Poll: Why isn't Australia in any shooters?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Bobbity said:
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]
And we can make some excellent films, actually.

Wolf Creek, for example.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Australian soldiers are too well trained and slaughter any enemy too efficiently to make a challenging game about them.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Ooh, how about a "Monster Hunter Oz"? Similar to Monster Hunter Tri (except good) but set in the Aussie outback, and the objective is to survive the wildlife? It'd be like Steve Irwin with weapons, but you'd die long before getting as far as stingrays.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Trolldor said:
Bobbity said:
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]
And we can make some excellent films, actually.

Wolf Creek, for example.
I was exaggerating. :p There are some genuinely good Australian films, but the crap far outnumbers them.

OT again: I'd actually kind of like to see a video game following Aussie soldiers in WW1. I don't know that anyone would be interested in making it, but our soldiers had a reputation amongst of being violent, unpredictable savages, and it'd be amusing to see that going on in the context of the first World War.

Besides which, why do we never get any games based in that period of time? I know that if it was done in CoD style, the one shot rifles and crappy technology would make it boring as shit, but surely there must be a good way of doing it. I mean, it's not as if the first world war wasn't exciting or anything.[footnote]Well, the majority of it would have been boring as hell, but that's the way of all wars, I'm told. I meant the battles. :p[/footnote]


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Though I gotta say, while there aren't any shooters based in Australia, there are a ton of thriller and action books that Australia features prominently in. Despite this, most if not all are written by Australian authors which kind of takes the fun out of it.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Bobbity said:
Trolldor said:
Bobbity said:
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]
And we can make some excellent films, actually.

Wolf Creek, for example.
I was exaggerating. :p There are some genuinely good Australian films, but the crap far outnumbers them.

OT again: I'd actually kind of like to see a video game following Aussie soldiers in WW1. I don't know that anyone would be interested in making it, but our soldiers had a reputation amongst of being violent, unpredictable savages, and it'd be amusing to see that going on in the context of the first World War.

Besides which, why do we never get any games based in that period of time? I know that if it was done in CoD style, the one shot rifles and crappy technology would make it boring as shit, but surely there must be a good way of doing it. I mean, it's not as if the first world war wasn't exciting or anything.[footnote]Well, the majority of it would have been boring as hell, but that's the way of all wars, I'm told. I meant the battles. :p[/footnote]
There was Gallipoli, but I don't think all that much of it.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Bobbity said:
Trolldor said:
Bobbity said:
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]
And we can make some excellent films, actually.

Wolf Creek, for example.
I was exaggerating. :p There are some genuinely good Australian films, but the crap far outnumbers them.

OT again: I'd actually kind of like to see a video game following Aussie soldiers in WW1. I don't know that anyone would be interested in making it, but our soldiers had a reputation amongst of being violent, unpredictable savages, and it'd be amusing to see that going on in the context of the first World War.

Besides which, why do we never get any games based in that period of time? I know that if it was done in CoD style, the one shot rifles and crappy technology would make it boring as shit, but surely there must be a good way of doing it. I mean, it's not as if the first world war wasn't exciting or anything.[footnote]Well, the majority of it would have been boring as hell, but that's the way of all wars, I'm told. I meant the battles. :p[/footnote]
To be fair, before Wolf Creek I don't think I could have made that comment.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Because all the Australian developers are making American shooters or have shut down.

Also, it's the Aussie film argument ? it's classified as foreign, so no-one bothers to watch it unless it has a scene of the hero abseiling down a firey liftshaft or at least one gratuitous sex scene.


New member
May 30, 2010
Like everyone else has said, there isn't enough Political interest going on. We were attacked, what, twice in WW1-2. We had a bombing in Darwin and Japanese subs in Sydney harbour. That's it.

Also, we don't have gun shops. Only farmers have them. And Australian farmers almost never use them. (they use their hands, yah)

The only game I think would fit is in the 18 hundreds, when it was being colonised. You had hardcore bushrangers who stole stuff and killed more people than any famous gunslinger in the West. Then there are convicts who were seperated from everyone they knew and are just trying to survive. Then there are migrants from China, Germany, Italy, Greece, England, Scotland, Ireland... Mix in the jerk white (mostly British and Australian) guys who killed native Aboriginals and took their women. All this happened while trying to survive in an extremely dry, strange land. Farming was a shambles for a while.

You've got some pretty heavy stuff to work with there. The only thing is... I can't imagine any good guy role for this. Not for a first person shooter. Maybe a survival game. Ah, I don't know.

