Poll: Your weapon of choice for surviving the zombie apocalypse...


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Rubber chicken tied to a dildo with Primacord. The dildo accelratesthe force of impact, and if you get overwhelmed, the cord explodes and gets rid of all the zombies.


Jul 31, 2008
Even if you did have to travel light, taking just one weapon would be stupid. Certainly you may only have room for ammunition for one firearm, but you could take a melee weapon in addition for when you run out of ammo or if the weapon jams in a tight situation.

Personally, I'd go with a bolt action rifle along with a crowbar. The rifle may be slow firing, but if I was on my own I wouldn't be looking to engage large numbers of zombies up close anyway. It's range and accuracy would be ideal. The crowbar is a generally excellent melee weapon due to it's ease of use, durability and ability to be used for other tasks in addition to being a weapon. Besides, I already have a crowbar in my shed.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
BrailleOperatic said:
Rubber chicken tied to a dildo with Primacord. The dildo accelratesthe force of impact, and if you get overwhelmed, the cord explodes and gets rid of all the zombies.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
My dream would be to use the shotgun, but I know that they incredible sound will attract only more zombies and leave me even less time to reload. So realistically (irony) I would chose a mace-head attached to a 4 foot pike. Keep the zombies at an arms length,and use the incredible momentum to bash multiple heads in one go. But if they learn to duck, then I'm kinda screwed.

Mr. Doe

New member
Aug 15, 2009
Benefactor said:
Mr. Doe said:
Melee weapons are superior (firing a gun will just act as a huge lure) crowbars are perferred as they are sturdy and useful for opening doors and caving in skulls.
Having a crowbar would be useful as hell in said apocalypse, but getting swarmed might be an issue considering there's a very low chance you have CQC training or serious skills with a sword, no offense.

Having some range would be pretty useful I'd imagine.
Yeah I didnt see Crossbow or Compound Bow on his list so I went with my instincts and picked a versatile weapon, but on the issue of swarming its not like they have any skill beyond lurch sickeningly at you and groan/puke and I doubt a rotting pile of flesh and bone is a Close Quarters Powerhouse so a properly armored (Bits of wood/scrap cobbled together into makeshift armor) should be able to smash through a decent crowd of about 40 (being Generous) and not to mention most Surrounded situations occur when you get detected (firing away at zombies with a noisy bangpipe) not subtly evading and cracking skulls.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Well, if I were going for realism, I'd choose a shotgun. Tears through flesh easy and you can easily find ammo for them almost anywhere. Also, I'd like to bring to your attention, that you have been influenced by videogames
JamesJackWalshe said:
7. Shotgun - Powerful and can hit multiple targets because of the buckshot ammo, however it takes a while to reload and is only effective in close quarters.
It is true that shotguns have a shorter range than many guns, but they aren't nearly as close range as videogames make them out to be.
"Many modern smooth bore shotguns using rifled slugs are extremely accurate out to 100 m (110 yards) or more, while the rifled barrel shotgun with the use of sabot slugs are typically accurate to 100 m (110 yards) and beyond - well within the range of the majority of kill shots by experienced deer hunters using shotguns."-wikipedia
Usually, I don't use wikipedia, but I'm too lazy to look up the stuff from a better sight. Point is, shotgun outclasses most of those guns you've listed.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Close quaters would probably be the best in the long run, seeing as you won't run out of ammo. But I'd never use a Katana. It would dull eventually, and has a good chance of getting stuck in a corpse if you hit them in the chest. An aluminum baseball bat would be a much better melee weapon, or a sledgehammer if you're strong enough (I'm not).


New member
May 25, 2009
A greek hoplon shield and a roman gladius short-sword, plus some bronze plate armor if possible. A halberd or naginata would be great too. But a hand-and-a-half sword might be better since I could use it 1 or 2 handed. A flamberge would be good since it can be both a 2-handed sword and a polearm thanks to the grip above the hilt, plus the wavy blade means easy dismemberment.

Choices, choices.

Melee preferred, but a M1 garand with a bayonet would be great too. It is a hard hitting semi-auto rifle that I could poke the zombies with as well. Quick to reload and very accurate at all ranges. Only having 8-shots and being semi-auto means I'll pick my targets and aim instead of just spraying-and-praying.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i can't really think of any good ones since most firearms can break or run out of ammo and most melee weapons your too close and may get surrounded and well i think you know what happens then


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I'd take a Heckler & Koch VP70, with the stock. It's small, light, quiet, has minimal recoil and a large capacity. With the stock, you can switch over to three-round burst if things get a little out of hand.

Of course, if sneaking around wasn't an option and I had to blast my way out of a dire situation, I'd take an AA-12. Look it up.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Bolt Action rifle, hands down. It's just too easy to loose all your ammo with an automatic or a semi automatic.

My ideal CQW would be a crowbar, mainly because it's has a fair bit of wieght to it, a eye-socket sized spike on it, and between encounters, it's a great tool to have.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Laser eyes.... Definitely laser eyes.

Laser eyes aside.... Assault rifle most likely


New member
Dec 10, 2008
assuming i have unlimited ammo i went with explosives, cept it would be that Grenade launcher thingy from Far Cry 2...man that thing rocked lol.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
crudus said:
Yureina said:
Katana. Its what I'd do best with in the long run.
Amen. What is the point of killing zombies if they can't hurt you at a long range? It just brings unwanted attention to yourself.

Flying-Emu said:
You guys are all silly. Melee weapons and crossbows are the only way to survive the zombie apocalypse: Silent, accurate, and deadly.
A crossbow? Are you nuts? A crossbow will just pierce through their flesh without any real damage. Haven't you played D&D?
ACtually, yes, I've played DnD for the past seven years. Career Cleric, Eliras Dawnstrider. I fail to see how this is related at all, since zombies in DnD take normal damage from slashing and piercing and reduced from blunt. And a crossbow bolt is most definitely NOT a blunt weapon. Plus, it has remarkable accuracy up to 200 feet, and lighter crossbows can be reloaded fairly swiftly. Plus: headshots, man.