Poll: Why isn't Australia in any shooters?


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Other - it's a very poisonous country. Everything's already trying to kill you.

...Actually that might be pretty cool. Not only do you have to watch out for enemies, but you also have to keep an eye out for the wildlife... hmmm...


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Harbinger_ said:
There is the theory that was put forward that Americans can't relate to anyone who isn't American.
Wow, that's incredibly insulting.

Anyway, OT: It's not like Australia is the only place on Earth that's never been featured in shooter. I guarantee the list of places that have been featured is much shorter then the list of places that haven't.
I didn't say it was my theory or that I believed it. There is also a theory that Canadians are a defeatism culture.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
One opinion I want to give for all the US haters; Stop blaming us for the decisions that developers make. If a shooter were competent and had a semi-decent story I wouldn't care if I were playing as an Aussie, Canuck, Limey, Frog, Kraut, Ivan, etc etc etc...In fact (again, this is just an opinion) I'd love to see a shooter where you play as an Indian gunning down US calvary on the American plains with an M16 given to you by a time travelling transgender panracial man/woman hell bent on making Geronimo president...whilst riding a buffalo...in space....But back to what matters, its not like developers go door to door and ask us Yanks how terrified we would be of playing a character that wasn't a hyped up super-Yank with creamy skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and perfect aryan pedigree.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
The Australian government is openly hostile to the gaming industry (especially violent games), Australia makes up a tiny portion of the market (as opposed to America, which is responsible for almost half of worldwide game sales), and there are fewer game development companies in Australia than there are in the US.

Yep, I think that about does it.

I'm not saying these are reasons there shouldn't be an Australian shooter. I'm just saying these are the reasons there isn't one right now.

Non-Australian game makers are making games for a non-Australian audience in a world where the Australian government doesn't involve itself directly in international conflicts (and thus would need a ton of boring exposition to become a believable major participant in an armed conflict) and goes out of its way to shit on games.

That enough reasons?

Besides, who the hell wants another modern shooter? Aren't you tired of them yet?


New member
Nov 26, 2008
darkman80723 said:
One opinion I want to give for all the US haters; Stop blaming us for the decisions that developers make. If a shooter were competent and had a semi-decent story I wouldn't care if I were playing as an Aussie, Canuck, Limey, Frog, Kraut, Ivan, etc etc etc...In fact (again, this is just an opinion) I'd love to see a shooter where you play as an Indian gunning down US calvary on the American plains with an M16 given to you by a time travelling transgender panracial man/woman hell bent on making Geronimo president...whilst riding a buffalo...in space....But back to what matters, its not like developers go door to door and ask us Yanks how terrified we would be of playing a character that wasn't a hyped up super-Yank with creamy skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and perfect aryan pedigree.
But you're not a "Yank".


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Because the protagonist would arrive and immediately be eaten by a Koala.

Check Cracked.com for more information on why Australia would make the most frustrating and traumatizing video game ever.


Lurker in the shadows
Feb 3, 2011
Just a thought, how many developers for shooters are from Australia. I imagine it is much easier to make a game story that is centered around the country you are from being the good guys.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
it probably has something to do with American developers...and there are games that allow selection of Aussies and do feature them.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Azrael the Cat said:
Particularly noticeable with the first two Fallout games (the Interplay/Black Isle rpgs) that were heavily based on Mad Max 2, an Australian film set in post-nuclear-apocalypse rural Australia. Yet the b*******s had to move the setting to the US:-(. Not happy.
That is because Zeerust 1950s America is really funny.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I hope there isnt an aussi shooter solely because it WILL involve
A) good guy/under dog U.S. Marines
B) evil North Koreans/Russians

although it would be fun watching Yahtzee beat it too a pulp.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I honestly wonder why not... I think TF2 has some maps in Australia (maybe) but idk if that counts...

They'd ban it anyway, it's like the Amish, ou can mock them in Movies/TV Shows/Music/Video Games all you want, it's not like they're ever gonna see it...


