Poll: Your weapon of choice for surviving the zombie apocalypse...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'd use a Chainsaw or Drill. Or Lawnmower. (Anyone know where I got that from?)


New member
Jul 10, 2009
You should add an "Other" option. I would take my semi-auto 5.56 NATO AR-15. It's accurate and the rounds work well on unarmored fleshy things.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Nouw said:
I'd use a Chainsaw or Drill. Or Lawnmower. (Anyone know where I got that from?)
Yes, but I can't remember the damn name of the movie. It was insanely gory however.


New member
May 27, 2010
Guns would be mostly useless, unless you felt like attracting MORE zombies, which is even more pointless, because you probably don't have a metric crapton of ammo, or any way to repair/clean the gun. CQC is also mostly useless (But less so) because you'd have to be close to the things that can kill you from a minor scratch or bite. IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA, MAN. More bad on the guns, as a real life gun enthusiast, duel wielding any kind of gun is STUPID. You can't aim worth anything (Also, the sheer recoil with only one hand will cause your shot to go wide every time unless you're some kind of action hero starring in your own movie.) and reloading in any reasonable time is also near impossible. Go for a pitchfork. That way, you can both stab them while shoving them back. Or just skewer them and they can't get closer. If you stab with a sword, they can just pull a Cloud and run through it to your tender juicy bits.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
dududf said:
Nouw said:
I'd use a Chainsaw or Drill. Or Lawnmower. (Anyone know where I got that from?)
Yes, but I can't remember the damn name of the movie. It was insanely gory however.
Yes it was. It's called Dead Alive in the world but in NZ, its called Braindead


New member
Jul 11, 2009
my favorite anti-zombie weapon isnt listed, which is, my brain, when it comes down to it, when you think something through, it may be more useful than any other weapon


New member
Jun 14, 2010
Zeithri said:
CQC - It's the best choice.
Ammo will be scarce. You will not find ammo lying around like "You found ".

JacobyPAX said:
I went with a Katana, but a Katana like the one Seperioth uses.
Which is long and increadible hard to use, not to mention heavy.
Good Luck!
I was unaware we where going for realism in this Zombie Apocalypse. Yes I realize it would be hard to use, but we are talking about a scenario that sadly won't ever happen.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Semi-automatic machine pistol. Light-weight/plentiful aunition, easy to maintain, and one or two shots to the head should finish off any undead scum.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Well a bolt action rifle would be useful. Specially if they are Romero zombies. You have the advantage of range and accuracy. Almost useless at close range but the zombies shamble so as long as I can keep my self mobile, I shouldn't have a problem. I'd use one of the lower calibre rifles. Those that can be suppressed to the point of being pretty silent. No need for using a 50cal Anti Material Rifle on zombies, too heavy, too loud.

I find it a little stupid that you wouldn't take a side arm with you. Even if you have to travel light and you need the ammo space. Walking around with out at least a side arm for close encounters is a daft idea. I'm sure you can spare the room for a small handgun on your person. Also a crowbar would be useful, for getting passed locks and taking out lone zombies without making too much noise. Again, you can easily spare the ammo space for a crowbar (which is much more important than ammo given it's flexibility as both a silent weapon and a tool).

Actually if you was smart, you'd carry a back pack with you so you could carry extra ammo, food and drink, along with any tool that could be useful. Even if your travelling light... You'd be better off carrying a backpack full of supplies and as much ammo as you could find. Yes you may get tired a little faster, just take regular breaks, the ammo, food and tools are much more important.


New member
May 20, 2010
wanna know my weapon http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/14434/453612-translocator_super.jpg

its a tele porter so I can get myself outta bad situations and i has a camera for looing around corners and scouting and it can also be used to kill zombies ie when a zombie walks over it you can telefrag them by ripping them from the inside out


New member
Jul 4, 2008
As a main weapon, a semi-automatic AK-74 (preferably an SBR varient with a supressor to reduce noise/possible ear damage).

Ammo is cheap, plentiful, low-recoil, and easy to carry, while the gun it's self is compact, lightweight, and retains the famous reliability of kalashnikov-style rifles.

Of course ammunition isn't a variable you can always rely on in a survival situation, so a good melee weapon on backup is always necessary.