Poll: Why does everyone hate ME3 so badly?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
They put Snooki in my Mass Effect!


WHY, GOD, WHY?!?!?!


[sub] That was petty, I know. Just wanted to do that. Haven't actually played Mass Effect 3 yet. Want to, though. I actually won't mind Snooki/Jessica Chobot, it's just wierd. [/sub]


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Risingblade said:
Aside from a few bugs it was going great until the ending. God damn what a way to ruin a great game.
FutureJarhead16 said:
Mass Effect 3 was a fantastic game until the ending. Full of emotion, drama and action. The ending ruined the entire series for me.
Nothing Tra La La said:
The game was, up until the ending, absolutely fantastic. Gameplay was incredibly fluid and fun, and the characters had been written so well that it just made the ending even more unfair.
I'm okay with Shep making the ultimate sacrifice, but I'm not okay with the complete bullshit reasoning. Kid AI saying that organics must be destroyed because they'll make synthetics that destroy them? What? Plus, it makes every choice you've made completely irrelevant.
The absolute worst part of the endings, for me at least, is that there is zero closure. You don't know what happens to your team mates, your friends, your love interest, hell, the rest of the galaxy. It's just "Shepard saved the day by dying, lol the end!"
I really feel like the ending(s) singlehandedly ruined the game for me. The biggest part of the Mass Effect series was, for me, it's replayability. I have so many Shepard's that I was ecstatic to bring into ME3. Now, I don't even want to bother because I know the bleak, unsatisfying outcome.
erttheking said:
ME3 is a sad case for me because it has two flaws, one is Tali's face (which to be fair I got over quickly) and the other is the ending, which completely ruined an otherwise flawless game for me.
Fappy said:
Exactly how I feel. It's like they wrote the entire story flawlessly and put off the ending until the last second. I boggles my mind.
Christ, you guys are scaring me. I saw the reactions to the leaks and just thought it was the usual panic before a release, now people having the same reaction after playing it is unsettling. It can't be as bad as DA2's ending....can it?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Lear said:
Funny thing is and this annoyed me is that she barely has any importance, she's just there 99% of the time, occupying Zaeed's room, just not doing much, all like "look at me, you know who i am!!! wink wink"

RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Christ, you guys are scaring me. I saw the reactions to the leaks and just thought it was the usual panic before a release, now people having the same reaction after playing it is unsettling. It can't be as bad as DA2's ending....can it?
The ending is worse than DA 2, the game however is in my opinion one of the finest most engaging stories i've played in a long time.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Risingblade said:
Aside from a few bugs it was going great until the ending. God damn what a way to ruin a great game.
FutureJarhead16 said:
Mass Effect 3 was a fantastic game until the ending. Full of emotion, drama and action. The ending ruined the entire series for me.
Nothing Tra La La said:
The game was, up until the ending, absolutely fantastic. Gameplay was incredibly fluid and fun, and the characters had been written so well that it just made the ending even more unfair.
I'm okay with Shep making the ultimate sacrifice, but I'm not okay with the complete bullshit reasoning. Kid AI saying that organics must be destroyed because they'll make synthetics that destroy them? What? Plus, it makes every choice you've made completely irrelevant.
The absolute worst part of the endings, for me at least, is that there is zero closure. You don't know what happens to your team mates, your friends, your love interest, hell, the rest of the galaxy. It's just "Shepard saved the day by dying, lol the end!"
I really feel like the ending(s) singlehandedly ruined the game for me. The biggest part of the Mass Effect series was, for me, it's replayability. I have so many Shepard's that I was ecstatic to bring into ME3. Now, I don't even want to bother because I know the bleak, unsatisfying outcome.
erttheking said:
ME3 is a sad case for me because it has two flaws, one is Tali's face (which to be fair I got over quickly) and the other is the ending, which completely ruined an otherwise flawless game for me.
Fappy said:
Exactly how I feel. It's like they wrote the entire story flawlessly and put off the ending until the last second. I boggles my mind.
Christ, you guys are scaring me. I saw the reactions to the leaks and just thought it was the usual panic before a release, now people having the same reaction after playing it is unsettling. It can't be as bad as DA2's ending....can it?
I never played DA2 but buddy the ending to ME3...wow...I have no idea what they were thinking. It's like serving a customer a delicious five course meal and then for dessert just taking a shit on a plate.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
So, this looks like the hundreds of other threads regarding the hate towards DA2. I'm sure ME3 is a perfectly wonderful game until the end, which was exactly my opinion on DA2(but seriously that ending was bad). I can understand how people would be getting upset over the implied lack of choice for the endings, after spending all that time making decisions in their own respective versions of the ME universe, that "rage" is understandable. However, the rage against Bioware for using stock photographs is ridiculous. It does not effect the game, how it is played, or the experience you have. It was a choice on their part to attempt to convey their ideas for parts of the game, and honestly how were the original stock photos found? Did someone tirelessly search for them, just to prove that they think Bioware is a bad studio, and in effect get hundreds of annoyed, or pretending to be annoyed and over reacting, lovers of the franchise on Bioware's case? I just don't understand why that specific aspect should matter, or why people would be upset about it, but that, I suppose, is the internet.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Zetsubou-Sama said:
Darkwhite said:
I know you don't have to, but from what I gather there is almost no leeway with it, a couple of things get locked out and you can't end it that way, of course this may all be bad info I've been getting, even so, not fond of those online players getting an easy ride =p
This is true, you have to do a 99% sidequest run for the best endings but to be honest the way they use war assets as rewards for sidequests kind of tricked me into feeling compelled to do it not for the endings, but because i wanted to have those Heavy artillery Elchor in my fleet of awesomeness
Yep, they got me with that too, sly sods, I guess it doesn't help I like to have a tidy journal, all codex entries read, side quests done, I just hope we actually see some of these assets in action, personally I've got to see the sort of weaponry the Elchor use, but I'm guessing thats not gonna happen...

