Poll: Would you go for a Warhammer 40K(dawn of war) movie?


Apr 24, 2008
mshcherbatskaya said:
@Ultrajoe, re: game design--
Wouldn't the player get irretrievably pissed that you kept throwing bosses at them that they couldn't kill, no matter what they did? You didn't write a game set-piece there, dude, you wrote the WH40K equivalent of the Battle of Helm's Deep. And I mean that as a complement.
The trick is keeping the player busy with the onrushing horde of cannon fodder, a task designed to make them feel them involved in the events but not screwing with my glorious scripted bits as they unfold. But I get your point, yes. The Idea is to build a feeling of 'i'm just not good enough, I can't keep this up!' until walking cities of justice stomp into view. How to do the carnifex wrestle without quictime events i'll never know. perhaps he towers above you, and whatever button you press prompts a different scripted response. Grenade makes him swallow frag, melee has you knife his eyes out. Gun makes him eat bolter, move has you roll to the side and him get taken out by a random bit of shrapnel (I.e: Makes any move feel intuitive and perfectly timed)

That way the player never feels promted in any of these situations, things are happening naturally and as far as they can tell he's doing his part and having an impact (Carnifex mayhem) on events. And of course, like helms deep, something awesome saving the day at the last second, when you have invested so much into the winning, is just awesome.

I'm writing down that every-button-works concept, it's quick time events without the bloody quick-time event. Copyright Ultrajoe.

mshcherbatskaya said:
You should fly to New Zealand, kidnap Peter Jackson, and hold him hostage until a studio greelights the project. But first you would have to write the screenplay.
I'm of the opinion that this should be either very gritty and blizzard-esque CG, or very gritty George Lucas style live action. Ever turned the brightness down on Star Wars and listened to some rammstein in the background? Epic occurs, it shifts from 'Oh dear, christmas light clones' to 'DOOM TROOPS UNLEASH HELL' in one move.

And given how much I love this setting, i'm not going to see another franchise butchered with an amatuer screenplay... look what happened to all my other favorite things...

Prompted by the LotR reference, Helms Deep especially, imagine my trench/titans scene to this song. I drooled.

EDIT: Keep in mind, I'd set this battle as the final awesome moment in the game bar the last boss. In fact, i'd love to have the main character die, staring upwards, or crawling out of the trench to see the Titans walk slowly out of the rising sun to destroy the Xenos filth.

Credits roll... bonus level as a Dreadnought.


Apr 24, 2008
Another thing i'd like to bring up is combat. This seems like as good a place as any to raise the issue/idea into the harsh, judging eye of the public. It has come to my attention that what makes for stale combat is a one-button system where you point your character at the enemy and hit 'hey, batter batter batter! SWING!' until his head goes far enough for you to collect the three bits of treasure and make it back to the checkpoint. This is WoW combat, but you need to upkeep the fight by mashing the buttons. Sure, some try to variate the system by having you hit them at the right time, or by waiting for visual prompts, but it's still one button button mashing. It's playing with yourself, not with the enemy.

Three games stand out at kicking ass in style.

1) Kingdom Hearts 2: These guys make one-button combat good by adding in variants. Spells are so easy to fire it's literally pulling the damn trigger and touching a button, the feel of dynamic combat and face movement makes every fight mobile and hectic. The ability to jump high, chain premade combos and spit visual effects means you're never watching the exact same battle twice, as the landscape is almost never off limits, and tides of enemies are actually fun to decimate in style. Added to this are 'Reactions', a one button quicktime system, that becomes avaliable at certain times against certain foes for everything from ultra fast samurai quickdraw duels to riding rocket-foes like a screaming bulldozer through their buddies. Awesome.

2) God of war: What more can I say? Combo's are king, quicktime events are emplyed with flair and taste, made awesome by truly spectacular cinematic kill options and... yes... like KH2, hectic combat areas. You keep track of foes and gore and fun go everywhere and the enemies fall in droves. The challenge isn't in the foes so much as how you take them down.

3) Assassins Creed: Profiles, awesome. You have the standard selection of moves that only becomes avaliable whe you go to high profile, and variants of those moves only occur when you hold the button down, hit them at the right time, ect. it lacks mobility like KH or god of war, but has an in depth combat system that rewards the player with some visceral and smoothe cinema-kills.

