actual objective and staying in one spot, that shall be considered Camping. As a result of this, weapons must be in reasonable fireing range for this to be considered Defending. Examples of this would be, Snipers on high ledges or other appropriate spots facing the objective or entrances (either outside or inside of the objective) of said objective, shotgunners near objective or possibly near entrances of said objective, Assault rifles near shotgunners or near entrances, etc... Defensive spot can be anywhere near or outside while still within reasonable distance of the objective.
EXCEPTIONS: A single or possibly group of people far away from the objective. What constitutes as far away from objective is debatable, but usually accross the map is a bit to far. Men/Women on the other side of the map staying in one spot instead of near the objective shall be considered camping.

SNIPING: While very similar to Camping, it must not be confused with Camping but can be a result of Defending. A Sniper is a person who chooses a Sniper Rifle type weapon for medium to long range attacks. Depending on the type of Sniper Rifle (Semi-Automatic, Bolt-Action) the person weilding said Sniper Rifle cannot move too much for fear of being caught in CQB which is the Sniper Rifles weakness in some cases. A Sniper can stay in one spot for an entire match provided that he or she does not exploit glitches to give the Sniper and unfair advantage.
EXCEPTIONS: Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifles in some cases, staying in one spot not suited for a Sniper Rifle in an attempt of getting "No Scopes" and "One-Shot-Kills" while staying in that one spot shall be considered Camping, an enemy coming up behind the Sniper and the Sniper using his Rifle for CQB for defense.

OUTSOURCE DEFENDING: Outsource Defending, while also similar to camping, is staying in one spot which is not near the objective but staying in a key spot for victory such as a Building or a Spawn Point. However, once you gain control of said Key Point, depending on the Key Point taken, staying in there can be considered Camping. If there are other Key Points (bases to be caputred) then staying at one can be considered both Camping and Defending which is why spotting Outsource Defending so difficult.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
steeltrain post=9.71078.712730 said:
If someone wants to sit in a corner all game thats their perogative. I say let em.
I've never looked at it that way but yeah it makes sense.

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Camping is caused by bad level and play ballancing decisions. If the optimal stratigy is to point a railgun down a long hallway and wait, don't go blaming the guy who uses that strategy. Fortunatly game designers caught on and started making games that favored different optimal strategies. Death cams, bullet permiable walls, and area effect weapons that don't require line of sight has made camping less optimal of a strategy. If you want to get rid of camping, play games that are designed not to reward campers.


New member
Dec 14, 2007
Play CoD4. The killcam makes it so anybody with half of a brain can take out a camper in games that allow respawn.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
i honestly think nothing is wrong with camping, in fact, i do it just about every time i play online games. it's a pretty obvious but effective strategy.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Sorry, Camping is just the way some people play.
When it comes down to it, its just Ambushing, a very common tactic in real warfare


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
Well, considering the only FPS I really play any more is Team Fortress 2, I don't encounter all that much camping. Firstly because it's usually an attack/defend game, so camping is kinda necessary. Secondly because camping without ever changing location is nigh-impossible, not to mention highly ineffective. The game is too fast paced for that.


New member
May 9, 2008
Some games like the afore mentioned COD4 and Rainbow Six have features that discourage camping already. More games could have that I suppose. I'd like to see them be optional though when setting up the multiplayer map like the way some games let you set "insta gib" or "no rocket launchers" as options.

I don't have a problem with camping. It's spawn killing that I can't stand. Give a guy a second to get his bearings before you cap him will ya guys?


New member
May 28, 2008
Kill Camping? I dunno, if someone wants to camp, that's their deal. I find campers usually don't rack up nearly as many kills as active runners anyways.

If I find someone actually camping though, I make it a point to go back and kill them. It's easy enough considering you know exactly where they are and can get the drop on them. The way I see it, it discourages camping, since people who have picked up on that habit of mine don't seem to stay in one spot for too long.

Most people who play as snipes are smart enough not to camp anyways because of this too. They make a kill, and move to a new position.

Spawn camping however is a different issue, but if the game is spawning you in front of enemies, then that's just a bad decision on the part of the designers.