ps3 or xbox


New member
Mar 31, 2009
thanks for the tips maybe i should try them both out first i think my nephew has both, hard part will be tracking him down long enough to borrow them. i wish i could get both but not in the budget.


New member
May 1, 2008
I don't know. I got a ps3 because I like the variety and innovation of games Sony secures for their systems. I'm thoroughly entertained by the thing, and, since my friends have ps3s (some of them), i can play online with them and share download games and content (you can share store purchases with up to 4 other people, something you definitely can't do with the 360)


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I'm being trampled by all the incoming fanboys!!! GAHHH ARGLkasdjlknxkjnxjkndoaiwiowioiwiwww.......................ehh....


New member
Feb 23, 2009
tommo8993 said: cheaper???
I will not say it is cheaper but I think you need to be a little less biased with your chart there. The only difference between those two setups is the different games, HDD size, headset, HDMI cable and 100 bucks.

HDMI cable is $8.00 as long as you do not go to big box stores where they mark them up 800% not an exaggeration ask anyone with a best buy discount how much rocket fish cables cost them. This is a really depends on user point if all you have is an SDTV then to boost up to component really is not that noticeable of a difference.

You can get the really nice sony blue tooth headset for 44.99 or 59.99 with a socom which is a pretty fun online game . or you can use pretty much any usb or blue tooth headset with the ps3 which you can get some decent jabras for 10 bucks. But this is another one of those points that really depends on the user whether they want the headset / online or not cause you would spend the 49.99 for xbox live if you wanted the online play for that year. As for the headset that comes with the xbox it is the cheap wired one that connects to the controller which works but are definitely not something to write home about.

Hard drives are close enough in size will not bother messing with pricing them.

The backwards compatibility is about the only place that makes a big difference and I will admit it is kind of the suckage. but ps2 is down to 99 dollars. Although I haven't actually picked up any of my xbox games to try in my 360 been too busy playing new games for the systems.

All in all I think you need to do a little more research before posting a comparison picture since yours is mostly definitely either way outdated or just made to show off your agenda. your almost 400 dollar price difference needs a little work over. I count up maybe a max of 200.

I will not go into the whole xbox needs this and this and this to be = to the PS3 cause it is kind of a mute point this is a comparison of just getting the two systems equal on accessories and games and such not tech.

All in all it really comes down to check out the games play the systems and then decide on which one you would like to buy. If you really have a hard time deciding flip a coin buy one now and save up again for the other. Most importantly enjoy playing games.

Wow sorry for the wall of text.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
McCa said:
Runnn Fanboys Aproach!

No NOOO its Dingo RUN!

But Xbox

*flees from dingo for his life*
Indeed. I'm amazed he's not turned up yet.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I prefer the Xbox 360. The PS3... I just didn't like it (and thats coming from someone who loves the PS1, and likes the PS2).
But thats how I feel personally.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
got ahold of my nephew gonna borrow the xbox this weekend, he has fableII should be fun


New member
Jan 7, 2008
I would like Ratchet and Clank a lot more if I liked the targeting or mandatory Sixaxis bullshit sillyness. It's similar with Motorstorm and the load times...
Every time I see something interesting come out and I get a chance to try it on PS3, it comes over all meh. But ultimately:
[Obi-Wan]You must do what you feel is right, of course...[/Obi-Wan]


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I'd get both if you can. That being as likely as me getting stabbed by Zeus himself though I'd suggest you just get the one that has the highest number of games that you want.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
As far as i've heard from PS3 owning friends, the PS3 has poor online support compared to the 360, on the other hand it has a blu-ray player.

What does your friends have? do you want to be able to play online with them? (cuz you have the same consoles) Or be able to play both consoles exclusive releases between you and your friends (cuz you'll have one and they have the other)

2 look at the consoles exclusives, and see which one appeals most to you.
Some 360 exclusives,like gears of war, is still released on PC since it's 360 is microsoft

And don't listen to fanboys who doesn't give you advise on how to chose, but just tells you that the system they own is best cuz the other sucks. (im a wii owner so i'm neutral


New member
Nov 8, 2008
I have an Xbox 360, and I'd say get a PS3. You're going to spend so much on the Xbox 360 to get the internet set up (what with the wireless wi-fi being $100 and Xbox Live Gold being 50 a year) that you might as well get the PS3. Then again I want a lot of the PS3 games.

Your best bet is to take a look at the exclusives for each console and pick the one with the most games you think you'd enjoy.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
akla44 said:
im mostly a pc gamer but ive been thinking about buying a new console i stil play my original ps1 when im in the mood. of the 2 what one would you buy and why also what console has the most rpg games thanks in advance akla
wel u c dpndin on ur tztes den i hav say u go 4 wutvr u tink best but den u no u dun no much so LOL i gis dat don help non do it LOL but rly i wud say

Seriously, I can't do it anymore.

Just buy a 360.

But, since you like RPG games, chances are your best bet would be to stick with your PC. Most RPG games that you can get for the Ecks Bawcks (Fallout 3, Oblivion, etc. etc.) are all available for the PC as well.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I prefer the 360. My opinion may be a little slanted because i primarily play Team Fortress 2 which is technically superior on the 360 [thanks to the incompetence of EA and their porting skillzz]... but all things equal, i personally find the controller to be much better [better triggers, better thumbsticks & thumbstick placement, no pressure sensitive face buttons- terrible idea, sony; overall there is better ergonomic design- it simply fits in my hands better]. also i would say it has the rpg market pretty much locked down, what with all the exclusives it has...


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
Xbox 360 = cheaper, doesn't last to long(RRoD), online = $$$, superior online capabilities

PS3 = expensive, lasts a long time, online = free, superior offline capabilities

Both = an amazing library of games


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Let's break it down.

The 360 supposedly has this huge library of totally awesome and mind-blowing games... which is odd because I have two friends who own 360s and they don't seem to name any of them besides Gears of War 2.

A lot of the PS3's really good quality titles are not being pitched anymore as direct competition against the 360. You see, the stuff the 360 crowd seem to be drooling over are mostly, as has been said, for thick-necked gamers; Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Generic-Testosterone-Filled-Shooter-Eighty-Four. The 360 seems determined to hammer that 16 year old boy audience.

The PS3 has plenty of similar titles, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 being amongst them (which beat Gears 2 and Halo 3 respoectively), but it has games like LittleBigPlanet or Disgaea 3. These games are really, really fun to play... but they appeal to a wider audience. LBP in particular has such a massive range of appeal I'm shocked it's not on the Wii.

The PS3 is lagging behind primarily because it is different, and as such is more of a risk to program for. However, it seems that, based on comparing the games that are both exclusive and cross-platform, the PS3 is starting to pull ahead in terms of graphical capabilities, suggesting that if the developers pull their finger out, they can make it pull ahead in other areas as well.