Poll: Would You Shoot Enemies Helping Their Wounded?


Sep 22, 2009
Depends on my mood or the circumstances at the time. If I'm playing a guy who's supposed to be very ruthless and morally ambiguous (like say a Viktor Reznov) then yeah, it's completely in character for him to shoot a medic, so I would. If I was playing a character who's supposed to be more heroic and not shown to be bloodthirsty like, I don't know, Captain Price, then I wouldn't.

Yes. I roleplay in FPSs. So sue me.

EDIT: Jesus Christ at all the people who say they would shoot an unarmed medic who is a non-combatant in a real life war situation. I don't even have anything to say to that. That's just disgusting.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Yes, I'd shoot the bastards (in a game).

Quite possibly the most entertaining tactic in Farcry 2. Wound an enemy, watch him cry for help. See his buddy come and help him to his feet. As they start to slump away, whip out a sniper rifle and kneecap the second guy. Unfortunately, this is very difficult to do as most of the time, the enemy will see you first because they are hawks or something.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
RL -
I wouldn't shoot the medics.

But really- most likely not, regardless of who is helping the wounded. Real human bodies are disturbingly fragile when it comes to things like bullets and shrapnel, his flesh is torn and he's bleeding to death. Just because they go to assist him, doesn't mean he'll survive. Probably a good chance that he wouldn't anyway - depending how far away they were from the nearest 'camp' with actual medical facilities. I can't say that I would.

Then again this is all speculation. I've never been in a war, so really I don't know what I'd do until I was faced with the situation. Anyone can go ahead and say what they plan to do, or would do ; but it isn't always the case when the situation is actually staring you in the face.

In Game -
Yes o_o *cough*


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Hmm... I don't really know how to say this without a spoiler because if I say the title of the movie that will be a spoiler in itself. But yeah, there were a couple extremely popular movies that everyone should have seen in which this happened and the fact that the person kept on shooting the people that went to help them made me sick to my stomach. Honestly, I wouldn't do that because I believe people should still have respect, even in war. Seriously, though, I don't think I'd have the balls to shoot anyone in the first place.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
thaluikhain said:
Shooting wounded (and down) soldiers, or medics bearing the red cross logo is a war crime.
I'll be sure to wear that when I do so then, foolish philanthropists! >:D

Kidding aside, if it was in a heated gunfight then I might... but on the other hand I don't think I'll ever be a gunner in a war, so in a street situation I would probably let them go.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
If they're designated medics, no. If they're combat troops helping a buddy, I'm shooting them without a second thought.


Sep 22, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
badgersprite said:
Jesus Christ at all the people who say they would shoot an unarmed medic who is a non-combatant in a real life war situation. I don't even have anything to say to that. That's just disgusting.
No. It's war.

Armed or not, they're the enemy.

When you've spent the last 6 months worrying about being bombed etc while you sleep and have lost god knows how many of your friends. I'd like to see how long your compassion can stop you from pulling that trigger as you follow that medic with your sights.

War isn't honourable. It's people murdering people because they were told to or because they don't share some vague ideal.
Say that when you're being court martialled for violating international law and disobeying your superior's orders. But of course you'll never serve in the military because you're clearly a thirteen year old whose only experience of war is the movie Red Dawn. Actual soldiers who fought in World War One on both sides helped the wounded of the enemy and didn't shoot them where they lay.

Medics are just as likely to treat people from BOTH SIDES. There's no "enemy". There are only people who are stupid enough to believe in that concept of that amorphous force called "the enemy". These kinds of actions (you know, killing innocent people because they're part of "the enemy") are what create your so-called enemies and make wars go on far longer than they need to.

And I am done with this discussion here because I don't have time to waste on people with no respect for human life.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
If it's literally The Red Cross, obviously not, because they are a neutral institution.

If it's just some enemy medic getting a soldier off the ground to start trying to kill me again, I'm gonna have at it.

Tomo Stryker

New member
Aug 20, 2010
ryai458 said:
Hell no called rules of war.
All is fair...

OT: It really depends on the situation. Although when you're in the heat of the moment you don't think, you are in action mode. Talk to any soldier that has seen an ample amount of time on the front lines. Its not pretty, that's why its called war.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Its a game so I'll shoot anyone i can. In reality its not OK to kill anyone but in games I've killed tens of thousands. Why would medics be any different to the countless pedestrians I've mowed down in GTA?


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I would never shoot a medic, and its all about the timing and if those people are armed and readily dangerous.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Depends on the type of game it is, if its something like CoD where the enemies just relentless charge at you then I would shoot anything that moved. But if it was an RPG like Fallout then I probably wouldnt, so long as my action would affect how the game behaved around me. Its a stealth moral choice system really.

Tomo Stryker

New member
Aug 20, 2010
TheTim said:
I would never shoot a medic, and its all about the timing and if those people are armed and readily dangerous.
You never played Team Fortress 2 have you? Crit Bonesaws are painful!

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
In video games, probably, since they might be building up an Ubercharge!

In real life, definitely not. It contravenes the Geneva Convention, and what am I doing in a war zone anyway?


New member
Apr 16, 2008
In a video game, yeah. I sympathize for a lot of video game characters, but when it comes to player-versus-player I don't really mind much, and that goes doubly for shooter-style games.

Even in games that try to be more realistic, such as Call of Duty, it always feels to me like it's like playing Team Fortress 2. And who would you kill first in that game: the Medic or the Heavy that he's healing?

Though the strategic difference between a video game (which I would shoot a medic right away) and real life (in which I wouldn't) is that in the game the person he's healing is going to come back right away and help his team mates out. While in real life, even with medical attention he's going to be out of commission for a long time.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Absolutely not. Think about it, that wounded soldier has taken those helping him out of the fight while they help him. Shots are better spent on active enemy units who pose an immediate threat.