Poll: XBOX 360 or PS3??


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Hi friends! I have been saving money for the past few months and now I have enough money to buy myself a new gaming console. I want to buy either XBOX360 or a PS3. So which console should I buy? Which console has a greater and better variety of game? Please suggest with a reason.

The suggestions help me decide.Let the suggestions keep coming


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Your avatar suggests you've already decided...

But I would recommend the 360 because, IMHO (can't stress that enough,) the community is larger and Xbox LIVE is a really versitile system backed by decent support. Yes, you pay for it, unlike PS3's online (which they NOW have a PLUS subscription that costs...) but you really are getting something for your buck. I own both systems and hardly ever turn on my PS3. and every time I do, the system has to take forever to update! Then the updates aren't even significant if they're even noticeable.

Titles-wise, given that pretty much every AAA title is multiplatform, you really can't go wrong with either system for those, but again, IMHO, the 360 has a better line up of exclusives (Halo, Gears of War, etc.) I bought my PS3 for its exclusives only... and after Heavy Rain (which was awesome,) nothing really drew me in or really competes with multiplatform titles.

In the end, I'd say follow the exclusive titles you think you'll like most and see which system it'll defer to. Of course, this being The Escapist, there's bound to be a few 'clever' responses in the vein of "Don't get either one; get a PC."


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Xprimentyl said:
Your avatar suggests you've already decided...

But I would recommend the 360 because, IMHO (can't stress that enough,) the community is larger and Xbox LIVE is a really versitile system backed by decent support. Yes, you pay for it, unlike PS3's online (which they NOW have a PLUS subscription that costs...) but you really are getting something for your buck. I own both systems and hardly ever turn on my PS3. and every time I do, the system has to take forever to update! Then the updates aren't even significant if they're even noticeable.

Titles-wise, given that pretty much every AAA title is multiplatform, you really can't go wrong with either system for those, but again, IMHO, the 360 has a better line up of exclusives (Halo, Gears of War, etc.) I bought my PS3 for its exclusives only... and after Heavy Rain (which was awesome,) nothing really drew me in or really competes with multiplatform titles.

In the end, I'd say follow the exclusive titles you think you'll like most and see which system it'll defer to. Of course, this being The Escapist, there's bound to be a few 'clever' responses in the vein of "Don't get either one; get a PC."
I already have a pc with graphics card and all that stuff. BTW my avatar was just for fun and not suggesting anything...


New member
Jan 10, 2012
BTW I liked the review and gameplay videos of Uncharted 3 a lot so should I go for a ps3?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Id say look at their exclusives and see what interests you more, also If you're really into online gaming and dont mind paying about 70 bucks a year then the Xbox might be a better choice. Honestly though the PS3 does have the most exclusives with a slightly higher emphasis on single player for the most part


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
TechieBoy said:
BTW I liked the review and gameplay videos of Uncharted 3 a lot so should I go for a ps3?
That's a start, but you might wanna look into others. Admittedly, I literally bought my PS3 JUST for Heavy Rain (got both on Heavy Rain's Launch day,) and don't regret it, but I already had an extensive library for my 360, so was prepared to have the PS3 be my "exclusives only" console and wasn't making the either-or choice you are now. I'd suggest you see what else is exclusive to the PS3 and see if it'll be worth it in the long run. As the other poster said, 360 is really focused on the online aspect; don't know if I'd agree that the PS3 necessarily focuses more on single-player, but the Playstation Network (PSN) is really watered down compared to Xbox LIVE.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Don't get either one; Get a PC.

*recieves internet punch*

I mean, check the exclusives for each game (that's really I think the only notable difference) or go by whatever controller you prefer. In terms of performance both of them deliver.

Since you like uncharted, you might as well get a PS3, but I voted Xbox 360 since it's my personal preference when it comes to buying a console.


New member
Jan 10, 2012
All this talk about 'exclusives!' so now I think it is

Gears of Wars 3 vs Uncharted 3
Who wins the 'exclusive' war?


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
What ever you want to get.

Seriously, neither is better than the other, just which ever you prefer be it due to Exclusives or what your friends play on.

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
They both suck.

Given that you mentioned you have a gaming PC with a decent graphics card, you can't really go wrong with either choice because you have a fallback.

For the record though, I voted PlayStation 3 because that's what I own and I'm personally satisfied with it.


New member
Jan 12, 2012
i picked xbox 360 bcus of its confortable controller and the big comunity, TBH xbox got a much bigger comunity than the PS3.

i prefer the pc tho since it got better graphics.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
TechieBoy said:
I already have a pc with graphics card and all that stuff. BTW my avatar was just for fun and not suggesting anything...
I would say PS3 because of this personally. I game with PS3 and PC and there isn't a title out there that I feel I don't have access to. Most Xbox "exclusives" are on PC, There are a lot of PS3 exclusives that aren't. Uncharted like you said, for example. (Start with 1 if you do)


New member
Oct 24, 2011
It really depends on what you want.

Do you game online a lot? I've heard the Xbox 360 online service is better, yet the PS3 is free. As I rarely game online, I am perfectly happy with the PS3 online gaming.

The most basic difference is the difference in games that are exclusive to each system.

Which exclusives do you want to play? The Uncharted series (which is awesome, in my humble opinion), is exclusive to PS3. As is the God of War series and inFamous.
The 360 has Gears of War and the like.

If you like a story to your games and prefer cinematic storytelling I'd suggest going for the Uncharted series, but I guess that's just a matter of opinion. I've never seen the appeal to the Gears of War series. I have both consoles, yet I rarely touch my Xbox and prefer to play on my PS3.

So yeah, just decide which exclusives you'd rather play. Watch some online video reviews or playthroughs to get a feel of each game and make your decision :)

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
I'd go with the Xbox 360, just because it's incredibly user-friendly and has great online functionality.


Trippin' balls man.
Jan 9, 2012
Assuming you want to play online with friends, go with what they have. There is very little difference between the 2


New member
May 27, 2009
TechieBoy said:
All this talk about 'exclusives!' so now I think it is

Gears of Wars 3 vs Uncharted 3
Who wins the 'exclusive' war?
Neither, Gears of war 3 and Uncharted 3 are two totally different games.
GoW is a thick bromance with over the top gore and such, with a real focus on the combat.
Uncharted focuses of giving a Indiana Jones style story with those over the top moments reminiscent of the films.

My star is on Gears over Uncharted, as I find the Uncharted series to be incredibly overrated due to poor gameplay.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
It's impossible for others to tell you which game is better. Try looking up some let's plays, see which set of exclusives you would prefer playing first and have fun with it. Game quality is subjective.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
TechieBoy said:
BTW I liked the review and gameplay videos of Uncharted 3 a lot so should I go for a ps3?
Yes. And this is from someone who owns a 360.

From what you said before, you already have a decent gaming PC. And frankly, there's not much the 360 offers that you don't already have but better. The 360 has just become an over-priced, severely limited, keyboard/mouse-less, glorified gaming PC.

So...yeah. You'd be better served with a PS3.


New member
May 23, 2011
TechieBoy said:
All this talk about 'exclusives!' so now I think it is

Gears of Wars 3 vs Uncharted 3
Who wins the 'exclusive' war?
The PS3 has more AAA exclusives; the 360 has more downloadable exclusives. The PS3 has also recently been getting ports of old PS2 titles, so you can expect a fair portion of most of the classics to turn up at some point. The 360's online service, although more expensive, is also better in my opinion. Both of them are rather square and occupy a large space on a shelf. That's about it.