President Obama Links Videogames to Unhealthy Kids


New member
Mar 17, 2008
I agree with the president. Hearing it from one of the most powerful men in the world, it puts things in perspective, doesn't it? Of course, he was most likely just using video games as a broad term generalizing everything the youngin's do nowadays; and what a broad tree it is, with your Xbox 360 hooliganism, PS3 shit-mongering, Wii waving-your-arm-about-like-a-dicking, and of course, computers. I know I myself spend hours more than I should pretending I was an awe-invoking god warrior instead of going through the discipline and physical regime I should be partaking in to craft myself into such a divinely wrathful form. That, and MySpace.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Propagandasaurus said:
Xvito said:
President Obama also thinks that war is a good idea...
Oh man, I really want to know where you got that from. Do you have an audio clip or something? I want that as my ringtone, just Obama being all "And I say... to you, my fellow Americans... fuck the children, let's kill some bitches."
He said "I'm not opposed to all wars, what I'm opposed to is a dumb war, a rash war."

So basically "Fuck the children, let's kill some bitches."

That's my interpretation anyways...


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Propagandasaurus said:
Xvito said:
Propagandasaurus said:
Xvito said:
President Obama also thinks that war is a good idea...
Oh man, I really want to know where you got that from. Do you have an audio clip or something? I want that as my ringtone, just Obama being all "And I say... to you, my fellow Americans... fuck the children, let's kill some bitches."
He said "I'm not opposed to all wars, what I'm opposed to is a dumb war, a rash war."

So basically "Fuck the children, let's kill some bitches."

That's my interpretation anyways...
I do remember that quote. Your interpretation of it is... certainly not my own. I can only speculate on why the difference in opinion on this one.

I'm assuming you're pretty anti-war?
Well... Yeah, I'm pretty anti-war.

All of the wars are dumb, but Obama doesn't seem to understand that... I thought he was different. *sobs*

Also, in my last post I forgot the "e" in some... AAAAAAHHHHHH!


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Silva said:
This isn't news. Obama has mentioned videogames on these terms in his speeches before.

And he's absolutely correct. Not that it isn't an obvious point. Of course this doesn't make him anti-videogames. Rather, he's pointing out that people are sacrificing outside time for videogame time, and that for children particularly this is dangerous to health as it creates bad habits.

Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
It's his business because obesity is statistically America's number one health risk. And that's saying something, considering how serious a condition health is in over there.
It ISN'T an epidemic. Actually, anyone that claims it is needs to see the movie Fat Head. It shows the facts behind the so called epidemic and WHY so many people are getting fatter. It also shows how Spurlock is nothing but a liar.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
He owns a Wii. Why doesn't he know about Wii fit? But Wii fit is probably less pleasant than regular exercise.


New member
Jul 27, 2008
I think that most people in power, and in general, are missing a key factor that affects kids that grew up from my generation (born 1990) on. At age six my grandfather could walk five miles away to a swimming pond or field to play, my parents could walk a mile to either the schoolyard or the playground. At age six, I couldn't walk more than fifty feet away from my house without my parents ushuring my back inside/demanding that I stayed close to the house. I started playing video games, and was rushed off to the worlds of Link and Fox and Banjo. Now, after a while, what do you think I found more interesting, Hyrule, the Lylat System, and the musical world of an anthropomorphic bear, or a 100 foot diameter circle of generic American suburbia? Even if my experience was interupted, say, by a red-ring-of-death, or a power outage, I still didn't go outside, I went to books (fantasy/sci-fi of course) and sat in a chair or my bed all day, reading. By the time I reached an age that my parents felt safe about me leaving their watchful eyes for more than thirty seconds (16) playing outside had simply lost its appeal. Swings? Jungle Gym? See-saw? Pass. And even more "exciting" things, like sports, fishing, or biking, had no appeal to me whatsoever. Basically, the environent of a medium sized town, even with my newly aquired freedom, did not stack up to the years of experiences in far-off lands through video games.