This would also be very controversal. The government is very touchy about Aboriginals these days and if you had a game in which they were killed, there'd be serious trouble.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Dylan Bonnett said:
seriously why does america have to be the focus of every realistic modern shooter
* Americans are the biggest market for games and they mystifyingly want games about themselves all the time, so that's what the market caters for. There's enough risks as it is publishing a big-budget game title, why take a further risky step by setting it somewhere your thickeared 11 year old audience can't relate to.

* Very few people outside Australia ever get Australian accents right, so making an Australian title would be taxing on voice talent.

* Most of the major conficts Australians have been in (colossal failure at Galippoli, Darwin getting the crap bombed out of it, etc) kinda sucked and would not make great computer games.

Dylan Bonnett said:
I leave you with this AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI!
Ugh, don't do that, as an Australian, hearing other Australians carry on like that is embarrasingly cringeworthy, it reminds me of Australian Neo-Nazis who just love saying that stuff while they're bashing asians.


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
Oh look, a thread about Australia that turns into an Anti-US thread... What a surprise!

I would actually like to play an FPS based somewhat or solely around Australia. I think it would be interesting to see an FPS from the perspective of someone other than an American, Brit, or Russian. I also kind of want to see if someone will finally portray the Steyr AUG A3 (Are you guys using the A3's now? Or still on the A2/A1?) correctly. Hell, I wanted to see Homefront from the perspective of a Korean. However, a game based IN Australia would only be recognizable if they put in something like the Sydney Opera House. A game based AROUND Australia would only be recognizable if they all sounded and acted like Crocodile Dundee. That being said, it's much easier for developers to show that their characters are American, British, or Russian because the stereotypes surrounding them are so common and well-known. Not many people know an Australian stereotype other than the accent. And pretty soon everyone will get tired of the "That's not a knife" line.
Bobbity said:
Trolldor said:
Bobbity said:
Because we're boring as shit, and we make incredibly bad films and video games. [sub]Well, maybe the last one isn't entirely true.[/sub]
And we can make some excellent films, actually.

Wolf Creek, for example.
I was exaggerating. :p There are some genuinely good Australian films, but the crap far outnumbers them.

OT again: I'd actually kind of like to see a video game following Aussie soldiers in WW1. I don't know that anyone would be interested in making it, but our soldiers had a reputation amongst of being violent, unpredictable savages, and it'd be amusing to see that going on in the context of the first World War.

Besides which, why do we never get any games based in that period of time? I know that if it was done in CoD style, the one shot rifles and crappy technology would make it boring as shit, but surely there must be a good way of doing it. I mean, it's not as if the first world war wasn't exciting or anything.
I think the biggest problem is how they would structure the battles. Hours upon hours of mindless boredom and then you get gassed and everyone dies. Or more bored staring off to space and suddenly 600 men half a mile away from you get out of the trench and run towards you only to be cut down by the Lewis gun 10 feet away from you. That battle sounds intense, but you can't base a game off of small things like that and hope for it to succeed. Each battle would be around 10 minutes and then everyone dies. Not much fun.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Well, the only thing that comes to mind is a Mad Max shooter. But then again the post-apocalypse setting is being done to death right now, and a mediocre Mad Max shooter wouldn't serve it justice....:(


New member
Jan 1, 2011
call of duty eraeka stockade lol lol lol
though i would play a game set in the bombing of darwin
though if you pay a little atenion they do say the headquarters of the unsc from halo
is in sydney


New member
Jun 6, 2009
It's pretty hard to characterize an Aussie who isn't a Crocodile Dundee clone without everybody thinking he's a Brit. It'd be like setting a game in Georgia or something, it would be overshadowed by the similarities to Russia.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
The best way I can think of to make an 'Aussie' shooter is the following:

It is 2073, Australia has established itself as the Western power of the Southern Hemisphere through trade and military alliances with the US, Asia and the UK. A successful exporter of yellow cake, mineral ore and wheat combined with intelligent economic policy (all the Aussies on the board may now begin laughing) have brought an increase in population and nationalism and thus, military enlistment.

Relations with Indonesia are at all time low since an huge resurgence of radical Islam through Jemaah Islamiyah; and it all kicks off when RAAF Base Worthington in East Timor is attacked, its personnel executed and equipment stolen by Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah soldiers, who are staging a coup to take control of the Indonesian archipelago and establish a caliphate.

