Race selection is back in Dragon Age Inquisition


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Hopefully the Qunari are more like how they were in DA2; when I first saw Sten I thought he was just a tall human.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
evilthecat said:
Exius Xavarus said:
Orlais, Free Marches and Eastern Fereldan are all in.
Tevinter is also in. Looking forward to that one.

From what I've heard, it seems like the plot is going to involve you travelling across Thedas and dealing with the consequences of the continent-spanning war which started at the end of DA2.
The chaos caused by the Mage-Templar War has created a giant tear in the veil that's allowing demons to spill into the real world without having to attach themselves to another physical form. There's a single entity that's controlling these goings on and you(the Inquisitor) are charged with figuring out which way is up.

At least, that's what I've heard.

Truthfully, the more I hear about Inquisition, the more excited I get for it.
[sub]I'm currently going through Origins again to get the story I want, then importing to DA2 to make the choices I want and be ready for import to Inquisition.[/sub]

evilthecat said:
At first I was doubtful because Morrigan is in (which probably means shapeshifter) and I don't think they'll make the mistake of having two melee specializations for mage again, but if they build on the system in DA2 where companions have unique specializations then it leaves the field open for arcane warrior to return since it was clearly popular (just not with me). Lorewise it's tricky to justify, but then Reaver didn't make any sense in DA2 either.

One thing I really, really hope (but which may be controversial) is that we end up limited to one specialization instead of two. Two was overkill in Origins and extremely overkill in DA2, and it plays down the uniqueness of each specialization. It would also make replaying the game less repetitive as you'd be having the opportunity to experience new specializations.
You're actually capable of three specializations in Origins. You just can't pick your third until Awakening.

And I agree that it's way overkill. My Arcane Warrior/Spirit Healer/Battlemage was capable of just sitting there and auto attacking the Harvester for the whole battle. By herself. Ignoring the skeletons. My Berserker/Reaver/Spirit Warrior was even more broken about it.

Personally, I'd like to keep it limited to two specializations, but differently than it's been done before. I'd like something more akin to Guild Wars. You have a primary specialization and a secondary specialization. The secondary specialization is a little weaker than the primary, but meant to compliment and support your primary, nothing more. Like say I become an Arcane Warrior first, then choose Force Mage later on. I'll never be able to ignore my Arcane Warrior capabilities and play like a Force Mage alone. I'll always play like an Arcane Warrior, but I'll have some Force Mage capabilities to support it. Same if you reverse the process. You'll play primarily as a Force Mage, and have a few Arcane warrior techniques to back it up and support it.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
You mean I get to choose between being an unremarkable human, a skinny human with pointy ears or a short, stocky human again?

Thank goodness for that. Just wasn't the same without it.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
I wonder if there'll be different backstories and origin missions as well. Not that it matters so much; i'm just glad to see i can play an elven mage again.

I wonder if they'll have gravity magic and arcane warrior specializations again too.


New member
Aug 15, 2013
I really hope that they can pull it off. I know when the game was first announced, I was feeling pretty cynical about the game. But I think I want to be cautiously optimistic. I'm really glad that there would be some racial choice, though kinda wish it wasn't just the Elf and Dwarf staples, but I have to get it where I can. It seems that WRPGs seem to want to force you play as Human or even not allowing a gender choice, So I'm always happy to hear that a game will have gender adn racial choices.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
This is a very good move, since frankly, playing as a human when there are clearly other, oftentimes much more interesting races available in the universe, is disappointing. Humans are boring. Humans are standard. And, as both fiction and real life have proven time and again, Humans are dicks. Not to say that Elves or Dwarves aren't dicks at times, but hey, they still tend to be more interesting in terms of culture if nothing else.

