Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?

Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.
Your blocking out the fact that there is no good reason to be disgusted by it. It doesn't "so happen" to be that way....illogical ideas like this are introduced not spontaneously created.
I had no "incest is bad!" from my up bringing from my traditions religion and culture so when I first though about it I could go...No problem with incest whatsoever. You were exposed to your culture with "incest is disgusting" and you can't accept that there is no evidence that consented and protected sex is negative and thus that it is perfectly fine.
As I have stated in previous post, I don't blindly follow everything so you can stop telling me that I just feel this way because my culture says to. If that was the case, then I would also not eat shrimp or do anything on Saturday.....but I DO eat shrimp and I AM active on Saturday. Hence YOUR idea that I only feel this way because my culture does, is.complete.bull.SHIT!

As for evidence, I never tried using science in any of my post, I just stated my opinion. As for incest being "perfectly fine", I disagree. You don't have to like my opinion, but you're not going to change it.

My opinion is based off my personal feelings on the matter, that is all.
Seriously...please someone explain that you don't need to believe everything to be influenced.

Explain how some Christians ignore slavery and yet they are against homosexuality. Just because they apply their morals on one thing does not mean they truly think or wound have truly thought that homosexuality is wrong. Just like you apply common sense to shrimp yet you think incest is wrong. Please rebut this point or tell us the true origin of your disgust.

It is not science that something is wrong until proven right. I said why it is right tell us why it is wrong or admit you just think that way for no reason at all. (Is it okay to practice incest? is debatable so don't keep saying its your opinion without telling us why)

And where did your personal feelings come from? Thin air? One day you think about incest and you just think its wrong for no reason and you make it your "opinion"? I think its your culture so prove me wrong.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
If it was 2nd or even more distant, why not? Seriously I've only met most of my 2nd cousins once and beyond that to 3rd or 4th, never. You only share around 1/8 of your genes with your 1st cousin so think about how little you must share with the more distant ones.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Volf99 said:
duowolf said:
Sure I don't see why not. It isn't aginst the law and has never been seen as wrong in my country. It's only the USA that seems to have a problem with.
wrong, look up South Korean law on the subject.
That's why I said seemed. I'm sure there are other countries that don't like it but seeing as I don't live in those countries or plan to means I haven't looked up every single law they have. Also I don't have any cousins so it's a mute point anyways.


New member
May 26, 2010
If my childhood idol Cyrano de Bergerac (the fictional one, at least) can do it, why can't I? Oh wait, we live in different eras. Well, fuck it then.

EDIT: If we'ere THAT distant, then it's a-okay then, unless she's from my father's side, because we would both have a very awkward time during Grand Reunions(only my the my father's family hosts such things, since people somehow make a big deal out of being related to one of the first Archbishops in one of Christianity's biggest holds in Asia)


New member
Oct 10, 2008
4th or 5th cousins eh? Don't see why not considering the population in Iceland is low enough for everyone to be at minimum 6th cousins.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Go for it!

Considering a third cousin and all you'd have WAY more chances of your baby having mutations if she's over thirty than because you are slightly related.

So yeah, go for it man.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.
Your blocking out the fact that there is no good reason to be disgusted by it. It doesn't "so happen" to be that way....illogical ideas like this are introduced not spontaneously created.
I had no "incest is bad!" from my up bringing from my traditions religion and culture so when I first though about it I could go...No problem with incest whatsoever. You were exposed to your culture with "incest is disgusting" and you can't accept that there is no evidence that consented and protected sex is negative and thus that it is perfectly fine.
As I have stated in previous post, I don't blindly follow everything so you can stop telling me that I just feel this way because my culture says to. If that was the case, then I would also not eat shrimp or do anything on Saturday.....but I DO eat shrimp and I AM active on Saturday. Hence YOUR idea that I only feel this way because my culture does, is.complete.bull.SHIT!

As for evidence, I never tried using science in any of my post, I just stated my opinion. As for incest being "perfectly fine", I disagree. You don't have to like my opinion, but you're not going to change it.

My opinion is based off my personal feelings on the matter, that is all.
Seriously...please someone explain that you don't need to believe everything to be influenced.

