Dreiko said:
Stoning women who cheat is more something that's imposed on people who are living under a dictatorial theocracy rather than simply their culture. People are literally forced to do that because of their system of government.
Japan is a democracy and infinitely freeer than Saudi Arabia hence their culture is actually indeed just as valid as that of any other first world country and we get to tell them to be like us no more than they get to tell us to be like them. You literally have no place to stand to say this, even if you think you're 50 years ahead and whatnot. That's just arrogance if someone thinks that.
Also for the record I think it's pretty cynical to think all those normal people in Saudi Arabia are willing members of a death cult and share in its culture. I think in essence they're held captive by it. I'm sure most people would not choose to actually kill women who cheat if they weren't under pressure of conforming to the state religion over the barrel of a gun (or over the edge of a sword as it were).
Every culture has the capacity to hold its people captive in some form or another. That's what cultures and traditions tend to do. I'm sure if you ask individual japanese citizens if they have anything againsts foreigners they'd say no, and actually mean it. That doesn't mean Japan overall isn't way less inclined to accept foreigners.
And this isn't about what cultures are superior to others, but about what aspects of certain cultures are just not good for decent human living. Japan practically has zero gun crime, which is good. It also puts a ludicrous emphasis on productivity with normalized 110 hour work weeks, resulting in people literally working themselves to death, a situation that actually has a word for it in Japan. And that's bad. Brushing that off by claiming 'that's just their culture' and 'it's just as valid as that of any other first world country' completely ignores that this is a problem that this country needs to work on. Just as America needs to work on it's rampant gun crime, or how other countries treat its elderly/mentally handicapped like complete shit.
Every country has its problems, problems that result in human suffering, physically and/or emotionally. And saying that addressing these problems is arrogant isn't how you take steps to actually solving these problems. And if people are plainly being put in a corner expecting them to act a certain way, like women having to act shy and demure, then that's a cultural difference that's very problematic.