My idea: Combine the three. Have basic movement abilities active when you go into Melee mode, with triggers activating a range of alternate moves, and situational quicktime events based on the enemy or even the environment. Have it hectic and fast, move swift between foes and tackle the fuckers. Kick, punch, rip off limbs. Speed and spectacle will make anything up close fun.

Say an enemy gaunt is bearing down on you. You could try to hit him, but perhaps while moving back guarding makes you drop onto your back, blowing the sucker to bits as he passes over you, before you roll to your feet. Quick and awesome as the gaunt corpse flies past the camera and the marine draws his chainsword again. Dismemberment is key, because a chainsaw DOES NOT BLUDGEON, RELIC!. Directional modifiers, held buttons for power attacks, and most imprtantly... the ability to switch between this and ranged quickly.

For ranged combat, I think a Gears of War style combat with less chest high walls will do the job. Make it more feasible to rush the foe, and have them rush you on occasion, but get us in the thick of it fast and furious. Have enemies burst from the ground, and clicking any button makes you stomp them or shoot them or slice them. If you don't react, let us fight them normally, but give the option for epic. Chain moves, let a trust become a bolter barrage to really fuck up some Chaos marine. We don't mind if it means each enemy is a littl easier to kill, plenty of games have shown that by having periodic boss mooks and smart enough mooks you can have fun as a superman.

TL;DR: Make it fast, make it pretty, don't have combat down time and reward the twitch addicts in us with optional quicktime events, ones unobtrusive and subtly cued, not with big ugly floating buttons, cues we need to learn and remember to use regularly.

I could write this stuff forever.

SP MeaslyBinkie

Senior Member
Aug 27, 2008
I would like to see a 40K film but I think the budget might be a wee bit too high and a bit hard to make a story for the film(unless you were just copying DoW,DoW WA or DoW 2) but a better idea would probaly be to make a Warhammer Fantasy Battle film since its better for new people to the franchise and a bit less complicated in my opinon, but if they were going to make a 40K film I think the best way to go about that would be the Horus Heresy books the first three specifcilly following Garviel Loken,Horus and the Mournival and seeing the seams of the Imperium slowly breaking down as the series/films and eventaully ending either at the siege of Terra or the battle of Isstvan III but I doubt Gamesworkshop/Black Library would let anyone use the Horus Heresy but who knows only time will tell.

BBQ Platypus

New member
Sep 23, 2008
They'd never be able to do it right. Hell, they might even try and make it PG-13.


But no - I don't trust anyone to make a film that turns out right. I don't care if it's Hollywood, independent, whatever - something will be lost in translation to the screen.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
tibnik said:
Freakout456 said:
I guess it could work in theory because there isn't much of a story to warhammer 40k unless you read wikipedia. It would at least need some writers familiar with the series and maybe like Peter Jackson directing it. Maybe then it would be alright.
Just as somehting for the writer bit, if anyone has read the Dan Abnett books, might not have spelt that right but anyways he would be awesome for the writers position.

As a side note has anyone thought that a Horus Heresy movie would be a better choice then a DoW?
I wold love a Horus Heresy movie. Thats the single greatest piece of history in the 40k movie and it would make for a great film. It has all the elements of a great film, violence, betrayal and super soldiers.
It would of course have to be written by Dan Adnett or Ben Couter as they are probably the best two writers at Black Library and no outsider would be familier enough with the 40k universe to do it properly

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
I want a Warhammer 40,000 movie to be just like this:


"I have come to destroy you". Awesome.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
masterkang5 said:
yeah sorry for just about replying to everyone in this thread but ive got alot to say on how dow2 sucks

So you think DoW2 sucks because it's more like the WH40K canon?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Worr Monger said:
I want a Warhammer 40,000 movie to be just like this:


"I have come to destroy you". Awesome.
That was my favourite part of the intro film when I bought the game. Just pure concentrated awesomeness.

masterkang5 said:
yeah sorry for just about replying to everyone in this thread but ive got alot to say on how dow2 sucks


but yeah in reply to dagod it looks good man but really dow2 looked good didnt it? every dawn of war 2 game looks awful to me they have deviated from the path of success and making a good solid rts dow1. Into the path of fail dow2.

