Poll: Will you work for Sith or Jedi?


New member
Jun 5, 2009
I'm a hopeless goody-two-shoes, but then again I'd turn Sith to grow myself some backbone.

Then again, it'd be worth it to get away from all the 'Beware the Dark Side' lectures. As much as I liked the KOTOR series, that part made me want to brain Bastila with the hilt of my lightsaber. I'm certain they'll crowbar that into the MMO somewhere - it goes with the territory.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
NeutralDrow said:
As a bounty hunter, I'd work for the Jedi. As a force user, I'd work for the Sith.
Exactly that

Help either the nice guys, or be the one who dominates the galaxy. I reallyreally would want to play a Sith Kushiban... nothing would be more funny than a 50cm big white rabbit with lightning coming out of its cute plushy paws.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
I plan on playing as a Bounty Hunter. I will be available to the highest bidder. I will not choose a side unless I have to.
3 credits for a lifetime contract!
Interesting offer. *pulls out blaster, points at your head* However, a Jedi has offered me 4 credits to take you out. Any last words Sith?
*smiles disarmingly and brushes long strands of silken obsidian hair from his porceline face while his dark eyes glint intriguingly* I am not the Sith you're looking for. Oh, and 5 credits to disregard those orders.
Fool! Your mind tricks do not work on me! However, credits are a different matter. I'll take the credits and be on my way.
*extends a feminine, pale hand and drops a 5-credit chip in hers before turning with a ruffling of his heavy, black cloak, moving away and disappearing easily into the shadows of the canteena with a few last whispered words* I'll buy that lifetime contract for 6 credits, Bounty Hunter.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Nightmouse75 said:
BrynThomas said:
Can I be a roguishly charming smuggler with a huge furry companion instead?
haha indeed! A neutral faction who works for whoever offers the best at the time (a true rogue would have a soft spot for the underdog yet not be averse to the money on offer by the overdog)
As a partner to a SW fan I would probably end up playing whatever would assist them, I enjoy the SW universe but am not slavish to it like I am to others *koff*azeroth*koff*

Verbosely avoided answering the actual question :p
Good to see that I popped your account's cherry.

A Han (and by extension Chewie) character was what the new 3 movies really lacked.


Chocobo Wrangler
Jul 3, 2008
eatdembeanz said:
Major Fact: 95% of Sith die horribly. The 5% that do live either go into hiding, repent and become a Jedi, or surrender and begin molding back into society. So, I say Jedi. Also because the Jedi gain the support of Samuel L. Jackson and Harrison Ford. The "Stereotypical Angry Black Badass" and Indiana Jones CANNOT be beaten!
and Liam Neeson, the only redeeming quality of episode one.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
From the trailer the Sith are seen as better (they kick the Jedi's asses) so I reckon most players (not talking about Escapists) will want to be them at first. If I got the game I'd probably be on the Jedi side because evil sides are usually too 1 dimensional "I am evil, I must destroy!".

Shepard's Shadow

Don't be afraid of the dark.
Mar 27, 2009
Aethren said:
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
I plan on playing as a Bounty Hunter. I will be available to the highest bidder. I will not choose a side unless I have to.
3 credits for a lifetime contract!
Interesting offer. *pulls out blaster, points at your head* However, a Jedi has offered me 4 credits to take you out. Any last words Sith?
*smiles disarmingly and brushes long strands of silken obsidian hair from his porceline face while his dark eyes glint intriguingly* I am not the Sith you're looking for. Oh, and 5 credits to disregard those orders.
Fool! Your mind tricks do not work on me! However, credits are a different matter. I'll take the credits and be on my way.
*extends a feminine, pale hand and drops a 5-credit chip in hers before turning with a ruffling of his heavy, black cloak, moving away and disappearing easily into the shadows of the canteena with a few last whispered words* I'll buy that lifetime contract for 6 credits, Bounty Hunter.
hmmm....no. You must think I'm a fool. I've traveled the galaxy; I've spoken to countless people who would like to see you dead. If you want some type of "partnership" to work I have certain requirements. I get paid credits after every job. The amount of credits you pay depends on the target. And if you want me to be your personal body guard that's a seperate fee altogether; and a rather expensive one.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
Aethren said:
JackB said:
I plan on playing as a Bounty Hunter. I will be available to the highest bidder. I will not choose a side unless I have to.
3 credits for a lifetime contract!
Interesting offer. *pulls out blaster, points at your head* However, a Jedi has offered me 4 credits to take you out. Any last words Sith?
*smiles disarmingly and brushes long strands of silken obsidian hair from his porceline face while his dark eyes glint intriguingly* I am not the Sith you're looking for. Oh, and 5 credits to disregard those orders.
Fool! Your mind tricks do not work on me! However, credits are a different matter. I'll take the credits and be on my way.
*extends a feminine, pale hand and drops a 5-credit chip in hers before turning with a ruffling of his heavy, black cloak, moving away and disappearing easily into the shadows of the canteena with a few last whispered words* I'll buy that lifetime contract for 6 credits, Bounty Hunter.
hmmm....no. You must think I'm a fool. I've traveled the galaxy; I've spoken to countless people who would like to see you dead. If you want some type of "partnership" to work I have certain requirements. I get paid credits after every job. The amount of credits you pay depends on the target. And if you want me to be your personal body guard that's a seperate fee altogether; and a rather expensive one.
*smiles from the shadows, his voice soft* We will see...


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Hard choice. If I had to choose one I would choose to be a jedis. I dont know why, I guess I just dont feel evil enough to be a sith.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Well thats a bit of a problem for me.

I'll try to help people, however the things I do will be quite un-Jedi.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Aslo shown as:
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

Personaly I perfer the other one.

Both of these codes appeal to me, dispite their diffrences. If forced to decide I would pick Jedi. Actions based on logic, the support of the people, bringing safety to entire worlds having and more controle over my skills than a Sith, whats not to like?
I could still use "Sith Powers", because these powers are much like tools and words, they cannot be good or evil because it is how you use them that matters.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
CoverYourHead said:
True, but you can switch factions in the game by your actions.

Im going to start jedi, then go sith.
From what I've read this isn't possible. There are two factions and they are against each other. Or as they had said, it would be more than weird if Darth Vader came to help Luke with his quests.
Even different careers in the same faction shall have different quests. E.g. a jedi and a smuggler, while both working for the republic, won't share the same quests (except some few).


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I'm gonna have to try both sides, I always do. But I usually have a hard time playing a bad guy if the NPCs are to realistic. Curse you Mass effect.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Both are hooting dickholes I don't like.

But i'll be a Sith Bounty Hunter...

I mean, Jedi will persist like a disease because they never do anything except sit around and discuss if they should do something. Whereas Sith will sit around and fight until they finally collapse.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Personally I'm not a big fan of either. Jedi have their heads shoved incredibly far up their own asses and the sith are just assholes out for themselves. On the whole I guess I prefer being the Jedi, but when it comes to all that moral philosophy the jedi are pretty rigid.
Originally that sentence said "rigid dicks" until I realized what that entailed.