Poll: would you die for your country?


New member
Aug 3, 2008
What an absurd notion. Die for your country... I've always held fast to the belief that dying is easy. Anyone can die for something, their homeland, their love, anything. But to live for your country, to devote whatever remains of your life, your energy, your time, to a nation you hold dear despite its flaws, despite what other nations say about it, despite the natural impulse to focus on yourself and your life, THAT is sacrifice in support of your country.

Live for your country...make the other bastard die for his.


New member
May 28, 2009
No I wouldn't, I'm naive, not stupid.

Plus in what possible situation would someone invade the Netherlands I mean come on let's be realistic here.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
This is to general a question... but i would die for an ideal. And what i believe best for my country and what i believe would destroy it... i would gladly give my life in defense of my ideals.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Nope. I'd die for my people though. "Country" is crap. "People" is less crap. I'd die for my people if it meant there was some lasting benefit I could conceive of before my death, for the people I was dying for.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
The_Critic said:
orangeban said:
The_Critic said:
If there was a civil war, where a militia was necessary and one side was for socialist or nazi or facist ideas, and the other side was for current american ideals of freedom, then hell yeah I would take up arms for those ideals.

However if it was for people in washington now who all they care about is there own shelfish agenda (on both sides) rather then working together to come up with a solution to better help our nation grow an prosper. Well in that case I'm glad I'm not a secret service agent.
Umm, I think you mean communist ideals. America already has socialist stuff in it. Socialism is just the idea that the government should control parts of industry/services. Which America's government does.

Also, if America had a "socialist" (taking this to mean slightly toned down communism, but I'd support communism as well) revolution I'd totally fight for it. Sorry, that's just how I role.
You speak like a person who has no idea what communism is, I however do. I grew up in a communist nation. I know what government control means and leads to. My own grandfather was beaten and tortured by secret police because he refused to preach they way they wanted him to. You don't know what it means to see people you know speak out against the government while drunk and then to disappear, only to show up a few days later with fresh bruises, and reprogrammed.

And yes I did mean socialism, the baby steps toward a communist nation. In fact your own statement is contradictory, If you had been in a communist nation, daring to say you wish your government was a different way would earn you a front row seat to what it truly means to struggle under a communist dictatorship.

I respect the freedom that lets you have an opinion, though I don't agree with the opinion you've formed, that's what freedom is, and that is the ideals I would give my life for.

Unfortunately if it ever did come down to a war between 2 factions like this, we would be on opposite ends of the battlefield.

edit: Btw what guns would you use in socialist, or communist revolution. Your not allowed to have any.
Right, okay, from your statements I guess you come come from the Soviet Union, Cuba or North Korea, China, maybe another one I've forgotten. But when I talk about communism I do not mean that communism, I have my own version of communism, which is huggy lovey equality and human rights communism.

Claiming that places like the Soviet Union, North Korea ect. practice communism is like saying the government of 1984 practice communism. No, they simply twist it to fit their way of ruling.

Edit: and like I said, America does have socialism, socialism is just where the government controls some of the industry. The concept of a minimum wage is socialist for goodness sake.
And is capitalism baby-steps towards objectivism?

(interestingly objectivism actually jives quite well with socialism, because only a fool thinks that to help your self you have to screw over others. Though even Ayn Rand didn't seem to pick up on that.)

More edit: Also, that last point, the Soviets had an army that used guns. So the revolution would be armed, even if it practised Soviet ideals (in which case I would not support them).
Also, I feel like your point is sort of a jab against Soviet gun control but it kinda falls flat seeing as I support gun control.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
gabe12301 said:
Would you die for your country? It's pretty straight-forward.

For me yes. If your not willing to die for it, then why live there? You obviously don't love it there very much.
Being born in a country is an arbitrary happening that has nothing to do with my personal choices, and as such feeling patriotic just for the sake of it makes no sense.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
No, I've moved around too much to be that patriotic for any particular country. Besides, how would I be remembered? A small white cross amongst a graveyard of thousands? Yeah... No thanks.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I live in Holland and I would die for my country but that is probably because Holland is so small and we're kinda close so yeah..


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Dying for my "country"? Sounds incredibly stupid. I would die protecting the people I care about, not for some chunk of land, nor for the people who run the chunk of land, nor for some silly feeling of pride in the chunk of land I happen to live on.

Dying for your country is a bullshit noble cause that the military complex came up with to make people willing to get mowed down by enemy fire. It's not worth it. It doesn't need to be that grandiose or far reaching, if you need to fight, fight for the people you care about, if you need to die, die for the people you care about.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I am categorically not interested in dying for my country.

I am perfectly happy to make some other sod die for his however.

Olivia Faraday

New member
Mar 30, 2011
There is not a big enough "NO." I love my country very much (though not at the moment, damn you Harper), but DIE for it? For the country, as the arbitrary thing that represents? Hell no.

I'd die to ensure all humanity universal healthcare for all time. I'd die to end policing and encourage peacekeeping. I'd die so that people can love who they want and never have to fear being hated for it. In short: I'd die for a lot of things I love about my country and I'd like to think my country stands for, sure.

But if just Canada needs to me to straight up take a bullet for it's continued existence? And the only thing I'm protecting is "Canada?" No thank you. I'll be very sad at its death and then move to France.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
It wouldn't really matter what I say here. Unless I was acually put into a situation where I really did have to "die for my country" or anyone for that matter I don't think I could give an honest answer because I'll likely never be in that situaton till it happens.


New member
May 14, 2008
Would I die for my country?


Would I die for my family and friends?

I would like to think yes, but I'm not so naive to think that I would be that brave when death comes knocking.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Depends on the circumstances. Dying for my country in some distant war in the middle east is a very bad cause. Protecting your home from an oppressive culture-wrecking invasion force is a very good cause.