President Obama Links Videogames to Unhealthy Kids


New member
Feb 5, 2009
WIUtomato said:
As much as I love my 3 plastic smiles boxes, I have to admit, the man has a point. I think that the internet and the telly are just as much to blame though, check out the onion article from today (now THERE is a credible news source to quote...) which claims the people spend 90% of their waking hours staring at "glowing rectangles"... (and yes, I know that the onion is a parody news site, I get it, just in case my earlier parenthetical sarcasm was missed, but I don't think I can really argue with their numbers... maybe they are a bit high... but not all that far off the mark...)

Anyway, I think if Barak had said "video games, the internet and television", then everyone would have just said "well duh!" so he left a bit out so we'd all have something to talk about online instead of enjoying this beautiful day... HA!
So in a move that consisted of little forethought, He is making the problem worse.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
I did a survey for school (terrible as it was) and it showed that gamers were on average less fit then those who didn't play video games (it was hard tracking those people down) We we're however smarter, with a trend of more video games = higher grades. So we're fat but we're smart...NO! THE STEREOTYPES ARE TRUE!!


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Feb 12, 2009
A random person said:
shadowstriker86 said:
if you want ppl to stop playing video games to go outside and play, you need the outside TO BE MORE INTERESTING!
I propose we have ninjas and bears wander around. That would make things more interesting and promote fitness. Nothing like running from a bear to get the heart pumping.
or better yet...



New member
Feb 14, 2009
WanderFreak said:
Because it couldn't be, you know, the culture that is responsible. No no, the culture is perfect. Maybe they need to stop looking elsewhere and take a good look at themselves and realize: maybe the fact we have 20 McDonalds in a small town and vending machines in schools are contributing factors more than whether a kid plays a couple hours of Prototype a day. No doubt videogames don't help, like anything if you overdo it there will be negative consequences. But there are far more worthy sources that they could be focusing their time and energy on.
Haydyn said:
Yes, because we all know that over-eating fat kids who watch Tv all day are fat because of video games... It's amazing how President Obama has the opposite beliefs than me on every issue he's brought up that I can remember.

1: Playing video games doesn't make you fat. It just doesn't keep you in shape.
2: Over-eating makes you fat, yet even though America is in a depression, we are still buying and consuming too much food.
3: Playing video games doesn't mean you don't get excercise. Blaming video games for being fat is like blaming the cat for taking the last donut. It didn't take the donut, and it's not going to buy any more donuts. Video games are not good or bad for your weight.
4: Food is already becoming more and more healthy in the weight department. Half of our food is either low fat, reduced fat, or no fat. Because of this, ever since I started working out just an hour or less a day, I lost 30 friggin pounds. None of my jeans fit anymore. Now, I've actually had to cut back on excercise, and I force myself to eat more than I want, and that's only to stay at my current weight. And I play about 5-8 hours of video games on a daily basis.
5: Some video games can even teach people the advantages of being skinny. In Fable 2, the fatter you get, the lower your attractiveness is. In fact, most main characters in video games are fit, so if we are playing the lives of fit people, why would we getting fatter? We play video games to play a hypothetical situation that would be ideal for enjoyment, and in these situations, we are fit. If anything, video games could help get and keep people fit if we were to use them right.
If I could, I would give you both a cookie and/or a prize of your choice.
YES,YES,YES,thank you for showing me there is other people out there that has more than half a Brain!
This problem(people getting fat) can only be taken out by eliminating the source.Our culture is of getting stuff done fast and now it is that and finding the easiest way to do it. Getting ride of some things like video games does not stop people from eating bad or being lazy,Two things that actually would help if we eliminated or reduced them.

On another note,I have a theory about politics.If you can't solve an existing problem, ether create/make up a problem to solve or find an escape goat.This is just my opinion so feel free to disagree with me,but this is just one of those things.It's easier to take down video games then change our culture,just like its easier to get ride of a small problem then a big one.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
This isn't news. Obama has mentioned videogames on these terms in his speeches before.

And he's absolutely correct. Not that it isn't an obvious point. Of course this doesn't make him anti-videogames. Rather, he's pointing out that people are sacrificing outside time for videogame time, and that for children particularly this is dangerous to health as it creates bad habits.

Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
It's his business because obesity is statistically America's number one health risk. And that's saying something, considering how serious a condition health is in over there.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
shadowstriker86 said:
A random person said:
shadowstriker86 said:
if you want ppl to stop playing video games to go outside and play, you need the outside TO BE MORE INTERESTING!
I propose we have ninjas and bears wander around. That would make things more interesting and promote fitness. Nothing like running from a bear to get the heart pumping.
or better yet...

Even better. There should be a government committee set up to create new and interesting enemies and dungeons. Beating up said enemies and exploring said dungeons would get you money and items. With people beating up thugs and raiding enemy bases, obesity will decrease greatly.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Jumplion said:
Freakout456 said:
Really just shut up Obama you aren't getting me to stop playing games. I mean you know what else causes kids to be unhealthly ummm everything else....I mean this comes from I guy who is known to have a problem smoking seriously don't believe him.

