Oh i get it you take my comments out of context to prove your not a pervert or dumb. Like when i said "stupid porn industry wants more money to make more retarted movies"
you only took what you saw as dumb(stupid porn industry wants more money) instead taking the whole sentence as a whole like i made it. SO intead of taking the whole idea you only took part of it. My idea was they make movies for ps3 and then the money they make for that will only encourage them to expand their horizons to other non porn dispensing areas. Consoles, video games, whats next porn in a can.
"That's exactly what they want to provide: renting movies over the internet." yeah but over a console is the issuse, not how they want to do it. Besides if you need more and more ways to quietly look at porn then well maybe you should go out more often.
You fail at reading comprehension.
I mean dose anyone really want more negetive attention on the consoles, they already get blamed for everything, Obesity, lazyness, dumb kids, crazy kids, violent kids.