ps3 or xbox


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Well, since I'm a rebel who plays only by her rules... I vote...

For this thing:


New member
Mar 31, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:

Neither. At least, I prefer my RPGs on the PC.
I can't imagine playing KotOR on the Xbox.

akla44 said:
Tryzon said:
Why must people post threads that just *beg* for a flame war or two? For extra credit, it's in the wrong forum with no capital letters in the title and no exclamation mark at the end of the question. Bravo.

To make it very clear, it should be written thusly: PS3 or Xbox?

Someone learned a whole load today, eh?
so do i get a spanking or something??? i guess this forum is not as cool as i thought must be loaded with a bunch of english teachers and smart asses. go ahead and ban me if ya want not a very nice place to hang out anyway. goodbye,.?!& oh wait forgot the capital letters better give me some more lessons.
Okay, ignoring the insults, that is not the way to respond to constructive criticism.
He's trying to help. A lot of people here will ignore you or mock you for having poor typing/spelling skills.
That's just how it is.

And yes. I am a smartass.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
i thought this was a gaming site not a writing class, most sites i post on give warnings to people who critisize others for there spelling and grammer. i come from the school of hard knocks working full time when i was 14 to help support my family so excuse my poor writing skills.

so people will ignore you if you have poor writing skills? hard to believe anyone could be that petty.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
akla44 said:
i thought this was a gaming site not a writing class, most sites i post on give warnings to people who critisize others for there spelling and grammer. i come from the school of hard knocks working full time when i was 14 to help support my family so excuse my poor writing skills.

so people will ignore you if you have poor writing skills? hard to believe anyone could be that petty.
I'm not being mean, but let me take your post apart point-by-point.

"i thought this was a gaming site not a writing class"
You're right - this is a gaming website. But it's one where, in theory, intelligent discussion wins out over fanboy wars.
Since that is often the case, it follows that we often strive for good grammar and spelling. The reason for this is because the first indicator of intelligence on the internet is having such.

"most sites i post on give warnings to people who critisize others for there spelling and grammer"
This is not other sites. It's quite the opposite here. We take pride in the things we think and say, so we try to be as articulate as possible.

"i come from the school of hard knocks working full time when i was 14 to help support my family so excuse my poor writing skills."
I'm sorry to hear that, but to be honest, school didn't teach me anything about writing.
I can write stories because I have talent (if you'll excuse the egotism,) and I have fairly good spelling and grammar because I played World of Warcraft for a longish while. It took me about two months to go from
"lol wutz up" (yes, seriously,)
to my current level of skill.
It takes a bit of hard work, but it's worth it.

"so people will ignore you if you have poor writing skills? hard to believe anyone could be that petty."
Yes, or correct you. It depends on the person and their mood, of course. I haven't ignored you, and I am in fact trying to help.
And it's not petty. It's intellectually biased, or perhaps elitist, but not petty.

EDIT: Let me just say, though, your writing skills aren't as bad as some I've seen from adults with years of college.
A bit of capitalization and a few well-placed commas, and maybe a spellchecker on some words, and you'd be just fine.
I suggest, if you're not already using it, Firefox. It has a built-in spellchecker which many find useful.
well you have a strange view of the world if you think good grammer and spelling equals intelligents, but thanks for the words of wisdom i guess.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
akla44 said:
well you have a strange view of the world if you think good grammer and spelling equals intelligents, but thanks for the words of wisdom i guess.
That's not what I said.
I said it's often the first indicator of intelligence over the internet. If someone types in l33t-speak and misspells a bunch of words, people aren't likely to think "This person is obviously an intellectual of the highest caliber" as much as they're likely to think "This person is an idiot."

Good spelling and grammar doesn't mean someone is intelligent, obviously, but it's the first thing you notice about someone over the internet.
Agreed. while I for one dont care about my grammar and spelling in my casual posts, it is a quick way to determine if someone is an idiot or not. Not judging a book by its cover is true, but it is the easiest way figure out who has poor insight on a topic, and those worth listening (reading i guess?) to.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I have a PS3 and I personally prefer it (smaller controller free online service) but I have played on a X-Box 360 as well and they're both good systems. PS3 is more expensive though.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Psychosocial said:
Oh shit! Console wars incoming, run!

I personally prefer the Xbox 360, won't go in deeper on why, because then I might have the PS3 fanboys kill me.
McCa said:
Runnn Fanboys Aproach!

No NOOO its Dingo RUN!

But Xbox

*flees from dingo for his life*
Simalacrum said:
Psychosocial said:
Oh shit! Console wars incoming, run!

I personally prefer the Xbox 360, won't go in deeper on why, because then I might have the PS3 fanboys kill me.
we shall PURGE you from the earth, infadel! muahahhahahahahahahhaahhha!!!
D_987 said:
It completly depends if you are more intrested in online gaming - in which case 360 - or movie watching alongside games in which case PS3.

360 has arguably the best RPG's with Fable II, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery.
Lios said:
Neither, they both annoy me. Especially their "fanbases."

PC Gaming shall triumph over all.
ssgt splatter said:
well if I could afford it, I'd have both but I have a XBOX 360
Can't we all just get along ?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
akla44 said:
well you have a strange view of the world if you think good grammer and spelling equals intelligents, but thanks for the words of wisdom i guess.
That's not what I said.
I said it's often the first indicator of intelligence over the internet. If someone types in l33t-speak and misspells a bunch of words, people aren't likely to think "This person is obviously an intellectual of the highest caliber" as much as they're likely to think "This person is an idiot."

Good spelling and grammar doesn't mean someone is intelligent, obviously, but it's the first thing you notice about someone over the internet.
It would be hard for me to judge someone or get a true feeling of there intellect by a few missing periods or capital letters, I understand your point of view and will try to adhere to the forum rules if i post in the future.

Now back to the op I got the xbox and im ready to get playing, see ya akla


New member
Mar 26, 2009
You gotta go with the more established of the 2 imo, some would argue that Sony has had the playstation around longer but really, microsoft has been into gaming way longer. I own both and the PS3 has some improved qualities in graphics but it's marginal at best and the XBOX 360 games are more plentiful and much less expensive over all. Also let us not forget the kicker imo, XBOX 360 will allow you to play those old XBOX games you love where as PS3 doesn't. :)


New member
Oct 28, 2008
I think Xbox because all around I just like its games better and way more people are on xbox live than ps3 network...oh yah and then there is the whole price thing...


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Xbox all the way. You know there have been more Wii fitness boards sold than PS3's? Plus, Sony really doesn't know how to integrate their network with their games -- check out how bad the PS live-thingy is compared to the Xbox live-thingy.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
AndyFromMonday said:
My suggestion. Go with the Xbox 360. But it's you're choice.
The final sentence makes my brain hurt so bad. Here's what you wrote without the contractions, "But it is you are choice". I could barely type that without correcting it. Sorry to be so nit-picky about things, but I worry about the state of our language and communication skills a great deal. Laziness in writing on a forum can lead to laziness in other aspects of communication, and pretty soon no one will ever know what you mean.

On topic: I have yet to update to any of the new systems but the 360 appeals to me more right now merely because it's a bit cheaper and seems to have a few more exclusive games in its library.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
TonsilTerror said:
I would say... Xbox 360.


Free Online
More Advanced
Internet Browsing

XBOX 360

Better Headset
Party Chat
Private Chat
More Accessories
Easier to use

(There probably many more points but im too tired to think of the rest)
The PS3 has blu-tooth headsets, party chat, private chat, and a messenger. @_@