Explain how some Christians ignore slavery and yet they are against homosexuality. Just because they apply their morals on one thing does not mean they truly think or wound have truly thought that homosexuality is wrong. Just like you apply common sense to shrimp yet you think incest is wrong. Please rebut this point or tell us the true origin of your disgust.

It is not science that something is wrong until proven right. I said why it is right tell us why it is wrong or admit you just think that way for no reason at all. (Is it okay to practice incest? is debatable so don't keep saying its your opinion without telling us why)

And where did your personal feelings come from? Thin air? One day you think about incest and you just think its wrong for no reason and you make it your "opinion"? I think its your culture so prove me wrong.
I guess you just like seeing the same response, because I'm not changing my stance on the subject. I find it gross, disgusting, off putting. You will no sooner convince my find men attractive (nothing against homosexuals), than you will get me to decide that incest is ok. You want to know why so badly that vI expressed my opinion? Because this is a forum and the OP asked us a question to answer. I'm stating my opinion for the same reason your stating your opinion, because YOU CAN.

Idk where my personal feelings came from. Perhaps I'm just wired that way. The same wiring that told me to like Batman as opposed to any other character. (btw like my opinion on incest, nobody told whether or not to like batman).


New member
Aug 23, 2010
Third cousins is too far apart for incest, pretty sure its completely legal, go for it. I think my aunt and uncle are even 3rd or 4th cousins, theres almost no, and sometimes absolutely no actual blood there, go for it I say

Theres a nice page on wikipedia about cousin relationships


and yea, first cousin is basically pure ruination, some places consider 2nd still bad, but 3rd and beyond, again, if theres even any blood there, its very little.

I dont think I even have any second or third cousins I actually know, but if I met someone, got interested, and then later learned we were third cousins, I wouldnt let it worry me, 2nd and Def 1st would be too close, but 3rd is just too far removed for me to worry.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
2nd cousin, i'd consider it if the call beckoned. But I wouldn't actively seek a sexual experience with one of my relatives.

I mean, in my mind there is absolutely nothing wrong with 2nd cousin, but I'd still find it a tad creepy in the back of my mind.

But yeah, cousins I still see as incest, and so do most governments I guess. But 2nd cousins I see are too distant to be part of your respective gene pool. So no, I wouldn't have sex with my cousin, i'd have sex with my 2nd cousin if I reaaaaallly had to, although I'd rather not.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
If just for the sex then yes,anymore than that and I might start feeling uncomfortable. So go for it.
Sep 3, 2011
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
SirFlamingLoboOfDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
As for my culture, I LIKE MY CULTURE. Don't tell me how to view my culture. If you don't like my/your culture, fine. However don't tell ME what opinions to form on Jewish culture.
I didn't, I asked why you should care.
and if you choose to base your opinions on that, and be ignorant of all the arguments in front of you because of it, then don't dare judge and impose restrictions on others.
Why do I care? Because I'm human and its natural for me to form an opinoin on something. As for judging people, again I'm human and WE all judge people. I judge you and you judge me. It's natural and I see no problem with it.

Again I never said I would prevent anybody from doing it (restrict them) so stop telling me what my opinion is.

Last thing, me following my culture doesn't make me ignorant.
BLINDLY following tradition culture religion makes you extremely ignorant. You fully well know there is no good reason to not be okay with it yet you are still appalled by it because of your culture. That is one of the worst kinds of ignorance....WILLFUL Ignorance.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, because I never stated that I followed all my cultures beliefs. For example, I eat shrimp (I love it) and I'm physically active on Saturdays.
You think I don't call Christians ignorant because they pick and choose? Just because you abandon some things because you know it is bullshit doesn't mean you are not ignorant.
Seriously, me not agreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant. Also just just stated I was "blind" and was "WILLFUL[LY] Ingoran[t]", so I provided counter examples to show that I don't accept everything I'm told. Thus, I am not "blind" nor am I "WILLFUL[LY] Ignoran[t]", because in order for me to be such, I would have to follow the rules against shellfish and about rest on Saturday.
You are willfully blocking out knowledge that would tell you there is nothing wrong with Consented sex in all forms.
I am not blocking out anything. I find it disgusting and it so happens that my culture does too. Do NOT tell me what my opinion on the subject should be.
Your blocking out the fact that there is no good reason to be disgusted by it. It doesn't "so happen" to be that way....illogical ideas like this are introduced not spontaneously created.
I had no "incest is bad!" from my up bringing from my traditions religion and culture so when I first though about it I could go...No problem with incest whatsoever. You were exposed to your culture with "incest is disgusting" and you can't accept that there is no evidence that consented and protected sex is negative and thus that it is perfectly fine.
As I have stated in previous post, I don't blindly follow everything so you can stop telling me that I just feel this way because my culture says to. If that was the case, then I would also not eat shrimp or do anything on Saturday.....but I DO eat shrimp and I AM active on Saturday. Hence YOUR idea that I only feel this way because my culture does, is.complete.bull.SHIT!

