Poll: Why do you (not) eat meat?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Commonly Confused said:
Assuming the meat was obtained rightfully (that is, no one was murdered for it) and it was cooked thoroughly, I probably would not have a problem with trying human meat.
cultured human meat anyone?

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
I eat what I feel is filling, that happens to be meat, I also try to eat healthy. But it's not like I would die without meat, I love tofu.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
The only meat I eat is the meat from the livestock that I've personally met. I have a family friend who oversees the growth and slaughter of his animals on a small farm personally, and he sells my family some meat for a good price once a week for a roast. I don't like the large scale slaughter of animals, it just doesn't feel necessary. The ends don't justify the means and the detriments that it ultimately has on our society.
In the future, when I've moved away from home, I intend to find such a private source again - or just go veggie.
Unfortunately there is a double standard to this. I eat fish far more often, and don't check the source. I know it isn't good, but for some reason I really struggle to have sympathy for fish.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Because meat is delicious-tasty-lovely, the rarer the better :D

If bears stop eating fish, you end up with pathetic pandas that dont even want to survive anymore... (just let them go, its what they want)
...not sure where im going with that... but its a sentence thats somewhat related.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Pinkie-Pie-Party said:
I eat meat, it just tastes really good. I sometimes feel bad for the animals, but at the end of the day, it's what humans have evolved to do. We are meat eaters, and that's all there is to it. But I respect people's choices, and I like seeing that most restaurants have vegetarian options these days.
Evolution just comes about from one behavior being more advantageous than another behavior. And I think common sense tells us that what is most advantageous is not always, and in fact is almost always not, the moral thing to do. The argument "Eating meat is okay because we're evolved to do it" is essentially a restatement of "Eating meat is okay because our ancestors did it a lot several million years ago." That's silly. If our ancestors were adept at raping, we'd probably develop spiked penises; that doesn't mean that you could use the existence of your dickbarbs to explain why raping is okay today.

I don't consume animal products because I like having a simple, fresh diet. I don't think the consumption of animal products, meat included, is a priori wrong, but I think that killing any living being is a bad idea and I don't really want to be involved in it. I think butchers and slaughterhouse workers/owners are doing terrible, unjustifiable things but those who eat the meat after it's been slaughtered are just being at most a little blind in their complicity.

Rocklobster93 said:
I remember seriously considering becoming a vegetarian a couple years ago (albeit the consideration only lasted one day, serious as it was) and I think that the bottom line is just that I love meat way, way too much to give it up, to the point where I almost get angry if there isn't any for dinner.
So you think it's okay to let your personal desire for pleasure outweigh your consideration for the welfare of other beings? I respect someone who says they don't find anything wrong with eating meat, but it's such a wimpy argument to say "I know it's wrong, but it just tastes so good."

If you really feel something is wrong, at least try and stop doing it. Don't just throw up your hands like you're some slave to your bacon fetish.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
I eat it because I like the taste.
Same reason I eat anything else.

Well, that and because sometimes I'm hungry and need to eat.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I eat meat because: A) We need about a fist of meat every day to grow healthy and B) I'm saving animals from PETA. They kill 99.5% of the animals they "Save", so I put the animals to use.

The Night Angel

New member
Dec 30, 2011
peruvianskys said:
I never said it was 'moral'. I am a moral relativist, and I just said we'd evolved to do it, which is true. Whether it is right or wrong I don't know, I'll leave such concerns to smarter people than myself. All I know is that humans are animals, and I don't see why we should be the only omnivores that don't eat meat. Again, I respect your decision, I would appreciate it if you could appreciate mine, and not compare it to rape.