Poll: Would you join the Space Marines?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
The Adeptus Astartes aren't brainwashed at all, hence the forces of chaos.

if you read the horus heresy books you realise that they are all men that live for combat, some decided that siding with the chaos gods would make them better in combat, also they turned because horus believed that the emperor was trying to make himself into a god, when he was trying to create a warpway gate system, so they didnt have to travel through to void.

The emperor was just a massively powerful psyker who eventually turned into a kind of demigod because he was attached to the golden throne, The emperor was actually an athiest, made into a godhead by the people and by the heresy.

I would gladly become an astartes, it would be liberating to be free of libido, also there is no situation in which the aliens of the 40k universe could ever be allies, even the eldar.

Living for hundreds of years and knowing only battle, glory or death, sounds good to me.

Technically I don't take the emperor worship as religion because he actually exists and his powers actually exists so its a personality cult technically.

The case in the first few horus heresy books of a woman using her faith in the emperor to kill a demon, channeling the emperors psyker powers perhaps? it's not faith if it's technically science.

that was the nerdiest thing I've ever written and I feel kind of ashamed.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
For me, I rather be a Tech Priest of Mars. Becoming more machine and having extra servo arms that possible holds extra weapons and you get a cool looking ax to hold (At least from what I seen from DoW 1.)


Goes Well With Pesto
Sep 2, 2009
The fact that you're sometimes KEPT AWAKE TO HAVE SQUISHY THINGS SHOVED INTO YOU VIA A HOLE IN YOUR CHEST in order to become a space marine is not something that often appears on the recruiting posters. This is assuming that I've survived a dozen different trials specificaly designed to kill me.
Even if I have the great honour of surviving these trials, I still have better odds of dying on the operating table because, as most of us know, shoving odd squishy things into a human chest isn't a good idea.

And if I've survived to this point and become one of the Emperor's angels of death, I need to repeatedly launch myself into the geographical equivilant of Satan and fight guys who look like this on (at least) a fortnightly basis:

Oh and the retirment benefits kind of suck...


Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
With the understanding that I would make the cut and being human was my only option?

Yeah, I'd join in a heartbeat in the 40k universe. It's a far better life than some random soldier in the Imperial Guard or living on a Hive World. I'd probably end up joining Chaos if I had the option, though.


New member
May 16, 2011
I reckon that, as an Imperial Guard player, I should join the Guard instead.

I wouldn't want to or anything, God no. I just think I deserve it for routinely sending scores of men to their deaths during even the most minor skirmish.
Jun 11, 2008
Texas Joker 52 said:
No I wouldn't, even if I could. I don't know much about Warhammer 40k, but what I have read due to my growing interest is that, at the point in time the series is at, Humans have become xenophobic assholes who think that you are either a Human, or inferior. Personally, I absolutely hate that view, though that might be due to my love of a good alien.

That's why I would probably join the Tau. Their society might have a caste based system, but their philosophy doesn't prevent, say, a human from joining, and they believe that all are equal, and all are valued. That, along with freedom of religion (so long as it doesn't interfere with The Greater Good, which I will address in a moment), makes it even more attractive. They follow the ideology of The Greater Good, which while vague to me at the moment, is an attractive prospect. They also happen to be the only traveling army that actually seeks out a peaceful solution to whatever planet they come across, provided it isn't inhabited by Orks, Tyranids, or Chaos Space Marines, and if they can't peacefully annex the planet, then they resort to war.

True, that may seem harsh, but compared to what I've read about the Imperium, The Greater Good is like comparing an old, kind of stale chocolate chip cookie, and an entire bowl of fresh cookies, straight out of an oven. Despite its imperfections, the Imperium started out really trying to be a great thing. Unfortunately, it took a turn for the worse. The Tau simply seem like they're going the same general way, and kept to it a little better. Though, that's simply me.
To equate the Tau to anything they can be a bit like the Combine or Stalinist Russia. They are called Space Commies for a reason. Well I may be wrong as I haven't read any lore in ages but they to assimilate more like stuff like the Borg rather than have peaceful solutions and relations.

Lonely Swordsman

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Jun 29, 2009
Marcius Flavius (Seargent said:
"One does not request to be a space marine, boy. One is offered the chance to serve the Emperor and you are not worthy. How old are you? Fifteen? Sixteen? When I was sixteen I had already killed four orkz with an autogun and a machete and been serving in the Planetary Defense Forces of my homeworld for three years. I was considered a weak recruit."
Just something to consider for everyone who still answered positively (read: WRONG) to the question.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Sam Warrior said:
Personally I'd rather join the Tau less brain washing and more shiny guns :)




LESS brainwashing? Good Emperor, lurk moar.

For all the terrible things about being one of the Emperor's finest, there are plenty things better. As a normal, unaltered human, you will die. Most likely in an incredibly painful manner, on the end of an ork choppa, under the delicate ministrations of a Dark Eldar hommunculus, or just vaped where you stand by a necron. If you're lucky, the Tau will sterilise you and have you work in a factory for the Greater Good. The Imperium at least won't sterilise you (if anything, have MOAR BABIES! FOR TERRA!) even if they do work you a minimum of 12 hours a day, 7 standard Terran days a Terran week.

