Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Personally no.

There's plenty of fish in the sea so I don't really see the point in picking a cousin over another equally attractive, equally friendly, equally interested etc. woman.

A cousin just seems to have a lot of unwanted baggage attached to it.

But if others want to do so, all I can say is "meh, as long as it's legal do whatever you want".

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]


New member
May 27, 2009
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.
3rd cousin? ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CousinTree.svg you do know that you're practically strangers... it's more like of the same ethnic group than family

also everywhere on the world (from a legal and moral perspective) it's ok to bang your second cousin even in the U.S.A. most families do not even keep track of second or third cousins.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.
I am repulsed by your mind not your actions.
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
Why not? Why not anyone? If everyone involved has given consent then fuck away.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
people are allowed to decide their own limits, however. Just because I see nothing wrong with having sex which a horrofically disfigured person, does not mean I would.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
I did look, it focused on children, so I ignored it. Children are irrelevant in this argument and don't get my started on pointless traditions. Traditional opinions are what spread racism and create opinions such as the "like I don't know... their COUSINS" fiasco.
so what if it's frowned upon by your culture, why should you care?

at the start of this argument, I will remind you, that you accused everyone who didn't agree with you as a rapist against both mothers and animals.
now you act the victim. turtling to the "it's my opinion" argument.
if that is so, then you have no place to judge those who aren't swayed by old traditional thinking and have considered each aspect of the act.

Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
...seems you didn't quite, but it seems you agree.
I agreed to what?

Also I didn't call anybody a rapist, I stated that I was against incest just LIKE (as in, in relation to) how I'm against rape, pedophila, necrophila, and beastiality. I NEVER said that incest = rape/pedophila/necrophila/beastiality. I just think all of them are gross, that is the only relation I made.

As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.
I am repulsed by your mind not your actions.
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
Why not? Why not anyone? If everyone involved has given consent then fuck away.
......We are going to have to agree to disagree because I'm not ok with letting siblings or children and parents have sex with each other.

Also, your repulsion by my mind still lead you to conclude that it was ok to state that I should forcibly (because I don't want it) be chemically castrated. As I stated before, you crossed the line when you type that violence should be inflicted upon me because I disagreed with you on a subject on a internet thread.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Here in Sweden first cousins are legally allowed to have sex and even marry. If you like each other I say go for it, there's no harm in it.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
If I were single and it'd be safe, I probably would. Not with all of them. But a few of them are drop-dead gorgeous.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Possibly, but I'm adopted and so are my attractive cousins, so...we're good! But being that it's "family" probably not, regardless of the distance in the gene pool. In your situation, however, I wouldn't say that you are in any, well, trouble I guess. Go for it.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.
I am repulsed by your mind not your actions.
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
Why not? Why not anyone? If everyone involved has given consent then fuck away.
......We are going to have to agree to disagree because I'm not ok with letting siblings or children and parents have sex with each other.
Now what.....why is it not "technically okay"
Trucken said:
Here in Sweden first cousins are legally allowed to have sex and even marry. If you like each other I say go for it, there's no harm in it.
i think we should award the COUNTRY of Sweden the Nobel Peace Prize


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I don't see blood relations, unless parental, as much of a barrier, there are already laws regulating these. I do think it's lazy though, but wouldn't hold it against them.
Renounce your imaginary overlord and go for it.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.
I am repulsed by your mind not your actions.
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
Why not? Why not anyone? If everyone involved has given consent then fuck away.
......We are going to have to agree to disagree because I'm not ok with letting siblings or children and parents have sex with each other.
Now what.....why is it not "technically okay"
I personally find it disgusting (as do my siblings, and entire family). Stop trying to convince me otherwise, like I said agree to disagree.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence seeing as how you know nothing about me other than the few post you came across. Also you want me to be punished for expressing my opinion? Really? I hate to see what kinds of things you wish for people who disagree with you on other subjects. You'll also notice that I didn't wish any harm onto the OP or anybody who agreed with him, unlike you, who wants somebody chemically castrated because they don't agree with them.
We want you castrated because your train of thought is horrible and disgusting.
Cool, you want to cause physically harm to me because I disagree with you on a subject on an internet thread. Yeah that totally doesn't sound like an overreaction.