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
XUnsafeNormalX said:
Have you seen the ending? The entire game is great until the last 15 minutes, then they proceed to invalidate all your accomplishments and shoehorn you into three variations of the same ending that are all filled with plot-holes and are completely unsatisfying.

It turns out a large majority of your choices didn't actually mean anything, and for a series that's been boasting about it's choices actually meaning something for the past 5 years it has completely failed in that department.
This. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind how Shepard ends up quite so much, but the endings all felt depressing, hollow, and like no matter what, you might as well sit there and just go "Ok Reapers, just wipe us out. Get it over with.", and it would be just as satisfying.

Overall through, the game was amazing. The combat felt worlds better than Mass Effect 2, the dialogue and interactions were better than the first and second games combined, especially with the bonding moments you could have with each member of the crew. Those of you who had a trip to a certain part of the Citadel with Garrus know exactly what I'm talking about. The squadmates all felt so... Human, for lack of a better term. There were moments I grinned, laughed, and even felt sad because of what they were going through.

Just... Damn it, Bioware, you're a great developer and I love your games, its just that this is like carrying a football across the entire field without a single problem, then fumbling just before you can make a near flawless touchdown.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Risingblade said:
Aside from a few bugs it was going great until the ending. God damn what a way to ruin a great game.
FutureJarhead16 said:
Mass Effect 3 was a fantastic game until the ending. Full of emotion, drama and action. The ending ruined the entire series for me.
Nothing Tra La La said:
The game was, up until the ending, absolutely fantastic. Gameplay was incredibly fluid and fun, and the characters had been written so well that it just made the ending even more unfair.
I'm okay with Shep making the ultimate sacrifice, but I'm not okay with the complete bullshit reasoning. Kid AI saying that organics must be destroyed because they'll make synthetics that destroy them? What? Plus, it makes every choice you've made completely irrelevant.
The absolute worst part of the endings, for me at least, is that there is zero closure. You don't know what happens to your team mates, your friends, your love interest, hell, the rest of the galaxy. It's just "Shepard saved the day by dying, lol the end!"
I really feel like the ending(s) singlehandedly ruined the game for me. The biggest part of the Mass Effect series was, for me, it's replayability. I have so many Shepard's that I was ecstatic to bring into ME3. Now, I don't even want to bother because I know the bleak, unsatisfying outcome.
erttheking said:
ME3 is a sad case for me because it has two flaws, one is Tali's face (which to be fair I got over quickly) and the other is the ending, which completely ruined an otherwise flawless game for me.
Fappy said:
Exactly how I feel. It's like they wrote the entire story flawlessly and put off the ending until the last second. I boggles my mind.
Christ, you guys are scaring me. I saw the reactions to the leaks and just thought it was the usual panic before a release, now people having the same reaction after playing it is unsettling. It can't be as bad as DA2's ending....can it?
It is worse than DA2's I would say... though the rest of ME3 is good where as all of DA2 was not.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I don't think it's a bad game but the writers seem to have gotten more and more lazy since ME1. Some parts of the game are just so stupid or contrived. I mean come on, you have Reapers trying to stop on Shepard like Godzilla. Why not just fly into the air and drop a nuke on top of Shepard?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
KingofMadCows said:
I don't think it's a bad game but the writers seem to have gotten more and more lazy since ME1. Some parts of the game are just so stupid or contrived. I mean come on, you have Reapers trying to stop on Shepard like Godzilla. Why not just fly into the air and drop a nuke on top of Shepard?
Because Reaper's goal is to indoctrinate and assimilate as many organics as possible. Not to kill them off.

