Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?

Switchblade 327

New member
Nov 25, 2011
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
That's because America was founded by a bunch of Puritan pricks who thought that killing was and slavery were a-okay, but sex and thinking for yourself were like holding your mother down, pulling out her eye, and having a wank into the bleeding hole -.-

BakaSmurf said:
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.
You're assuming too much of human behavior is inherent. It's not psychologically ingrained in our brain. If you were to take a child and raise them impartially, withdrawn from society (but educated nonetheless), they would have no such moral quandary with such an act. Beyond that, much of our psychology is said to be based around attractions to family members (namely, our parents). Moral relativism is a thing, you know.

As for the thread... Well, do whatever you want. Who gives a shit? The general public? Most of them wouldn't know what to wipe their own assholes with if there wasn't a cuddly cartoon bear showing them which tissue leaves the fewest remnants of themselves behind, who cares what they think, really? If it'll make you happy, go for it. Well, unless she says no. Don't assume too much, now.

Would I? Likely not. I'm not exactly the most appealing guy in the world and I don't much care for sex as many I know do. I'm more passive and... Shall we say, disinterested, for a large portion? Either way, the girls I lust for physically and emotionally don't actually exist.


New member
Feb 27, 2011
Switchblade 327 said:
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
That's because America was founded by a bunch of Puritan pricks who thought that killing was and slavery were a-okay, but sex and thinking for yourself were like holding your mother down, pulling out her eye, and having a wank into the bleeding hole -.-

As for the thread... Well, do whatever you want. Who gives a shit? The general public? Most of them wouldn't know what to wipe their own assholes with if there wasn't a cuddly cartoon bear showing them which tissue leaves the fewest remnants of themselves behind, who cares what they think, really? If it'll make you happy, go for it. Well, unless she says no. Don't assume too much, now.
Well aren't you the cheer sort of lad :)

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
I have three cousins my age that are females. The answer is yes, I wouldn't even care. My cousins are ludicrously hot. And they are all 3rd cousins, so whatever, probably wouldn't if they were 1st/2nds.

Switchblade 327

New member
Nov 25, 2011
Ninjafire72 said:
Switchblade 327 said:
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
That's because America was founded by a bunch of Puritan pricks who thought that killing was and slavery were a-okay, but sex and thinking for yourself were like holding your mother down, pulling out her eye, and having a wank into the bleeding hole -.-

As for the thread... Well, do whatever you want. Who gives a shit? The general public? Most of them wouldn't know what to wipe their own assholes with if there wasn't a cuddly cartoon bear showing them which tissue leaves the fewest remnants of themselves behind, who cares what they think, really? If it'll make you happy, go for it. Well, unless she says no. Don't assume too much, now.
Well aren't you the cheer sort of lad :)
I try, I really do. Well, I don't really, but that's not the point.

rudolphna said:
I have three cousins my age that are females. The answer is yes, I wouldn't even care. My cousins are ludicrously hot.
This is a shout-out to the Laura Bodewig avatar; nothing more.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
All my cousins (All 4 of them...) are much older than me, and the female ones are both married and have relatively new chillens. But all that aside, the answer is still a resounding: No.

They're family. You don't fuck with your family. In any sense of the word.

(Well besides your spouse, but shut up).


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
Sure, I've a couple of really good looking ones; I won't complain if I have to repopulate the earth or colonize a distant planet.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it personally, whether it be 1st cousin or 5th cousin, and the only deterent for me would be family finding out and things getting weird due to cultural preconceptions.. it then comes down to whether or not you're willing to deal with that (or if you'd even have to deal with it in your family or not). I'm not sure if that deterent would be big enough if it was with someone i was interested in.

BakaSmurf said:
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.
Its engrained into our (your) brains as a cultural thing, just like in other cultures its perfectly fine.

Theres no logical reason that its actually 'bad', its all in your head whether you believe it to be bad or not. The only reason its seen as being bad is because people have a preconception that its 'yucky' and therefore dont want to do it.
- If people didnt know they were cousins they'd have no problems doing it, and nothing bad would happen.. the world wouldnt explode.
- Scientifically speaking if they were to further the relationship and have children nothing bad would happen either unless their children did it too. And even if something bad did happen, would people seriously say its wrong for people with genetic diseases to have children? I bet they'd be all for them having kids saying its "their choice" and seeing nothing wrong with it.
- Legally speaking.. well that depends on where you live so i cant really say, but afaik in most places cousins are legal.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
No, no I wouldn't. If I knew I was related to someone, even if it was a 10th cousin, that would just be a thorn in the side of the whole relationship. So no.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Vern said:
No, no I wouldn't. If I knew I was related to someone, even if it was a 10th cousin, that would just be a thorn in the side of the whole relationship. So no.
You're related to everyone.. soo, at what point is it ok? Not 10th cousin, 20th? At what line does it start becoming OK, because everyone in the world is related in some form.


New member
May 24, 2010
Switchblade 327 said:
You're assuming too much of human behavior is inherent. It's not psychologically ingrained in our brain. If you were to take a child and raise them impartially, withdrawn from society (but educated nonetheless), they would have no such moral quandary with such an act. Beyond that, much of our psychology is said to be based around attractions to family members (namely, our parents). Moral relativism is a thing, you know.
Yeah, the incest taboo is mostly a social construct. Though it does seem to be in most societies.

I went looking for information on the incest taboo because I was curious about its origins. As in if it's a purely biological thing or a social thing. And it seems like the evidence points more toward social. One guy did a study where he talked to a native tribe (I forget which country it was) and asked why they don't marry their sisters. The tribesman basically explained that when you marry someone else, you gain another family. You gain another set of brothers with whom to hunt and share stories. If you married your sister, you wouldn't gain anything. Apparently he never expressed any ickiness or repulsion from the suggestion. In that society, the argument against incest is simply that you want to gain more family. They're not disgusted at the thought of keeping it in the family, they simply don't see the point.

I remember hearing, it was probably something from Freud, that a young girl's first crush is her father, whereas young boys tend to attach themselves to their mother. That's what's ingrained in our psychology.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
So are you asking because you're bored, or are you asking because you're looking for permission from someone, anyone, so as to not feel completely guilty for doing it?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Deathleaper said:
I stated it before, and I will state it again. NO DATING. NO ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. NO DAMNED KIDS. It's. Just. Sex.
READ: it?s a bit too early to think about babies since you just met the girl.

Frankly I don?t care if you bone her until her eyes pop out.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
The only female cousin of similar age that isn't pregnant and married is a lesbian, so no, even if I could bring myself to perform incest she wouldn't take kindly to that.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
drosalion said:
Vern said:
No, no I wouldn't. If I knew I was related to someone, even if it was a 10th cousin, that would just be a thorn in the side of the whole relationship. So no.
You're related to everyone.. soo, at what point is it ok? Not 10th cousin, 20th? At what line does it start becoming OK, because everyone in the world is related in some form.
It becomes not ok when I know about it. When we go to a family reunion and find out that, hypothetically, we both see someone and we both call him Uncle Bill. When there's a direct familial relation, that's when it becomes not ok. I realize that all humans are related to an extent, but there's a line where having direct living relatives crosses it.

And you know, my captcha is kind of amusing. "crossed fendles". That's what I'm going to call incestuous or cousin to cousin relationships. "Did you hear about Jane and Tom?" "Yeah, I heard they crossed fendles."