Hey saw your avatar and it reminded me of something a Kpop star went through awhile ago. Here is the law he was in violation of:

Tell me, do you think ALL of the South Korean population that agrees with me should be physically harmed as well?
1.That technically doesn't tell you anything about koreans thoughts towards incest.

2.This is marriage so I guess I hate is as much as anti gay marriage. But keep in mind this might be to stop relatives "marrying" to screw the system.

3.Keep in mind I want to hurt a lot of homophobes and racists too.

So you openly admit that you want to commit violence upon people who express an opinion(and only an opinion, I'm NOT referring to people who are violent racist/homophobes) that is different from your own? That's charming. I hope people like you never run a country, because I would be afraid what would happen to the people who expressed an opinion that you didn't agree with.
I am repulsed by your mind not your actions.
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
Thanks for ignorantly concluding my entire perspective into one bigot infused sentence
that's what your perspective is though, at least, that's how it's coming accross.

either you need to cone up with a point with some solid reasoning behind it, or that it all you are... and you need to take a long, hard look at your opinions and ask yourself whether or not they are logical. Think about what is right and wrong, make sure you consider every angle, and I would hope that eventually you would understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is social conditioning for yourself. We've changed our collective minds on many things, and on this subject alone, we now have sex before marriage, open relationships, homosexuality and much more. as you can see, we've weighed the advantages and disadvantages of incest, and the only bad part is the children, and as you can have sex without children coming as a direct result, then there is no problem. So why restrict it entirely?
I never "restrict[ed]" it. I never wished violence upon people who commit such acts, nor did I call upon it to be outlawed I just expressed my opinion on the subject and do you know who's going to be the most (if at all) effected by my opinion on the subject? ME!

As for why I don't like the idea of any form of incest, look at my comment about Jews
So since your Jewish your ashamed of your history because....INCEST EWWWWWWWWWWW. That's not a reason.
While I am ashamed of my people, that's not it. It's that incest lead to people having tay-sachs and other genetic diseases.

Btw, just because I stated why I feel this way and you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't a reason, just fyi.
Whats wrong with having sex again...having children I am against but whats wrong with the sex itself.
At the end of the day, I guess there is "technically" nothing wrong with just sex (even though I'm grossed out by it). However such a conclusion leads me to ask that, then what is wrong with "just sex" between siblings? [Serious question]
Why not? Why not anyone? If everyone involved has given consent then fuck away.
......We are going to have to agree to disagree because I'm not ok with letting siblings or children and parents have sex with each other.
Now what.....why is it not "technically okay"
I personally find it disgusting (as do my siblings, and entire family). Stop trying to convince me otherwise, like I said agree to disagree.
So having sex with a cousin is bad because in the past your culture actually had children also....but now we are back to...EWWW

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Wow, people should formulate questions better. I wrote absolutely not, but if it's distant then that's fine. So maybe change the question to "distant cousin"?
Anyway, yeah, if you don't know her and the chance of mutation during pregnancy is not based on genetic distribution (I'm not going to do that math right now), but then yeah, go for it. I think the main part is that you have to be comfortable with each other and if you are, why make yourself unhappy with withdrawal? Honestly, if my prejudice keeps you from being happy, how am I any different from your average racist or homophobe?
Although I would never do that with a third cousin, but that's because I'm pretty familiar with two of my second cousins, which means that my kid hooking up with their kid would just be too weird for me personally. It's really too close to home as it were, because I actually recognize them all as close family and not distant relatives.
By the way I find it funny how you had two options for yes, one to keep it secret and one (presumably) to be honest about it. But I can't imagine anyone "voluntarily" walking up to their parents and going: "I hooked up with my cousin last night", no matter how distant they are.

Emperor Nat

New member
Jun 15, 2011
Waaghpowa said:
The results say 6 for yes. So either people are deliberately fucking with the poll, or people are freaks. My money is on the first.
Its up to 160 now... My god... they're multiplying! WITH THEIR COUSINS!

OT: No. I think once you get to like 6th cousin or something it's far enough away not to cause problems (and people stop caring), but I wouldn't want to dabble if I knew we had blood relations.