In hindsight, they're kinda like the borg. They will kill if necessary, but mostly assimilation.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm neutral leaning towards negative. I'm not buying the game until an Origin free version comes out, and I am very critical of Bioware and EA's marketing decisions.

However, I think the biggest problem is not just the haters, but the extremes on each end. Instead of people who dislike the game, you hear them ripping it apart and then attacking people who do like the game.

In reverse, you have people claiming it's the best thing ever and then mocking anyone who disagrees with them in turn.

I honestly hate both groups, since they're both a pain in the ass and excruciatingly smug.


New member
May 23, 2011
Personally I LOVED Mass Effect 3 up until the last 15min or so of the game. From that moment on I had a really really bad feeling. And alas I was right, the endings left me not even wanting to touch the game, or any other mass effect game for a looooooooooong time. It's a damn shame :(


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I loved the endings because they actually make sense with the story.

The Mass Relays and The Citadel were devices built by The Reapers to impose technological and social limits and force civilization down the path the Reapers chose, which is to say a dead end one.

While destroying the Mass Relays sets the galaxy back thousands of years it also free galactic civilization from never ending enslavement.

Leaving the Mass Relays would only means civilization continued to be slaves, and would stagnate one they hit the end of the Reapers path. But what is WORSE about it is that at that point they would now be willing slaves to a slave master who is no longer alive.

Post mass relay civilization now has a chance to go down the path that they choose for themselves instead of the Reapers path, the unfortunate problem is that civilization as it was, was already to far down The Reapers path to be fixed, it had to be destroyed.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
jason27131 said:
KingofMadCows said:
I don't think it's a bad game but the writers seem to have gotten more and more lazy since ME1. Some parts of the game are just so stupid or contrived. I mean come on, you have Reapers trying to stop on Shepard like Godzilla. Why not just fly into the air and drop a nuke on top of Shepard?
Because Reaper's goal is to indoctrinate and assimilate as many organics as possible. Not to kill them off.

In hindsight, they're kinda like the borg. They will kill if necessary, but mostly assimilation.
And I'm not saying that the Reapers should go around nuking everything, just the places and people who pose a threat. Places like the Shroud tower that was going to be used to create the genophage cure and people like Shepard.

The Reapers are also like the Borg in that they went through some badass decay. The writers made them a bit too powerful in ME1 so they made them weaker and dumber in ME3, just like how Voyager made the Borg weaker and dumber.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
KingofMadCows said:
jason27131 said:
KingofMadCows said:
I don't think it's a bad game but the writers seem to have gotten more and more lazy since ME1. Some parts of the game are just so stupid or contrived. I mean come on, you have Reapers trying to stop on Shepard like Godzilla. Why not just fly into the air and drop a nuke on top of Shepard?
Because Reaper's goal is to indoctrinate and assimilate as many organics as possible. Not to kill them off.

In hindsight, they're kinda like the borg. They will kill if necessary, but mostly assimilation.
And I'm not saying that the Reapers should go around nuking everything, just the places and people who pose a threat. Places like the Shroud tower that was going to be used to create the genophage cure and people like Shepard.

The Reapers are also like the Borg in that they went through some badass decay. The writers made them a bit too powerful in ME1 so they made them weaker and dumber in ME3, just like how Voyager made the Borg weaker and dumber.
So true. I'm actually not sure, but then again, who ever said the ME3 writers were remotely bright? Judging from the ending, they're obviously not. It would take a massive moron to NOT see the endings would piss off more than half the fans.