Poll: Would you go for a Warhammer 40K(dawn of war) movie?


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Utarefson said:
i'd like to see a movie which tells one short story but multiple times from the view of different races...
Did u not read my gigantic post?

but yes a thick thick plot would just be too hard to spin off i'd say 15 mins showing 1 or so members from each army where they stand and whats going on would be good as a starting movie it would just be like a 2 hour teaser the second movie everyone would see. becoz they'd say to there mates im gonna see dow2 and if the guy hasnt watched dow1 he'l ask was dow1 any gud and the guy will say fk yes.


New member
May 27, 2009
masterkang5 said:
warcraft = bad rts made good by icefrog
world of warcraft = a mmorpg if you imply they plan to turn that movie then thats just awesome.. i bet some deadshits would go see it but really all of blizzards new material has been awful wow is just grind at its core.


a diablo movie

Topic Takeover fail


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
shouldn't be a DoW film, just a standalone film absed around the 40k universe, e.g. base it round the Horus Heresy?


New member
May 27, 2009
Alright just posing this question

Watch the above video and imagine it was the add for a movie and the video was like that of 300
would you watch the movie?

I'ts the Trailer for the New game Space marine
I believe it's actually set in Horus


New member
Nov 1, 2008
ey... coulda happened just needed to get clanmates to rollout of bed support me on dis here thread.

But in all honesty someone should make a thread about it.

would be good even if its a rpg


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
masterkang5 said:
Utarefson said:
i'd like to see a movie which tells one short story but multiple times from the view of different races...
Did u not read my gigantic post?
nope,i don't like reading long posts when it's late...but im gonna do that now


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Excellent idea, as long as they don't try to make it PG-13. They have to keep it as close to the source as possible


New member
Nov 1, 2008
yeah sorry for just about replying to everyone in this thread but ive got alot to say on how dow2 sucks


but yeah in reply to dagod it looks good man but really dow2 looked good didnt it? every dawn of war 2 game looks awful to me they have deviated from the path of success and making a good solid rts dow1. Into the path of fail dow2.

Would watch a movie but not touching anything with a dow2 name on it


games for PS3 and 360 so even the best games on that have about as much depth as a kitchen sink but im pretty sure its there first crack at console gl to them maybe they wont destroy their running series with a bad 2nd game


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
sms_117b said:
...the whole 300 film was CG enhanced, not just CG.

I would want a Miniseries of it. A single movie would be cramped. There's too much material to fit into a couple hours.


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
thisnameistaken2 said:
Neonbob said:
thisnameistaken2 said:
Eskay said:
dontworryaboutit said:
Hammer Time....
dununun cant touch this
*pokes with a stick*
There goes your logic :p

And if it was done correctly, I would actually enjoy seeing 40K in animation.
now that's cheating, come on GET WITH IT
Sigh...fine. Although I cannot stand MC Hammer.
*pokes thisnameistaken2 with a finger*
There. Are you happy now?
Wait...I feel funny. Did you drug yoursel-
*falls to floor*


New member
Nov 1, 2008
In dow2 you dont even need a keyboard to play

o daz pretty kewl micro dar wif 1 hand

srsly you basicly only need it for panning if i remember correctly o w8!

the maps are so small you dont need to pan.


Apr 24, 2008
The biggest trick is selling the right story, and not trying to package the universe.

Staer with the 'It is the 41st millenium...' diatribe. Showing shots and brief scenes of a million different wars the imperium is fighting. A space marine gunning down a charging Ork, Guardsman fleeing in fear from advancing necrons. A tyranid horde charging through the rain at a defensive line, cutting to a shot of a carnifex roaring as it begins to charge. Show profile shots of eldar and Tau, a battlesuit turning to face the camera, optics whirring to focus.

'...There is only War'.

----Setting Set. No More. Don't Try And Please Everyone Beyond This Point. Enough----

1) The plot needs to follow one faction, one army, one guy. Be he a guardsman, a Marine, an inquisitor or a Cultist. It's his story, not the galaxies, and not the fans. Have a plot that's about something, make it a satire of war like 'Starship Troopers' (remember how awesome that was)? Make it a political statement, make it a damn musical, but have something to say whatever it is. The Dark Knight was about the nature of humanity and look how well it did, themes make a film, not destroy them.

If you can't do that, then go all out with your nonsense. Make it 300-esque or sin-city sylized, make it all about utter grim darkness, manliness and one-liners. If you do this intelligently and for a reason it doesn't suck ass. Have a focus beyond 'It's 40K guys!'

2) Pick a sentient vilain. Not Orks, and not Nids. I am a huge fan of eldar as the starting villains switching to chaos at some point, it just works. Don't have a bug war or comic enemies, convey the utter grit of the setting with Chaos or Tau. Don't waste the slot of 'enemy' with a moving prop.

3) Pick a good plot. Tell a story, not a fight. Base it on something important, something revolutionary, don't waste time saying 'and then all went back to normal' at the end. Hell, do the fucking Void Dragon waking up, but don't end with 'but all of this is so insignificant that it means nothing'. It works for the board game, but not for the movie.

Make a movie, with 40K sauce. Don't take 40K and try to ham-fistedly add 'Movie' to it.


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
thisnameistaken2 said:
Neonbob said:
Sigh...fine. Although I cannot stand MC Hammer.
*pokes thisnameistaken2 with a finger*
There. Are you happy now?
Wait...I feel funny. Did you drug yoursel-
*falls to floor*
Why do people never listen i tell them never touch, like a mantra and yet never listen anyway i guess i should drag this body *dumps in back of the takenbus*
Dammit, I'm not quite dead yet!
*jumps back up and grabs another body by the leg*
I'm taking this.
*stumbles off*
Ragglefragggle smartass giving veiled warnings...
I'd love to see Gorgutz in a high quality animation...WAAAAAUGH!


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
thisnameistaken2 said:
Get back in the takenbus or im turning round and ramming you with it

if you get in i promise i wont kill you...yet >..
No! I'm leaving!
*steals monster truck*
Try and run me over! I dares ya!
Oops. Hold on a sec.
*drags corpse in the driving compartment of truck*
There we go.
And I have to say, Ultrajoe put up the best posting yet. I'd want to see the Eldar fight the Battle Sisters. That would be fun.