Poll: Why isn't Australia in any shooters?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Too busy fighting kangaroos to fight anyone else imo. If not for Australia holding them off we would all be up to our armpits in those hopping bastards!


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Teiraa said:
What kind of army does australia have anyway????
Small, professional, not so up on the high tech toys but manages to produce some of the best light infantry in the world. Equipment is chosen mostly on maximising interoperability with US military.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Dylan Bonnett said:
whitch is so memorable in Australian and New Zealand minds that it even has a cookie named after it
A what? A WHAT?

My great-grandfather didn't tear arse around Palestine on horseback shooting Ottomans and Germans just so you could talk like some seppo.

No, he did it for shit and giggles.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
There was once a man who held up banks, robbed the rich, and gave to the poor all along the Australian countryside.

In his final stand, he wore a chain mail suit of armor and fought off a small militia of police officers.

The setting was late 1800's I believe.

He carried a machete and a rifle.

This is a true historical event and figure, and sounds like a great game to me.

Thinking something similar to Red Dead Redemption.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I'd like to see a bit more diversity in shooters than just having Brits and Americans. And Nazis. But Australia got a pretty good deal out of TF2. The Sniper, the back story and of course



New member
Aug 22, 2010
Anyone who voted 'no good battles' is strongly advised to look up the Kokoda Trail and the Battle of Long Tan.

RhombusHatesYou said:
Teiraa said:
What kind of army does australia have anyway????
Small, professional, not so up on the high tech toys but manages to produce some of the best light infantry in the world. Equipment is chosen mostly on maximising interoperability with US military.
Pretty much this, although I understand some of our equipment such as the ASLAV (a modified LAV25) is in demand in Afghanistan and Iraq due to the modifications we made to it that allow it to operate well in the desert since I think military testing here involves kicking the ever loving shit out of the gear in the middle of the Red Centre.

But all in all, what the Aussie 'Digger' might lack in toys like Predator drones, laser designators for missiles from big aircraft etc, they make up in balls and brains. Not to say our Transatlantic cousins aren't brave or smart, but due to the small size of the Army, fighting smart is our best option....

....not that the Army would say no to a few A-10 Warthogs or AH-64 Apaches, you know if you got some spares :p


Aug 5, 2009
Also Australia is a genuinely interesting place with a rich history and a swanky modern culture.

America... is America. It's kind of become that faceless corporation of the world. All it knows is glorifying past wars and making wars up to glorify itself. Don't believe me? Show me a game featuring American heroes that isn't based on WWII, the Cold War or a fictional tale?

Meanwhile Australia could be host to the original Prison Break. I kid, I actually figure Oz would be more of a place to suit the likes of sports games. It just gives off that kind of vibe.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I had this same conversation just recently. Australia would be a great setting for an FPS really, it has a strong blend of natural and industrial elements almost at all times...it would allow realism without being brown and grey all the time.

That said, we're not important enough. We haven't 'hosted' enough battle, and we're an afterthought to much of the world. We can't even make the games ourselves because of the ridiculous cost and lack of support, and my guess is anyone that manages to break into the industry from Australia and reach a position of power will probably feel more antagonised by Australia than indebted.

In short, it would be nice as an environmental aspect, but we haven't done anything to deserve special treatment nor the means to make it ourselves.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
yookiwooki said:
The badassness of a shooter set in Australia would be too much for any computer or gaming console to handle. Even when scientists get the gaming systems to handle it for short periods of time, playtesters would have their faces melted from the manliness.
I'll second this statement right here!


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I think America has some sort of insecurities like if they are not the heroes then there is a problem.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Here's a simple solution: don't make the player human. Make them something small, like a cat. If you think the spiders and snakes are a threat to humans, just think what they're like for an animal that size.

Or if you want to make the player character a native Aussie species, you could have the local wildlife declaring war on the rabbits and other introduced animals.

I can just imagine a wallaby with an appropriately-sized shotgun gunning down rabbits.
Sep 17, 2009
Harbinger_ said:
There is the theory that was put forward that Americans can't relate to anyone who isn't American.
Well this is simply untrue.

Honestly, it is probably because Australia holds limited political interest on a world stage and is only involved in major wars as the allies or the UK or USA.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I do admit that I decry the lack of a great number of nations in various historical and modern conflicts.

However, outside of a military shooter, I don't know how well Australia would work. It would be really cool if a game like, say, Far Cry 3 were to be set in australia, but how the hell would they explain all of the armed mercenaries? Is there a huge black market for weapons? I'm honestly asking.

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
From what I understand, gunplay isn't allowed over there.

I kid, but also sort of serious, there's a lot more people in the U.S. and it's easier to sell a modern shooter that's in the U.S. to the U.S. than something about Australia, not to mention if they targeted a shooter specifically at Australia it couldn't have any of the gore you expect out of a modern shooter.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
I remember the Chindits - a unit made up of mostly Ghurkas, Brits and Aussies - playing a prominent role in Medal of Honour: Rising Sun. Does that count? Also, as someone above me pointed out, snoipin's a good job fer Aussies, mate.

How about an alternate history in which Japan attacks and conquers Australia during WWII? In can be like Resistance, only good.