The government orders immediate retaliation: B-52's from RAAF Base Darwin begin a bombing campaign to soften the area for a ground war: however there would be a few major ways to play:

3rd RAR air dropped into East Timor to help retake the Airbase and establish safe landing for Airforce GDF soldiers via helicopter. FPS, CoD/MoH style

SASR incursions into Indonesian jungle to root out camps and gather intel: 3rd person Splinter Cell style: climb trees, hide in water, under logs etc. Emphasis on stealth and guerrilla warfare.

Naval Clearance Divers engaging in sabotage and mine laying at major ports in enemy territory and a commando raid to take and hold a major East Timor port to allow the Navy to establish a presence and move troops and logistical support forward.

Just a thought.

NB: The RAAF does not have a base in East Timor, this is a made up one named after actor Sam Worthington, nor do our Airforce own B-52 planes.

Dylan Bonnett

New member
Feb 21, 2011
ryai458 said:
Dylan Bonnett said:
F said:
Because America is actively picking fights, where as everybody loves Australians
by all means Australia doesn't have to be the good guy australia can join up with many other contrys that want america taken down a few notches.
You can't beat America if we start losing we would nuke you till you glow.
The Americian citizens wouldn't stand up for that they'ed over throw the government because of all the enviromental effects infact i think we're more caring arount the enviroment perhaps more than the 80's that aside it would ruin a good portion of the meat industry and the mining industry. even if that didn't hapen the amercain allies woudn't continue thus ending the war in our favour as we would get the sympathy card witch would make Australia look like the good guy and america will be flung of its high horse witch then would make world peace slightly easier because without that one country thinking its more than everyone else finally everyone could possibly be an equal to each other.

Falseprophet said:
Dylan Bonnett said:
but australia has a wealth of historic wars for example the ANZACS (Australia New Zealand Army Corps)witch fought in gallipoli and other battles. whitch is so memorable in Australian and New Zealand minds that it even has a cookie named after it or even a modern shooter made completely out of creativity sort of like 'Bulletstorm' minus the space marines.

so give me your thoughts or feelings about this I leave you with this AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI!
Clearly my friend, a Canadian studio needs to team up with an Australian one, and make an FPS where the Canadian Corps and the ANZACs team up to win World War One, since we both did all the heavy lifting for the Commonwealth in that war.
very true good sir and think of the possibilitys this game if done right could tell what brave acts of bravery our countrys instead of what Americains have to tell witch have all heard before (whitch in my mind wasn't that much that i know of). hell if was good enough we could crack open a can of worms that could lead to games having nothing to do with America


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Dylan Bonnett said:
ryai458 said:
Dylan Bonnett said:
F said:
Because America is actively picking fights, where as everybody loves Australians
by all means Australia doesn't have to be the good guy australia can join up with many other contrys that want america taken down a few notches.
You can't beat America if we start losing we would nuke you till you glow.
The Americian citizens wouldn't stand up for that they'ed over throw the government because of all the enviromental effects infact i think we're more caring arount the enviroment perhaps more than the 80's that aside it would ruin a good portion of the meat industry and the mining industry. even if that didn't hapen the amercain allies woudn't continue thus ending the war in our favour as we would get the sympathy card witch would make Australia look like the good guy and america will be flung of its high horse witch then would make world peace slightly easier because without that one country thinking its more than everyone else finally everyone could possibly be an equal to each other.

Falseprophet said:
Dylan Bonnett said:
but australia has a wealth of historic wars for example the ANZACS (Australia New Zealand Army Corps)witch fought in gallipoli and other battles. whitch is so memorable in Australian and New Zealand minds that it even has a cookie named after it or even a modern shooter made completely out of creativity sort of like 'Bulletstorm' minus the space marines.

so give me your thoughts or feelings about this I leave you with this AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI!
Clearly my friend, a Canadian studio needs to team up with an Australian one, and make an FPS where the Canadian Corps and the ANZACs team up to win World War One, since we both did all the heavy lifting for the Commonwealth in that war.
very true good sir and think of the possibilitys this game if done right could tell what brave acts of bravery our countrys instead of what Americains have to tell witch have all heard before (whitch in my mind wasn't that much that i know of). hell if was good enough we could crack open a can of worms that could lead to games having nothing to do with America
Oh sorry you misunderstood me, if america was losing the war and it looked like our country would be destroyed we would unleash our thousands of nuclear weapons and end civilization and all life on this little planet.