Funny thing, y'all is bitching about "I'LL LOSE MY FREEDOM AND JUST BE A SLAVE!!!" - *****, you'll be a slave regardless. This is the 41st Millennium, no-one gives a shit about your rights and thoughts and dreams.

Yeah, I'll take being a power-armoured killing machine. I'll even take being a genuinely mind-wiped and reprogrammed psyker power-armoured killing machine. At least then when I die, no doubt in great pain on a planet no-one really cares about, it'll be because I'm doing something worthwhile that someone else (filthy xenos or heretic) didn't really want me to do.

Incidentally, Marines can drink. They just can't get drunk on alcohol, alcohol being a toxin, plenty of the extra organs removing toxins either shortly after ingestion or before (with the exception of certain Fenrisian blends which actually suppress the activity of one of the extra organs, premonor I think) which is kinda a plus - unless you're one of those noobs who drinks just to get drunk, in which case drive off a bridge please.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
chimpzy said:
The Tau aren't much better than the other factions. They just appear to be. There is no good, or even decent, in 40K. I would guess the Ultramarines realm of Ultramar is actually about the closest to a decent place to live, barring the occasional Tyranid invasions.
Ultramar is something of a paradise in comparison - one of the few places in the galaxy where you can live without necessarily dying bloodily and in great pain.

Except, yeah, when a Hive fleet happens by. Good thing there're all these big fellas in blue around, who actually seem to give a shit about the people they're supposed to protect, eh?

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009

I want to be a Angry marine under Commissar fuklaw.


*Nod head*


Suffer not the Flamer to live
Jun 26, 2009
I've played 40K for around eight years and for those eight years I've played Space Marines, even when given an opportunity to change to another force or "convert" to chaos. But if I was in the Space Marine universe, I'm joining the cult of Tzeentch. Magic shapeshift powers FTW!


New member
Sep 3, 2008
BlueMage said:
Sam Warrior said:
Personally I'd rather join the Tau less brain washing and more shiny guns :)




LESS brainwashing? Good Emperor, lurk moar.

For all the terrible things about being one of the Emperor's finest, there are plenty things better. As a normal, unaltered human, you will die. Most likely in an incredibly painful manner, on the end of an ork choppa, under the delicate ministrations of a Dark Eldar hommunculus, or just vaped where you stand by a necron. If you're lucky, the Tau will sterilise you and have you work in a factory for the Greater Good. The Imperium at least won't sterilise you (if anything, have MOAR BABIES! FOR TERRA!) even if they do work you a minimum of 12 hours a day, 7 standard Terran days a Terran week.

Funny thing, y'all is bitching about "I'LL LOSE MY FREEDOM AND JUST BE A SLAVE!!!" - *****, you'll be a slave regardless. This is the 41st Millennium, no-one gives a shit about your rights and thoughts and dreams.

Yeah, I'll take being a power-armoured killing machine. I'll even take being a genuinely mind-wiped and reprogrammed psyker power-armoured killing machine. At least then when I die, no doubt in great pain on a planet no-one really cares about, it'll be because I'm doing something worthwhile that someone else (filthy xenos or heretic) didn't really want me to do.

Incidentally, Marines can drink. They just can't get drunk on alcohol, alcohol being a toxin, plenty of the extra organs removing toxins either shortly after ingestion or before (with the exception of certain Fenrisian blends which actually suppress the activity of one of the extra organs, premonor I think) which is kinda a plus - unless you're one of those noobs who drinks just to get drunk, in which case drive off a bridge please.
Bah, the Tau were actually a good race until the 40k fans bitched and moaned that their 40k universe was supposed to be full of emo and assholes and somethin that didn't fit that mold should be purged.


Suffer not the Flamer to live
Jun 26, 2009
Dr. wonderful said:

I want to be a Angry marine under Commissar fuklaw.

*Nod head*
...I'm guessing that they're one of the "Files lost by the archives" chapters, eh?

Edit: Just looked them up on Google. They have a fan-fiction series. This is amazing. Dumb, but still amazing.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
As I understand it you don't get a choice - you are merely called into service if you are good enough.

However, were it a choice - the answer is definitley. 7ft Super soldiers FTW :)


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Hell no, as people have mentioned the journey to becoming one is horrible, and actually being one isn't really that great. I don't want to be a part of the Imperium of Man anyway. Defect and join the Eldar. They have the hottest babes anyway...

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
SniperMacFox said:
Dr. wonderful said:

I want to be a Angry marine under Commissar fuklaw.

*Nod head*
...I'm guessing that they're one of the "Files lost by the archives" chapters, eh?

Edit: Just looked them up on Google. They have a fan-fiction series. This is amazing. Dumb, but still amazing.
That the EXACT same thing I said!

But that is not even their BEST moment.

fought the Chaos God Nurgle to a near standstill, throwing everything they could at it. Then, when that was not enough, they threw what they couldn't: Their Battle Barge, The Litany Of Litany's Litany. That shut the demon up. Just long enough for them to hit it with a second battle barge, The Maximum Fuck. And the Angry Marines may or may not have been rocking out on it while it descended in flames upon the demon's head. [http://1d4chan.org/images/8/86/Hell_Yeah_by_Gannadene.jpg]
Yeah...Worth it, to join them.