Though, I, like at least one other mentioned earlier, would love to play as a Qunari chick. Though, I can always hope that one ends up becoming a party member. [sub]And possibly romancable.[/sub]

As for me, I'm probably going to play as an Elven Blood Mage, if possible. Though, if they keep the same body proportions that the Dwarves had in Dragon Age 2, I may go for a Dwarf girl. For some reason, the proportions of the Dwarves in Origins just looked so strange as to be off-putting, particularly when it came to limbs.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
The latest GameInformer article on the subject teased the possibility of playable Qunari, which to me would blow the other options out of the water. If that's not the case, I'm very happy to be a dwarf again. The different backgrounds in Origins may not have had much effect on plot progression or special events, but it did allow me to play the game from a different perspective, which greatly assists replayability.


New member
Mar 4, 2013
evilthecat said:
norashepard said:
Plus the lady Qunari are total babes. Babes, y'hear?!
Of course, to make them playable they would also need to add a bunch of new classes, like the shopkeeper!

Why kill giant spiders when you can soothe their berserk animalistic rage by selling them adorable garden gnomes! Why stab bandits when you can convince them to buy T-shirts with amusing phrases like "Koslun is my homeboy!" or "I went to Seheron, and I all got was a forced conversion and this lousy T-shirt!"

Speaking seriously, I think this is one of the reasons Qunari aren't ever likely to be playable. There's a reason we haven't seen a single female Qunari in game (beyond the time required to model and animate them).
I just think the writers would need to be more creative. The player could be Tal-Vashoth, for example, and then the Qun would mean shit to them. Also there are several female spy types in the comics and stuff, as well as Tallis, who was still Qunari, but by conversion rather than birth.

Still, incredibly unlikely, but I'm holding out hope.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
harrisonmcgiggins said:
This game has taken so long to come out, and been talked about so much

That I dont care about it anymore
I'm sorry what? I have seen 2 threads about it including this one. How is that equal to people talking about it a lot?

I was very glad when I heard this. I can be and elven mage again.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Zhukov said:
You mean I get to choose between being an unremarkable human, a skinny human with pointy ears or a short, stocky human again?

Thank goodness for that. Just wasn't the same without it.
This is exactly how I feel about it. I didn't mind DA2 not having Dwarves or Elves as playable.

DA could use a bit more distinguishing between the races, radically different dress, different animations, different profiles.

(Hell, Mass Effect proves that they've got some developers who can produce a wide variety of very different humanoid races)

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
As much as I love these options back, I wish we get to customise the body shape of our characters too.
Bioware's female models are often too skinny for my taste. I'd would love to have some muscle on them for example.


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Although I dont personally mind the DA2 human exclusivity, I can see why others would. So this is good news, maybe some of the DA2 hate will wear off for DA3.

...oh who am I kidding. There'll be some details wrong again and everyone will jump on the "Bioware sux!1"-bandwagon like before. *brooding pessimism*

Once a company's reputation has gone dark and lost its appeal to many of the customers(which I admit was well-deserved for ME3s ending, but NOT DA2, because it was still a stable and good game on its own right), you need a friggin' miracle to get back on the good sides. Even if people praise DA3 left right and center, it will be extremly easy for people to critisize it for the smallest errors due to Bioware's past mistakes.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Probably won't use it. Always try and self-insert in these games anyway, so human master race etc etc. Unless the game is good enough that I play through it like five times. Which would be nice.

Glad it's back on the menu for those who want it though. Yaaaay, happy people.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
Well, this is good news. It probably won't affect me too greatly, I never got past Lothering with the one elf character I made, and never even started a dwarf character. But then I never really felt the drive for that many repeat playthroughs, DA:O is a long game. Still, maybe DA3 is the time to finally not be the boring human on first playthrough.

But hopefully it's an encouraging sign for those feeling disenfranchised, rightly or wrongly, with Bioware that they don't hate their fanbase, and that maybe they do hear what people said about DA2.

You can argue all day about how much culpability Bioware should have admitted for perceived faults in DA2, but hopefully this will go some way to assure people that they are at least trying to fix them.

I'm not saying people should immediately 'trust' Bioware again after this, but it would be nice if a few people could at least give DA3 the benefit of an open mind after hearing this, maybe listen out for new details and not immediately assume the worst, that every little snippet of information spells doom for the franchise.

norashepard said:
Elf, excelling at poverty.
Ahh, one of my favourite lines across both games. I really hope Sten is back...

endtherapture said:
Elves appear to look like this now.

