Poll: Would you go for a Warhammer 40K(dawn of war) movie?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Video game movies always fail, and the other way around, I'm afraid. My vote lies and... no.

Besides I never saw the appeal of DoW. Anyone care to explain?


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
I would love a movie about the Horus Heresy. It would necessarily have to ignore several major parts of the cannon, but seeing as I don't know nearly as much of it as I'd like, I think I'd be able to ignore that.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Mazty said:
oliveira8 said:
tbh..the Warhammer 40k is not really that great...or famous.

Its quite the geek thing, it never reached the masses or became popular outside of geekdom.

It would be a very expensive movie/Tv series based on a niche market.
That's not really true anymore considering the success of Warhammer online and Dawn of War.
Yes, the tabletop game is a geek thing, but so is/was Star Trek. Make a good movie & it could 'de-geek' warhammer, if the games haven't already done so.
Which they have...
Different things you see.

A movie hits a major audience. Audience bigger than the gaming audience.

Also most people that play the Warhammer games actually know about the Warhammer universe. I played WH:O for the opening month and basically everyone I meet played the old Warhammer tabletop.

The Warhammer universe itself never really took off in many parts of the world. In most of Europe tabletop games never became popular.

Warhammer is still has a niche audience.

Also considering the nature of the Universe the basic idea would be lost in translation to a movie/TV series and would get plenty of bad reviews cause many people wouldn't get it.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Eversor said:
W40k has a blockbuster potential. Who doesn't like seeing dudes in bulky armor shooting and chopping aliens? And dreadnoughts. And titans. And the movie ends with a 3 minutes long Exterminatus.
If it was horus heresy it then the first movie would end with a full out legion attack on a planet, mouth droolingly awesome.

thest3alth said:
Video game movies always fail, and the other way around, I'm afraid. My vote lies and... no.

Besides I never saw the appeal of DoW. Anyone care to explain?
Just to say, the point of the game DoW was just something that alot of 40K players probably wanted, a video game of the table top game. The whole point of it is having a futuristic RTS game.
EDIT: This wouldn't be a movie based on a video game, but a movie based on a series of books.


New member
May 27, 2009
oliveira8 said:
Also considering the nature of the Universe the basic idea would be lost in translation to a movie/TV series and would get plenty of bad reviews cause many people wouldn't get it.
It wouldn't be that hard just a short intro monologue scene, kinda like the old star treks.
panning views of space scenery (planets suns, asteroid belts, ships etc.) A few shots of some Giant Future cities. than some of some war torn planets. and some narrator in the background giving a brief summery of the 40k universe that supports the movies plot


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
It would take a LOT of work to do it right, which is why I wouldn't want them to do it as a movie or actual full TV series. It might work as a miniseries.

sms_117b said:
Could make it documentary-esce of the warriors of the imperium fighting and dealing with internal situations like the inquisitors and grey knights etc.
This could be quite interesting. Of course, the blind Jingoism and ideals shown from almost everyone has the potential should be shown.

Of course if you want to draw parallels of the Imperium to the USA it could be done. The special forces subbing in for Space Marines, regular grunts for the army, the G-Men and their counterparts being the inquisitors and grey knights, of course the sisters of battle are left out, unless you think of it as the militant religious fundamentals, all blindly following what they're told, never thinking, never asking questions.

Yup, I'd be a dead cultist in no-time flat.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
tibnik said:
The only way I could see the thing being made would be in the way of the begining video intros, the DoW 2 trailer being a great example. Also with the POV being the Imperium and the enemies being mostly chaos with smidges of other races thrown in as well.
Dow2 was a huge upset to the competitive gaming community.

besides dawn of war 2 being shit dawn of war 2 shit shit dow2.

ive been playing dow1 for ages and it makes alot more sense then dow2 dow2 is shit

i'd be happy with horus heresy but i'd more like it to just be a backstory on all of the armies from dawn of war 1 up to soulstorm 9 armies i could see it happening and id buy a ticket anyday it would be best to go like this i think

