Poll: Why do you (not) eat meat?


Big Stupid Jellyfish
Jun 7, 2010
I don't. Because:

(main reasons)
1. I don't like meat.
2. It doesn't get along well with my health.
3. I like vegetarian food much, much more.
(side reasons)
4. Meat industry, in its current state, is somewhat harmful to the planet.
5. I love animals (alive).

However, I am guilty of still eating fish. Since my health is very dependent on what I eat, I had to continue eating at least something coming from a vertebrate, so I chose fish because it's damn good, healthy and pretty much a standard food on the menu in my area (and I know it comes directly from the sea, and not some farming facility). So, if you're picky, I'm actually a pescetarian. Still, many people I talk to say that fish doesn't count as "real meat". Whatever rocks their boat.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
It cracks me up when people say it's harmful for the environment. No, it's the natural way of things since fucking ever. It's actually good for the environment. Just don't hunt everything to extinction, and it's all good.

Anything in excess is bad, but in moderation meat is great.

I eat it because it's delicious and filling. And delicious. Nothing is better than a good medium rare steak... Other than a bucket of hot wings. ;)


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
because its delcious and I see no probelmw with it

also coming from a rural background gives you somwhat...uhh "relaxed" veiws on animal rights

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Why is there a pole for this and why are all 3 nothing that I would vote for?

And why can't I spell poll?


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I eat meat because it's tasty. Plus, y'know, humans are supposed to. It's part of our natural diet.

teh lurker

New member
Nov 11, 2009
I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Cow, very tasty.
Pig, also very tasty.
Deer, much tastier than cow and pig combined.
Bear, almost as tasty as cow, just a little gamey.
Alligator, kinda dry, but edible I guess.
Kangaroo, not bad, not quite as good a bear.
Elk, right up there with deer.

Anything that has an exoskeleton and scuttles in the sea, I can't eat. I'm deathly allergic to shellfish. I don't really care for things that swim either. Stuff with feathers I can tolerate to an extent, but I'd rather eat something that once had fur and possibly antlers. That said, I don't make fun of people who don't eat meat, for the same reason that I don't make fun of people that need religion in their lives. Different strokes for different folks. And to those of you that don't eat meat, thanks. More for me.


New member
Jan 7, 2012
My options are limited and I have trouble getting the correct amounts of nutrients from other sources to combine together to make the proteins that are available through meat. That and I cannot stand fruit ... ><


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I've been hunting since I was young, and even though I feel a varying level of guilt at shooting a turkey or duck or pheasant or squirrel, I have no problem with continuing to do so, as they are far more delicious than any store-bought counterpart. Same with fish.

It would be cool to see bison become the staple beef animal. Once herds were grown large enough of course.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I've been hunting since I was young, and even though I feel a varying level of guilt at shooting a turkey or duck or pheasant or squirrel, I have no problem with continuing to do so, as they are far more delicious than any store-bought counterpart. Same with fish.

It would be cool to see bison become the staple beef animal. Once herds were grown large enough of course.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
Lookie here, son. I'm from 'merica. And here in 'merica, we eat meat. We don't need none of you sissy French types runnin' 'round tellin' us not to eat meat. When I see a cow, I don't think "Ooh, look, a cow. Let's protect it and shit." I think "Damn that looks tasty!"

Sorry, that was fun.

OT: I eat meat mostly because it tastes good. That's pretty much why anyone eats anything, right?
Tanis said:
Lets face it, planets are alive as well,
Holy fuck, they are?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I eat meat because it tastes good plus I'm biologically designed to eat it and enjoy it.
Besides, if it's so harmful to eat meat then those extremist vegetarians need to go to all the carnivores and explain why it's wrong to eat meat.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I don't eat red meat. Not for any ethical reason; I just don't like the taste. The only meat I enjoy is chicken or pork. And some fish. Are fish considered meat? Or are they just fish?

I think it should be noted, though, that due to herd animals being moderately to severely useless in the wild, their species only continue mainly because of humanity's need of them for food. As far as I know.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I eat meat because it tastes pretty darn good most of the time. I really like fast-food meat stuff... =P

Plus, it would be inconvenient not to...


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Without humans, what would happen to the modern cow? It would go extinct, because it is no longer suited to the wilds. So every hamburger I eat is supporting the survival of cows as a species.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
On my own, i tend not to eat meat, for a variety of reasons.

Though, because i currently live in a house with someone who is unfortunately allergic to almost all food (can't eat much dairy, no grain except rice and some corn, most fruits are a problem, a few vegetables are a problem) I kinda have no choice, unless I were cook my own food.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Soods said:
Greetings humans. Today I would simply like to know, why do you eat meat? And if you do not eat meat, you can tell why not.

I do not eat meat because I believe it is harmful for the environment. And I hate the greasy taste it leaves in my mouth. Also: "Look at me! I'm so hipster for not eating meat!"
Ok, before I say why I eat meat (which I do), I have to point out that most of the world doesn't usually eat meat, so technically eating meat is the hipster option.

OT: I eat meat because I enjoy the taste and texture. Now granted, vegetables are technically more healthy, but I'd rather live to be 60 and enjoy the taste of meat than live to be 90 and never know the succulent flavour of bacon. Besides, Omnivores and Carnivores exist for a reason. If all of the complex organisms ate plant life, we'd swiftly consume all flora on the planet, and with it all of Earth's oxygen. And we'd all DIE. I'm just maintaining the balance.