Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?

Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
people are allowed to decide their own limits, however. Just because I see nothing wrong with having sex which a horrofically disfigured person, does not mean I would.
Well I wouldn't stop people from committing incestuous sex, but I entirely disagree with the statement that "people are allowed to decide their own limits". For example, a pedophile doesn't get to decide their "own limits", nor does a necrophile.

Agree to disagree :)
He already said CONSENTED multiple times and has it in bold...really.
my comment was solely referring to the statement "people are allowed to decide their own limits". It had nothing to do with incest.
Nor did mine. You say what about pedos and necrophiliacs when he already said ONLY WITH CONSENT he already addressed your problem with limits.
those were just examples I was addressing to show the faults to the idea that "people should have their own limit" is a bad one. It has nothing to do with the OP or his question I was just purely a comment on garjian's comment about people placing "their own limits".
I wasn't talking about the OP or his question I was pointing out the Garjian said before that it was WITHIN CONSENT that people could place their own limits.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
people are allowed to decide their own limits, however. Just because I see nothing wrong with having sex which a horrofically disfigured person, does not mean I would.
Well I wouldn't stop people from committing incestuous sex, but I entirely disagree with the statement that "people are allowed to decide their own limits". For example, a pedophile doesn't get to decide their "own limits", nor does a necrophile.

Agree to disagree :)
He already said CONSENTED multiple times and has it in bold...really.
my comment was solely referring to the statement "people are allowed to decide their own limits". It had nothing to do with incest.
Nor did mine. You say what about pedos and necrophiliacs when he already said ONLY WITH CONSENT he already addressed your problem with limits.
those were just examples I was addressing to show the faults to the idea that "people should have their own limit" is a bad one. It has nothing to do with the OP or his question I was just purely a comment on garjian's comment about people placing "their own limits".
I wasn't talking about the OP or his question I was pointing out the Garjian said before that it was WITHIN CONSENT that people could place their own limits.
Ok let me clear things up because I'm not getting through to you. When I read that statement, I interpret it to not just refer to sex, but ALL things. As in, on the subject of murder, "a person should set their own limits" or on the subject of when a person should decide how much to drink before they drive, "a person should set their own limits". THAT is what I drew from that statement. I hope that clears up things. :)


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Well the only attractive cousins I have are first cousins, and then it would be too weird.

Weirdly I think my gran tried to set me up with one of my second cousins... that was awkward. Though as my friend said, by the time you get to second cousins, you're basically in the clear genetics-wise.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
people are allowed to decide their own limits, however. Just because I see nothing wrong with having sex which a horrofically disfigured person, does not mean I would.
Well I wouldn't stop people from committing incestuous sex, but I entirely disagree with the statement that "people are allowed to decide their own limits". For example, a pedophile doesn't get to decide their "own limits", nor does a necrophile.

Agree to disagree :)
He already said CONSENTED multiple times and has it in bold...really.
my comment was solely referring to the statement "people are allowed to decide their own limits". It had nothing to do with incest.
Nor did mine. You say what about pedos and necrophiliacs when he already said ONLY WITH CONSENT he already addressed your problem with limits.
those were just examples I was addressing to show the faults to the idea that "people should have their own limit" is a bad one. It has nothing to do with the OP or his question I was just purely a comment on garjian's comment about people placing "their own limits".
I wasn't talking about the OP or his question I was pointing out the Garjian said before that it was WITHIN CONSENT that people could place their own limits.
Ok let me clear things up because I'm not getting through to you. When I read that statement, I interpret it to not just refer to sex, but ALL things. As in, on the subject of murder, "a person should set their own limits" or on the subject of when a person should decide how much to drink before they drive, "a person should set their own limits". THAT is what I drew from that statement. I hope that clears up things. :)
Okay..stupid argument anyway that has nothing to do with the topic.


New member
May 29, 2011
ravensheart18 said:
Well as they say, the nearer the kin, the sweeter the skin.

In all seriousness, one of my 1st cousins was the second girl I got to play with, and the first at an age where I was old enough to really have a clue what to do.

We actually never discussed it at the time, or for the next couple decades, but something happened recently that brought it up and we shared some good memories.

It sort of happened back when we were growing up, exploring as kids and that kind of stuff then one time when we were a little older something more happened, (though not actual sex, or at least i kind remember actually having sex. Have never since talked about it though, nor has anything else occurred in the past decade, we act normal round each other.

-Oh and it's first cousins if that makes a difference.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
people are allowed to decide their own limits, however. Just because I see nothing wrong with having sex which a horrofically disfigured person, does not mean I would.
Well I wouldn't stop people from committing incestuous sex, but I entirely disagree with the statement that "people are allowed to decide their own limits". For example, a pedophile doesn't get to decide their "own limits", nor does a necrophile.

Agree to disagree :)
He already said CONSENTED multiple times and has it in bold...really.
my comment was solely referring to the statement "people are allowed to decide their own limits". It had nothing to do with incest.
Nor did mine. You say what about pedos and necrophiliacs when he already said ONLY WITH CONSENT he already addressed your problem with limits.
those were just examples I was addressing to show the faults to the idea that "people should have their own limit" is a bad one. It has nothing to do with the OP or his question I was just purely a comment on garjian's comment about people placing "their own limits".
I wasn't talking about the OP or his question I was pointing out the Garjian said before that it was WITHIN CONSENT that people could place their own limits.
Ok let me clear things up because I'm not getting through to you. When I read that statement, I interpret it to not just refer to sex, but ALL things. As in, on the subject of murder, "a person should set their own limits" or on the subject of when a person should decide how much to drink before they drive, "a person should set their own limits". THAT is what I drew from that statement. I hope that clears up things. :)
Okay..stupid argument anyway that has nothing to do with the topic.
yep, that's how I felt from when you first commented on my reaction to his statement.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
She/he would have to be pretty hot and even still no!
It would just bother me over time.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.
Your blocking out the fact that there is no good reason to be disgusted by it. It doesn't "so happen" to be that way....illogical ideas like this are introduced not spontaneously created.
I had no "incest is bad!" from my up bringing from my traditions religion and culture so when I first though about it I could go...No problem with incest whatsoever. You were exposed to your culture with "incest is disgusting" and you can't accept that there is no evidence that consented and protected sex is negative and thus that it is perfectly fine.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I have a very attractive cousin who is only my cousin via marriage so would I do her? Hells yes.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.
Your blocking out the fact that there is no good reason to be disgusted by it. It doesn't "so happen" to be that way....illogical ideas like this are introduced not spontaneously created.
I had no "incest is bad!" from my up bringing from my traditions religion and culture so when I first though about it I could go...No problem with incest whatsoever. You were exposed to your culture with "incest is disgusting" and you can't accept that there is no evidence that consented and protected sex is negative and thus that it is perfectly fine.
As I have stated in previous post, I don't blindly follow everything so you can stop telling me that I just feel this way because my culture says to. If that was the case, then I would also not eat shrimp or do anything on Saturday.....but I DO eat shrimp and I AM active on Saturday. Hence YOUR idea that I only feel this way because my culture does, is.complete.bull.SHIT!

As for evidence, I never tried using science in any of my post, I just stated my opinion. As for incest being "perfectly fine", I disagree. You don't have to like my opinion, but you're not going to change it.

My opinion is based off my personal feelings on the matter, that is all.