Porn King Wants Adult Movies on the PS3


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Well, we all know that the porn industry secretly rules the world, this means the console wars are over as porn has chosen the Playstation.

On a more serious note, this could be the kick up the arse the world needs to realise that video games aren't just for kids.
The delluded parents/nanny society groups will ignore the evidence presented to them by the world at large and simply continue to cry out "Won't someone think of the children!"


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Asehujiko said:
No, they are late newcomers, the PC had this from the start.
Hehehe, true - and the internet is the world's biggest supplier of porn probably.


Dire Penguin
Aug 3, 2008
Ardenon said:
Of course it's not morally right, even offering porn to a 18+ year old is odd enough just because it's an easiert way for perverts to get a stiffy simply by paying a few bucks. Seriously, work on yourself to get a woman.


Sickens to think that when a person can get along with anyone but doesent want to just because This is simpler. Verry degrading idea.
First of all, you can't say something is universally right or wrong from a moral standpoint. Because morals are dependent on culture, upbringing and good old-fashioned individuality. Your morals are not the same as my morals, for example.

Also, I have a common-law spouse (as in living with her, not married), and have naturally had plenty of sex with her. Oddly, I have also watched plenty of porn with her. Sitting next to me. Naked. Sorry to burst your bubble here, but porn is not restricted to sad losers longing for human contact. I'd say those people are a minority.

Edit: And sorry for the mental image, but I sort of needed it to prove my point.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Well, we all know that the porn industry secretly rules the world, this means the console wars are over as porn has chosen the Playstation.

On a more serious note, this could be the kick up the arse the world needs to realise that video games aren't just for kids.
Good point. My immediate thought was that it's a terrible idea - think of the kids. See how conditioned I am but your comments made me think for a moment and I now think it's a good idea.

It'd be well regulated and probably better than most internet sites. If it gives SONY the edge I'm well up for that.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Well, technically the commercials for the slim said it can do everything. So I think Sony is obligated to do this.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Silencer13 said:
Oh i get it you take my comments out of context to prove your not a pervert or dumb.
Sheesh, what did porn ever do to you?

OT: As others have said, as long as they go with an age check, I think its an alright idea, and I'm certain there's a market for Blu-Ray quality downloadable porn who would love it.


New member
May 12, 2009
Armitage Shanks said:
Silencer13 said:
Oh i get it you take my comments out of context to prove your not a pervert or dumb.
Sheesh, what did porn ever do to you?

OT: As others have said, as long as they go with an age check, I think its an alright idea, and I'm certain there's a market for Blu-Ray quality downloadable porn who would love it.
I just think that consoles arent a place for porn i would agree that they probaby would have some kind of agree verification.

"I'm certain there's a market for Blu-Ray quality downloadable porn who would love it."
i wouldnt doubt it


New member
Dec 30, 2008
I can't see that being met with great enthusiasm.
it doesn't matter if the world needs to wake up and figure out that games are for adults too, porn isn entirely different concept to 'adult' and just drags the while thing down to a new level of childish 'ooh tits', with which any 'adult' concept on gaming platforms are viewed. Mass effect is a good example of this - the shit storm kicked up by that will be piss in an ocean compared to what the media will throw up if this happens.

It would destroy all hope of sexual themes in games being portrayed or accepted in a view which is not one of "oh, this satisfies thoese creppy fat kids in mums basment who couldn't get a woman if their pathetic lives depended on it.

Seriously, while it would undoubtedly make a shit-ton of money, Sony would be stupid to allow that.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
I want it for the novelty and to brag to my friend that his 360 can't do it (in the UK, so he was disappointed that he couldn't use Netflix. Not starting flame war here)

EDIT: They can easily have an option deep within the account settings that could disable access to it in the store, requiring a password, and is disabled by default.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
Hopefully they'll follow Sony with the "Mini's" line, ten minutes of porn is all I'm good for.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Generic_Dave said:
Hopefully they'll follow Sony with the "Mini's" line, ten minutes of porn is all I'm good for. deserve a cookie...or whatever they give you on this interweb thing...

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Lord_Ascendant said:
one step closer to holodeck porn...
I begin to see a use at last for Project Natal...

Which disturbs me.

But seriously, the PS3 will probably be instantly destroyed by the psychic waves of anger emitted by every mother in America if this becomes legal.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Generic_Dave said:
Hopefully they'll follow Sony with the "Mini's" line, ten minutes of porn is all I'm good for.
HA! You sir have just made me laugh. Good show, good show.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
Megacherv said:
Generic_Dave said:
Hopefully they'll follow Sony with the "Mini's" line, ten minutes of porn is all I'm good for. deserve a cookie...or whatever they give you on this interweb thing...
Chocolate chip if you please kind sir. ;-)

Jumplion said:
HA! You sir have just made me laugh. Good show, good show.
I do try.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Combining porn and video games, guarenteeing your family will never hear from you again.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Generic_Dave said:
Megacherv said:
Generic_Dave said:
Hopefully they'll follow Sony with the "Mini's" line, ten minutes of porn is all I'm good for. deserve a cookie...or whatever they give you on this interweb thing...
Chocolate chip if you please kind sir. ;-)

Jumplion said:
HA! You sir have just made me laugh. Good show, good show.
I do try.'re not being euphamismic there are you?


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Ardenon said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Is it morally right? I've no qualms about the adult industry, but I'd say it would need a 100% accurate age check, otherwise it could be really morally dubious and could kick up a right shit-storm.
Of course it's not morally right, even offering porn to a 18+ year old is odd enough just because it's an easiert way for perverts to get a stiffy simply by paying a few bucks. Seriously, work on yourself to get a woman.
And secondly, Duh of course you wont get a 100% accurate age check, I kept plundering why the hell they put "Are you above 18? Yes / No" question on such sites. The makers probably think that people are stupid enough or just not curious enough to press yes and what not. Youd have to get an I.D. check every time you enter those sites for a more accurate check, and guess what, just use your parents I.D. no one will know ^^
Sickens to think that when a person can get along with anyone but doesent want to just because This is simpler. Verry degrading idea.
People pay money for it, so people sell it. Not really the high point of our civilisation, but it seems to be an unfortunate by-product of human nature.

Also you've accidentally quoted the wrong person. I wrote the post above that one.