New member
Aug 25, 2009
owyndevaldeck said:
Harbinger_ said:
There is the theory that was put forward that Americans can't relate to anyone who isn't American. I personally think that Canada could be the focus of some good shooters as well.
At least Canada got a call of duty character at one stage....or am I making up memories again...
no your not it was in COD 3


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Superior Mind said:
I'd like to see a bit more diversity in shooters than just having Brits and Americans. And Nazis. But Australia got a pretty good deal out of TF2. The Sniper, the back story and of course

CrystalShadow said:
PlasmaFrog said:
Citizen Snips said:
owyndevaldeck said:
Not sure this realy needs to be a poll but i agree, its a shame they havent worked any aussie characters or settings into a game. Would have thought World at War would be a great chance with a bit of Kokoda Trail or something but alas...

...you're right. No Australians.
It's actually a possibility that he was adopted and British born.
Possible, yes. Though you're forgetting the other Australian in that game - A background character, granted, but still...

Saxton Hale. CEO of Mann Co.

What this says about Valve's idea of Australians though... XD
I bet he's about as Australian as Fosters!

Well you get what I'm trying to say anyway.

OT: They would just probably ban the game, so why bother?

Hop-along Nussbaum

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Well, as soon as an Australian game manufacturer makes a shooter, then maybe Australia will be included in one. In the meantime, the only countries making any strides in making quality games is the US and Japan.

Additionally, no one gives a damn about running around Sydney blowing stuff up, great you blow up that concert hall that looks like a giant clam shell, and that's it.

Now, Vegas....that's a cool idea. Or NYC. Hollywood. Seattle. Los Angeles. Or Miami, or one of a hundred awesome cities in the US.

Shooting a kangaroo in the butt is not my idea of fun. If you wanna see what a shooter set in Australia would be like, try Borderlands. Because any FPS set in Australia is going to be riddled with Mad Max and Road Warrior references.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
owyndevaldeck said:
Harbinger_ said:
There is the theory that was put forward that Americans can't relate to anyone who isn't American. I personally think that Canada could be the focus of some good shooters as well.
At least Canada got a call of duty character at one stage....or am I making up memories again...
That stage would be in CoD 3.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
If you make a big main stream game you need to maximize its audience. Australia has 21,874,900 according to 2009 data, US has 350,000,000 give or take a few million. Not everyone is a gamer....There is a good chance that you have as many gamers in California as in Australia. A game passed on Australia isn't as interesting in the US as the US would be, Australia isn't as interesting as Russia, China, Korea, Europe, the Middle East, or Africa. That's the issue. A game based on Australia isn't as marketable internationally or in bigger nations.

I respect that Australia has a culture and history like everyone else but the reason for a huge investment in a game base on Australian history is total dollars. Now they could invest in DLC that is Australian and have success but Call Of Duty Sydney isn't as appealing on a global scale and Call of Duty North Korea, Iran, or NYC.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
PhiMed said:
darkman80723 said:
One opinion I want to give for all the US haters; Stop blaming us for the decisions that developers make. If a shooter were competent and had a semi-decent story I wouldn't care if I were playing as an Aussie, Canuck, Limey, Frog, Kraut, Ivan, etc etc etc...In fact (again, this is just an opinion) I'd love to see a shooter where you play as an Indian gunning down US calvary on the American plains with an M16 given to you by a time travelling transgender panracial man/woman hell bent on making Geronimo president...whilst riding a buffalo...in space....But back to what matters, its not like developers go door to door and ask us Yanks how terrified we would be of playing a character that wasn't a hyped up super-Yank with creamy skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and perfect aryan pedigree.
But you're not a "Yank".
Actually thanks for pointing that out. Technically I am a Yank, when I made my profile I was living in Canada and just never changed it, I was born and raised in Nebraska; but currently live in Colorado.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Name one game of any genre that has Australia in it at all (and isn't safari themed or sports)...

...Exactly. Australia is kinda one of those parts of the world that people forget about, being on the other side of the world from every western country and all.