Now I don't blame my parents, or society, or the world, or the media, and most certainly not video games for this fact. Because, for me, it is simply that, a fact. The reason I bring it up is that if we're going to change the status quo for the better, we need to understand the forces behind the current situation, treating the disease (bordom/apathy concerning the real world) instead of treating/blaming the various symptoms (playing a lot of video games, watching a lot of TV, reading a lot of books, and using the internet for extended periods). If the kids of the next generation are going to go outside, we need to give them a long, LONG leash so that they can get out of suburbia and actually DO SOMETHING! Now, I turned out alright, I'm not obese, not even overwieght, nor am I homeless or undereducated, I graduated in the top 15% of my high school class and am currently working through college, but we need to give the next generation the kind of freedom in the real world that they can so far only experience in an open-world game (A wide, varied environment with flexable boundries), otherwise, they're going to miss out on what the real world has to offer them, like I did.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Propagandasaurus said:
Nurb said:
Same with the whole 'meat is unhealthy for you' BS from those pretentious veggie/vegan idiots. No it's not, OVER EATING on meat is what's unhealthy.
Actually, little known fact, but everyone that has ever eaten meat has been dead within a hundred years. True.

It's because beef is filled with little worms that squirm down your throat and piss in your liver.
*gasp* Vegetables are the key to life?!?!

I don't believe it =p


New member
Jun 24, 2008
One person says video games are bad for your health and everyone's mad he had to say that? It was only one of the 4 examples he said. He was only listing some examples that could make people healthier, and since most video games aren't a form of excersize then I think it's an ok example. It's not like it was the only thing he said.

a big stupid idiot

New member
Jan 9, 2008
He makes a good point, although video games can encourage outside escapades. I know a lot of people who started skateboarding because of Tony Hawk and Skate, I also know a lot of athletes who play sports games.

I say get rid of bullshit like Myspace, Twitter and Texting and you'll see an upsurge in people going outside to be with their friends.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
Because he is a socialist that believes government intervention will solve everything =p


New member
Mar 16, 2009
ansem1532 said:
Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
Because he is a socialist that believes government intervention will solve everything =p
And he's trying to draw attention away from how he's screwing everything ELSE up...


New member
Apr 23, 2009
ShadowKirby said:
A politician said the word video game! Quick, to the panic room!

j0z said:
You see, when a government takes control of the healthcare system, they can do stuff like this, because it is them paying for your medical bills, so they have the right to regulae activities they think might be "harmful" to the population. Government healthcare is such a slippery slope, and we Americans must stop this before it gets out of hand.
I probably just made a few enemies in these forums, but hey, we still have freedom of speech right? (well, at least until that is deemed hazardous to the public's health)
Yes, cause in Canada we cannot smoke, drink, play video games, watch TV, drive cars or do anything dangerous.......
I never said that they would, I said that they had the right to do it.
I just said that we have to guard yourselves from the government from getting out of hand, because with government run healthcare, the government does have the right. I did not say that it is absolutely going to happen, but that it could happen.
Look at it this way, if you buy a house, or a car, and take out a loan from the bank, the bank has the right to make you buy insurance, because until you pay the bank back, they have the title to that car/house, which means they have an investment in that asset, they have a say about what you have to do with it.


New member
May 12, 2008
Wait, sitting on a chair and eating without moving can make you fat?


How is this news to anyone? Video Games don't make america's youth fat. America's youth makes America's youth fat.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
ansem1532 said:
Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
Because he is a socialist that believes government intervention will solve everything =p
Most people who support Obama or are on the fence won't really respond to accusations of Socialist ideology. It's kinda McCarthian to attribute political philosophies to people who claim not to hold them, regardless of their actions. It's a favorite when his supporters need to weave some straw men.

Granted, when people want to refute this explanation, they often use stupid reasons. I actually remember someone saying that Obama couldn't be socialist because the socialist party leader said that Obama wasn't socialist.

Anyway, not all collectivist political philosophies are socialist, communist, fascist, or Utopian. Whether they are malignant or benign (In the sense of a tumor being benign. I don't think they can actually be good.) is the important question.