1.follows a force commander
2.follows a chaos lord
3.follows a farseer
4.follows a warboss
5.follows a an imperial guard general
6.follows a necron lord
7.follows a either a tau commander or an ethereal
8.follows a sister of battle eh didnt get soulstorm dont know the commanders title
9.follows a dark eldar person

And they would break it up to 15 minutes each showing each armies struggles there allys and enemys perhaps a little W40k legend from the codex then they make a dawn of war 2 the movie after dawn of war 3 dow3 comes out (if it comes out) and i guess that will conclude the story (campaign) for those who have gone from dow1 to soulstorm to dow2 maybe tie in the storys together just get a fucking epic epic war with all 9 armys carnage everywhere bodys flying a force commander with a god splitter beheading a necron lord with one strike and just dub it the funk up. Would really like to see all of the armys in the movie they all fight for different reasons (well soughta) so you could make each 15 minute segment look compleatly unique and just make a dawn of war 2 second movie with utter gore and carnage and maby some avatars battlling nightbringers and it would just be l337.

if they dont get all the armies then... there fags but yeah alternative would be

1.dark eldar

these are easily the most spectacular armies in W40k and i would really love to see on the big screen


New member
Mar 27, 2009
There is plenty of source material available in all the 40k fluff for any combination of races to be put into a movie or series, however I doubt it would amount to much more than just another boring war movie (featuring a lot of human drama) or some sort of AVP concoction. With 40k themes.

This isn't to say I hate the idea, just saying the odds aren't good.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
yeah my posts do that.

Idk really i think if you have anything say X killing Y with blood and carnage and epicness i dun think u have to be a W40k fan epicness like huge battles like in 300 and say 400 kroots charging 50 howling banshees or just something that would be amazing to see.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Razada said:
I hate to say it, but douchebag fanbase wise, a Halo film would do better.
The scary thing is, you're right.

I'm a much bigger fan of 40k than Halo. I have two armies right now, one Chaos(Black Legion) and one general Eldar army, which isn't done yet.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Kids these days are so gullible.

Not to say the movie wouldnt be awesome but they are easily seduced and tricked.

if they dub it gud and get that dude in the campaigns with the sick voice and just get the sickest trailer it would attract heaps of teens.

yeh when im older what im gonna do is buy like a island and put 4 humans on it 2 humans each side 1 male one female make dem make dere own armies n shit n tell em what to do get a mate to come my house he controls the other army n we just sit bak and laugh when they all die and it will be so gud


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Just have everything fight everything else for 2 hours in beautiful CG. You can't really go wrong. But, make another movie altogether for the lore....and maybe don't focus primarily on The Imperium? I'd love to see a movie based on the Orks.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Mazty said:
Oh no. The gaming industry is nowhere near of the Holywood industry.

Holywood has the power to move hundreds of millions of dollars just in advertisement to make sure their hundreds of millions of dollars movies sell.

You have a shit load of different Movie award shows. You have profissional guilds actors/directors/writters/you name it. You have TV shows about it.

The movie industry is the biggest entertainement industry in the world.
Dagodweezl said:
oliveira8 said:
Also considering the nature of the Universe the basic idea would be lost in translation to a movie/TV series and would get plenty of bad reviews cause many people wouldn't get it.
It wouldn't be that hard just a short intro monologue scene, kinda like the old star treks.
panning views of space scenery (planets suns, asteroid belts, ships etc.) A few shots of some Giant Future cities. than some of some war torn planets. and some narrator in the background giving a brief summery of the 40k universe that supports the movies plot
You missed the thing...

WH40k is an over the top universe. Were everyone is trying to be bigger than the other. Its the equivilant of 300 in space.

Pretty much every character in WH:40k is itself a character, the nature of the thing doesn't even take it self serious. The whole thing is ridiculus when you remove the overglorified deaths.

Its not something that translates well to movies.

You haven't learn anything from Video Game movies? Even comic book movies took them years to become solid and taken seriously.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Who would the good guys be? Think about the factions in Warhammer 40K. Which one do you think can be made to appeal to the masses?

If you answered none, you win a car.