Would watch a movie but not touching anything with a dow2 name on it


games for PS3 and 360 so even the best games on that have about as much depth as a kitchen sink but im pretty sure its there first crack at console gl to them maybe they wont destroy their running series with a bad 2nd game
Jesus christ, man. Punctuate for god sake.


New member
May 13, 2008
tibnik said:
Freakout456 said:
I guess it could work in theory because there isn't much of a story to warhammer 40k unless you read wikipedia. It would at least need some writers familiar with the series and maybe like Peter Jackson directing it. Maybe then it would be alright.
Just as somehting for the writer bit, if anyone has read the Dan Abnett books, might not have spelt that right but anyways he would be awesome for the writers position.

As a side note has anyone thought that a Horus Heresy movie would be a better choice then a DoW?
I wold love a Horus Heresy movie. Thats the single greatest piece of history in the 40k movie and it would make for a great film. It has all the elements of a great film, violence, betrayal and super soldiers.
It would of course have to be written by Dan Adnett or Ben Couter as they are probably the best two writers at Black Library and no outsider would be familier enough with the 40k universe to do it properly
Most importantly, we have enough of the script down pat that it would be nearly impossible to screw up the movie. Especially if they split between the Spaceport the scars took (if my recollection is correct), the Eternity gate (because any 40k movie without Sanguinus would be sacrilege) and the battle barge and just gave us 90 minutes of guns going nuts it would be AWESOME.

I'm seeing a 40k based XKCD - River Tam beats up everybody - but with Chaos and Imperials. There is no need for a major story, or even a minor story (enough of us have the backing), we just need them to truly capture the grim darkness of the far future. AND BLOW LOTS OF SHIT UP!

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Worr Monger said:
I want a Warhammer 40,000 movie to be just like this:


"I have come to destroy you". Awesome.
That's the thing with 40K, it makes a pant shittingly awesome 2 minute fight scene, but I have a feeling the rest of it would suck balls. It could be done well if it had enough money pumped into it and they hired good actors, writers etc, but even then it's still a gamble, a very expensive one that GW can't really afford ATM.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
scumofsociety said:
That's the thing with 40K, it makes a pant shittingly awesome 2 minute fight scene, but I have a feeling the rest of it would suck balls. It could be done well if it had enough money pumped into it and they hired good actors, writers etc, but even then it's still a gamble, a very expensive one that GW can't really afford ATM.
I hear ya... but I've had it with garbage.. campy... cheesy summer flicks that ruin my favorite franchises (Not including Star Trek... loved it).

As awesome as it would be to see them make a live action Warhammer 40k movie..... I believe it simply cannot be done correctly. I would rather have a CGI film that's mildly good and faithful to the franchise than some awful.. over-the-top action flick that pays no attention to the mythology and is full of lame cliches.

And Warhammer does not have a large enough fanbase to justify spending millions on a live-action film that could do it justice.... You'd end up getting some half-assed.... part CGI, part live action mix of crap directed by someone like Michael Bay or Stephen Sommers... and it stars someone like Shia Lebeouf as the Emperor.....

..That's just my opinion.....

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Worr Monger said:
I hear ya... but I've had it with garbage.. campy... cheesy summer flicks that ruin my favorite franchises (Not including Star Trek... loved it).

As awesome as it would be to see them make a live action Warhammer 40k movie..... I believe it simply cannot be done correctly. I would rather have a CGI film that's mildly good and faithful to the franchise than some awful.. over-the-top action flick that pays no attention to the mythology and is full of lame cliches.

And Warhammer does not have a large enough fanbase to justify spending millions on a live-action film that could do it justice.... You'd end up getting some half-assed.... part CGI, part live action mix of crap directed by someone like Michael Bay or Stephen Sommers... and it stars someone like Shia Lebeouf as the Emperor.....

..That's just my opinion.....
I wasn't suggesting live action, you still need writers and actors for a CGI movie you know ; )

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
scumofsociety said:
I wasn't suggesting live action, you still need writers and actors for a CGI movie you know ;).
Oh were ya? Sorry.... I'm a tad drunk at the moment.... and I have a tendency to half-read things.

Still, I enjoyed writing my statement... just go with me on this.