Question of the Day, September 3, 2010


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I thought at first "finally finished" meant the project was ended, sealed in a metal box, and buried under metres of concrete.

But no, the saga drags on..


New member
Apr 12, 2010
If you mean 'finished' the same way Daniel Plainview was 'finished' at the end of There Will be Blood, then yes


New member
May 21, 2010
Cassita said:
Better question: Does anyone care?
It's almost sad really. I loved Duke Nukem as a kid and I wanted this game so bad... I've gone so in different though. THe only thing keeping mmy hoped up of this getting done is Gearbox working the projectm and even that doesn't work to stir my apathy much.

I don't think we do care, I think we want to care but simply can't muster the empathy


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
I'm a "believe it when I see it" type of girl, so umm, yeah... I'll believe when I see it, or rather when I'm playing it.
I would kinda like to see this happen, as Duke Nukem was an integral part of gaming childhood (and not just the 3D one, boys and girls, but its predecessors as well), and I spent a few weekends playing deathmatches with my father and sister. But it'll happen when (and if) it happens. In the meantime, sill plenty of great games to play.
Oct 18, 2008
I think the biggest "hype" about the game is that its initials are DNF or "Did Not Finish", so even if it is finally released, it will probably live up to its alter ego, and not be finished, you know, since it was originally announced as having a PlayStation 1 version. I wonder if they still plan on releasing that, LOL?


New member
May 21, 2010
Cassita said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
Cassita said:
Better question: Does anyone care?
It's almost sad really. I loved Duke Nukem as a kid and I wanted this game so bad... I've gone so in different though. THe only thing keeping mmy hoped up of this getting done is Gearbox working the projectm and even that doesn't work to stir my apathy much.

I don't think we do care, I think we want to care but simply can't muster the empathy
I, too, loved Duke as a child. My father and I used to spend hours playing Time to Kill - it is the only game I've ever been able to play with him.


Oh well... Time goes on...

/sobs quietly

Back in the days of the original Dooms, when you didn't need to aim to fire up. I remember me and my dad beating level after level. Now his reflexes are not so good... *Sniffles* I feel your pain

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
It might mean it is, but they may just be messing with us.

Or they could be correct, but it still only comes out a day after Armogedden.

Which happens to be the same day Episode 3 comes out :p


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I don't think it'll be released in '10, I think Gearbox might have a trailer for us. We'll see.

12 years hasn't really dampened it for me much, it's always in the back of my sub-conscious so I do care a little bit. People are kidding themselves if they say they really don't want to see the foul-mouthed king of alien-killing American hero in a modern day game.

The gameplay was never a huge part of Duke Nukem 3D. Duke himself was the best part.


New member
May 21, 2010
Cassita said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
Cassita said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
Cassita said:
Better question: Does anyone care?
It's almost sad really. I loved Duke Nukem as a kid and I wanted this game so bad... I've gone so in different though. THe only thing keeping mmy hoped up of this getting done is Gearbox working the projectm and even that doesn't work to stir my apathy much.

I don't think we do care, I think we want to care but simply can't muster the empathy
I, too, loved Duke as a child. My father and I used to spend hours playing Time to Kill - it is the only game I've ever been able to play with him.


Oh well... Time goes on...

/sobs quietly

Back in the days of the original Dooms, when you didn't need to aim to fire up. I remember me and my dad beating level after level. Now his reflexes are not so good... *Sniffles* I feel your pain
/balls inconsolably

Is it okay if I use your shirt as a tissue?
/offers shirt

one day the great shooters will return to us, don't you worry!


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Duke Nukem Forever can't actually be released, Half Life 2 Episode 3 needs a friend on the vaporware farm!


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Duke Nukem will live on in our hearts and minds forever.

"I'm gona rip your head off and shit down your neck"