Which is great, more subtle version of DA2 features (ears) whilst not being ugly donkeys and looking more human. In the video of the link I posted it also shows female elves, and male and female dwarves, all looking great.
evilthecat said:
Personally, I liked the DA2 take on elves for the same reason I liked the Skyrim take on elves. They're not humans, I don't think they necessarily have to look like humans or conform to what we think is attractive. Virtually every fantasy setting has elves as basically petite humans with pointy ears, I think it was bold to try something different, but too bad. I don't play elves so I can deal.
I... kinda agree with both these points, oddly enough. I don't really like the 'elves are skinny people with pointy ears' look from DA:O, it feels a little lazy and I feel different species should be physically different as well as culturally. A unique aesthetic take on a fantasy convention is always welcome.

That said, the elves in DA2 were butt ugly. As in, off-puttingly ugly. A happy middle ground, therefore, seems ideal. They don't quite look human, but I can still make an appreciably attractive female elf character who won't befoul my monitor every time I go into a conversation. Well, unless I get bored and decide I want to exploit the face gen sliders to create a terminally hideous main character.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Mixed feelings. Anything that resembles Origins, and further distances the series from DA2, is a win in my book. At the same time... remember when choosing your race was a BASIC component for RPGs? I cringed when the guy said this was "money well spent" because it reminded me why RPGs sorta suck now: they don't want to spend money developing content the player won't experience. I mean think about that sentiment for a minute. In a good RPG, your choices are supposed to matter. You go left, someone else goes right, and each of you enjoys an entirely different journey. But with dev costs running rampant and publishers breathing down everyone's neck, it's like they can't "afford" to let your choices matter anymore.

They need to voice everything because whatever, yet they can't voice enough alternatives to make it believable.

They need to polish everything with a billion polygons, but they can't render anything but narrow, linear, re-used dungeons because anything that isn't seen/used by every player was somehow "a waste" or "inefficient."

They need an epic, overblown, melodramatic story, but you don't get to determine how any of it plays out. You're just a human-shaped play/pause button.

All of this relates to the way negative space/content (which is what I call stuff that has no real purpose other than fleshing out the game) is just too expensive these days. It's sad.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
More on DA specifically, I was one of those retards who liked 2, despite how boring the combat was (didn't notice the copy paste dungeons until someone pointed them out to me) and the ending was really, really interesting. Not having your choices meaning jack shit was the point and that was totally awesome.
I think the ending would have been more interesting if I wanted to actually finish the game's plot. When it came down to magev s templar, my first thought was to just fuck off and leave them to kill each other. I had no reason to help either side, and only went mage to get Bethany out. And the fight against Meridith was just the last straw for me. It's one of the dumbest boss fights I can ever remember playing.

Exius Xavarus said:
So far, Inquisition is shaping up real nice. The one and only thing that I need to see is the return of the Arcane Warrior specialization. If I saw Arcane Warriors return, that would be an instant pre-order for me. I was so sad that DA2 didn't include them. Force Mage was nice, but I still don't particularly care for Blood Mage or Spirit Healer. Allow me to become an Arcane Warrior/Force Mage, however... Dream come true. I'm also very happy I can resume playing as an Elf.
God I hope Arcane Warrior is back. Outside of lore(and they could probably have just explained it away with some ancient tome, which are a dime a dozen in Kirkwall), there was no reason for leaving it out of DA2. In fact it's the only sensible specialization for a mage in Kirkwall, where the templars are only outnumbered by the rooftop dwelling bandits. It's no wonder there were so many blood mages in Kirkwall, with only blood mage, healer and force mage as choices.

It will be interesting to see how they handle voiced protaganists with multiple races. Unfortunatly, I'm guessing it'll just be one voice fits all. But at least I'm hearing positive things about it.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
This is great news. Now if they can work my Warden in somehow I am going to be a very happy man.