Also he says it makes kids really doesn't some of the smartest kids I know (myself included) play lots of videogames.

...where in that entire quote does he say that video games make kids stupid? I would really like to know, because what I'm seeing is you guys overreacting to a simple phrase of "video games" being mentioned in the same line as "diet and exercise".
He says it leads to underachievement which basically can mean stupid.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Freakout456 said:
He says it leads to underachievement which basically can mean stupid.
I would like a direct quote from Obama saying that rather than a news reporter that's supposed to take things out of context (no offense Escapist). He "says" it leads to underachievment? Well show me the direct quote as news from media such as this tend to bend context.

An excess of games, and pretty much an excess of anything really, can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and possibly underachievment. It's stupid to suggest that an overuse on video games isn't bad on your health, as is overuse with plenty of other things. People are just taking what he's saying way to seriously because they read "Video Games" and "unhealthy" and immediately have a knee-jerk response of it being a nutjob when really it's the truth. Video Games aren't exactly the most healthy of activities out there, are they?


New member
Feb 12, 2009
A random person said:
shadowstriker86 said:
A random person said:
shadowstriker86 said:
if you want ppl to stop playing video games to go outside and play, you need the outside TO BE MORE INTERESTING!
I propose we have ninjas and bears wander around. That would make things more interesting and promote fitness. Nothing like running from a bear to get the heart pumping.
or better yet...

Even better. There should be a government committee set up to create new and interesting enemies and dungeons. Beating up said enemies and exploring said dungeons would get you money and items. With people beating up thugs and raiding enemy bases, obesity will decrease greatly.
it'll be called


Nov 5, 2007
A politician said the word video game! Quick, to the panic room!

j0z said:
You see, when a government takes control of the healthcare system, they can do stuff like this, because it is them paying for your medical bills, so they have the right to regulae activities they think might be "harmful" to the population. Government healthcare is such a slippery slope, and we Americans must stop this before it gets out of hand.
I probably just made a few enemies in these forums, but hey, we still have freedom of speech right? (well, at least until that is deemed hazardous to the public's health)
Yes, cause in Canada we cannot smoke, drink, play video games, watch TV, drive cars or do anything dangerous.......


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I would have to say he's right, I mean I would rather sit at home playing video games than going for a run


New member
Apr 1, 2009
A random person said:
Ginnipe said:
Underachievement, really, I'm a big video gamer and yet I'm one of the smartest students in my entire class. I think rationally, I get high grades (except in language arts, but I don't care that a form can fit meaning or that I need to write 3rd person instead of 1st) and I actually understand why many people do things, including why us gamers play video games.
Are you me?
I know me as well.

Great minds think a like!

On Topic: Excessive of anything can be harmful including video games.

As well as lots of little things adding up to one catastrophe.
Example: Work in a cubicle, eats junk food, drives home, and sits on their fat ass when at home. I can lengthen this example but I'm to lazy to do so (goes back to playing video games).


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Silva said:
Knonsense said:
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?
It's his business because obesity is statistically America's number one health risk. And that's saying something, considering how serious a condition health is in over there.
Isn't this why health classes are a part of most grade school and high school curricula, though?

I suppose there's no harm in talking about it per se. However, this speech is most likely going to be accompanied by economy and liberty crushing legislation.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Videogames don't make people unhealthy reading a book or playing chess is equally inactive and yet to metion them specifically would, give him a hard time as selling those activities as negative.
Sure he might mean entertainment as a broad coverall term but why not say what he really means that kids don't exercise enough since that is the real problem.
Videogames are still struggling to be recognised as a valid activity and I believe that is why he did state them specificaly.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
you mean sunlight? that burns my skin.

also causes cancer..

I'll stick with the video games thank you very much..

Capo Taco

New member
Nov 25, 2006
link670 said:
While he makes a fair point, telivision in general holds just about as much blame, stop singling out the gamers *goes back behind anti-politician bunker*
Sorry, but gaming is more addictive.

Psychosocial said:
PureChaos said:
why am i not surprised games are being blamed for unhealthy kids, too?? McDonalds, chocolate, deep fried stuff, cake and fatty foods have NOTHING to do with it, it's all video games' fault
There are fatties in Sweden too, but fatty food is not even nearly as popular here as in say America.

I know it's hard, but we've gotta admit that there is some sort of truth in what Obama is saying.
I agree. Plus, from personal experience, I've noticed that the times in my life when I lived an active lifestyle I was much more aware of whether I was eating healthy or not. And the start of that active lifestyle was always to play/use the computer less.

I have to agree with what Obama is saying.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I'm pretty sure he's right about that. But they're not linked because videogames make you unhealthy, it's that being a lazy bastard makes you more likely to do indoor activities like...say...videogames.


New member
May 23, 2009
Okay, I've got a high metabolism and video gaming is probably the only thing I do, besides school, eating, taking a crap/leak, and I weigh... just about nothing.

That aside, I do do A LOT of walking at school so I kick in soccer like a cannon half the time and I have the reflexes of a mofo on crack in dodgeball because of how much I've had to avoid being punched in the face.