As for evidence, I never tried using science in any of my post, I just stated my opinion. As for incest being "perfectly fine", I disagree. You don't have to like my opinion, but you're not going to change it.

My opinion is based off my personal feelings on the matter, that is all.
Seriously...please someone explain that you don't need to believe everything to be influenced.

Explain how some Christians ignore slavery and yet they are against homosexuality. Just because they apply their morals on one thing does not mean they truly think or wound have truly thought that homosexuality is wrong. Just like you apply common sense to shrimp yet you think incest is wrong. Please rebut this point or tell us the true origin of your disgust.

It is not science that something is wrong until proven right. I said why it is right tell us why it is wrong or admit you just think that way for no reason at all. (Is it okay to practice incest? is debatable so don't keep saying its your opinion without telling us why)

And where did your personal feelings come from? Thin air? One day you think about incest and you just think its wrong for no reason and you make it your "opinion"? I think its your culture so prove me wrong.
I guess you just like seeing the same response, because I'm not changing my stance on the subject. I find it gross, disgusting, off putting. You will no sooner convince my find men attractive (nothing against homosexuals), than you will get me to decide that incest is ok. You want to know why so badly that vI expressed my opinion? Because this is a forum and the OP asked us a question to answer. I'm stating my opinion for the same reason your stating your opinion, because YOU CAN.

Idk where my personal feelings came from. Perhaps I'm just wired that way. The same wiring that told me to like Batman as opposed to any other character. (btw like my opinion on incest, nobody told whether or not to like batman).
I wanted a really reason so I was asking you and you kept on saying the same thing about me trying to change your opinion like questioning your opinion is a bad thing. I am also stating my opinion on your opinion too because I can.

This is what I was talking about. Too bad your answer is.....Um i dunno? I wanted to go somewhere because your opinion was the most interesting. I still feel you got influenced from somewhere because it would be impossible to create such a...strong opinion.

I guess It's finished now...nice talking with you. And no hard feelings? (Please forgive all the words I used because It was not to insult you but I felt they were accurate descriptors)


New member
Oct 16, 2010
well of course
screw family... it's just a concept anyway
i have 2 fairly attractive 1st grade cousins
i haven't seen them in years so we're not really as close to call it family

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Pearwood said:
The fuck is wrong with this place? No I wouldn't fuck my cousin!
Yeah, this.

I think if you want to fuck your cousin you need to make friends outside of your family and realise there are other good looking people that aren't... you know... closely related to you.
How you even find your cousins attractive in the first place is beyond me.
It's icky.


New member
May 19, 2008
LightspeedJack said:
No, why bother? Just find a girl who's NOT related to you.
That's theoretically impossible. It's a big gene pool, but there's still only one of them.

I don't see why it's a big deal. I think it depends a lot on what your relation is to your cousins, as well as age differences. I'm the oldest cousin, so for me it would feel creepy, since I've pretty much always thought of them as kids until recently. Some imaginary cousin I've never known or met before? Sure, why not? The point is, I don't want to switch someone from family member to sex partner. If I didn't think of them as family in the first place, there's little restriction left.

IN other words, it's a cultural taboo, not a "natural" one as most people would have you believe. There's a huge difference between screwing your sister/brother and your cousin. Also, look at the rest of the animal kingdom. They really don't give a shit. Natural selection takes care of the failed offspring.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
I actually have two smoking hot cousins, not sure which knee, but I'd definitely do them if no one would find out.