
New member
Apr 7, 2011
Erock10 said:
Enjoy the ban.

OT, the only time I quit in a FPS is if the teams are stacked making it impossible for one side to have a chance or if they allow spawn camping/raping on the server. I have no tolerance for unsportmanship playing like that and refuse to play with people who do it. I also quit servers because everyone is noob tubing. But i do not rage quit, I simply exit the server and find a new one. Oh and the stacked teams, spawn raping.. I dont care wich team is doing it, I dont tolerate it at all. But then again on PC I dont have to tolerate it, theres plenty of servers that will ban you for it.

As for the person described in the OP. he is a loser, plain and simple. and stats do not make you a good player.

Grimlock Fett

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I'll only ragequit if the game is totally F*cked! I joined CTF on nuke town and the enemy team were just holding the flag and spawn killing the team I joined. Obviously I tried to turn it around but its hard to do when you have a steady stream of dogs, gun ships and chopper gunners smashing your back doors in every time you spawn!

Quitting as a general "tactic" is weak at best! If you cant hack losing occasionally don't play online! Play combat training on easy and feel like a boss as you "PWNZOR" bots with your "friends" gamer tags!


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm far too patient to ragequit. No matter how bad I'm doing in a match, no matter how outnumbered my team is, no matter how sure we are to lose, I'll stick it through to the end.

The one time I've ever ragequit, is when a sniper in TF2 was using an Aimbot. It's just no fun when someone has to cheat to win, and I wasn't going to share a victory with such a selfish person. He was on my team, by the way.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I never ragequit if I'm having fun. If I'm enjoying running out in Battlefield 2 with a heavy machine gun and spraying bullets everywhere before being invariably hit with a Tomahawk missile, I keep playing regardless of my point count. If it's not actually still fun to keep playing--for example, being spawn camped by scouts in TF2 and getting a faceful of buckshot every time you walk out the door--then I'll quit, and probably smash my keyboard into my face a few times. It's cathartic. However, I never quit simply because I'm losing. 'Tis dishonorable. One must face defeat like a man.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't rage quit, but I also don't talk to the team mates, unless they friends who I'm in clan chat with.

Although on Starcraft I did use to BM and make the enemy hunt down a hidden base in the middle of nowhere, but I've learned that doing that doesn't help anything, or give me any pleasure, so, I just gave up on that.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
like the guys from extra credits said, agency is the way to go, when a gamer fails at something he tries again in different ways till the objective is complete, that is the way to do things right.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Worgen said:
I never give up, I never surrender, hell in league of legends I have only voted to surrender once in over 300 games and that was because we lost 2 people early on and our enemy team sucked at pushing but we couldnt out fight the 2 extra chars in big fights
I despise people like you. When a game of LoL is over, you should know it.

At 20 minutes:

4 people on the team refuse to cooperate, and are getting picked off one at a time, because Teemo wanted mid instead of Ashe. That's a surrender time.

You're down 41-2 (Actually happened!) and have lost 5 turrets. That's a surrender time.

2 or more members on your team won't stop being asses. They intentionally feed, all chat your team's location, and ruin it all. That's a surrender time (and god bless you if you manage to get it, since they'll say no to keep trolling anyway)

It is NOT for:

You're down 10-14, and have lost 1 turret, but you're 0-5.

Your team just got aced, but all 2nd turrets are still up.

Your team keeps dying, but your team has many characters that scale better into late game.

LEARN IT USE IT. You will gain more IP in surrendering and moving one to a better match, then fighting for 10 more minutes until they Baron, and ram your door down.

OT: That person sounds like a douchebag. Like the worst kind of gamer possible. That's not surrendering, that's just abusing the system. Surrender means taking your loss like a man and telling your opponent "you were better than me in this game."
Ive had too many games turn around despite a crappy start to ever be willing to give up, one of the last games i had, the enemy was beating us for almost the entire game and was 20 kills up and had lost no turrets and we only had our inhib ones left but then they effed up and died at our inhib turret and boom, we pushed and pushed hard into their base, knocked out the inhib and both turrets and then they surrendered before we could finish them off

people who feed and are asses in game make me more determined to not surrender since that means they will be stuck in the game for longer

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
The only time I ever leave a match before it ends is when lag forces me out. I've been the last man standing in countless games.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I've never rage quit the middle of a match because the enemy team was better, but I have left a lobby after a bad match with an opposing team who have been doing suspiciously well, but I've been pissed as hell during a game. Though I have rage-quit when lag is costing me a lot of kills or making it impossible to play an even or fair game.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
To make someone rage quit is a reward in itself.

I, for one, want to see pictures of a rage quit knuckle tattoo.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I only rage quite when I'm playing Bulletstorm, apparently.

If my team is just really retarded in Vanquish I'll quit.

Like earlier today, we were on round 10, doin pretty well, we came within 20 points of winning the round... Twice.

Reason we didn't ACTUALLY win the round? Some fucking moron didn't do the end-of-round skillshot to net loads of points, and instead chose to just shoot the enemy in the head, leaving us 20 points short.


New member
Aug 15, 2010
ThreeWords said:
It's considered a legitimate military strategy to pick your battles; I suppose it counts here too. If you really wanna win, run from the ones you'll lose.
I suppose thats true. It is said that there is no honor in throwing your life away needlessly.

More on point to of this thread, there is no honor in defeating opponents beneath your skill. In battle(deathmatch), a solider (gamer) must be prepared to die. Such is the life of a warrior. To fall at the hands of a skilled enemy is to die honorably. No true solider(gamer) would steal victory from an equal.

That is what I believe.

That said, lagging sucks and hurts all in the game, such quits are acceptable.

I agree wholly with Uszi. getting someone to ragequit does have a certain satifaction to it. Also, we should see pix of this tat.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
In response to the Knuckle Tattoo Defense Force, calm down. That's all I really have to say on that one.

To those of you who admit to ragequitting as a result of anything other than lagging or hacking, for shame! The game I used to play the most online was Halo 3 (5v5 Team Slayer), after Call of Duty stole all of its thunder, leaving only the actual Halo fans to play while the obnoxious children were following the latest shooters.

Anyway, a common occurrence for me in those days was when someone would be playing with a splitscreen friend or two, then their connection would fail because they suck. When the other player(s) would see we lost two or three teammates, they would just give up and drop out as well. This would leave me about 5% of the time fending for myself against five other players. Did I ever once back out of a fight like this.


It was on.

I would arm myself with just an Assault Rifle and a Battle Rifle, and take notice of the strategies the other teams employed. Usually, they would see they only had one target and would underestimate me, meaning they'd fan out and just hunt me down alone. Oh, how woefully unprepared those poor sheep were. Then they'd wisen up and start trying to hunt me as a team, but they would never keep intervals. A sticky, a few headshots, and a frag, and the other team was history. Rinse and repeat until the score usually wound up around 50-10, me.

You see, when a game loses popularity, the community that remains is comprised of about 10% hardcore basement dwellers who will never play another shooter in their life because they've already found the perfect one. The other 90% are people who like shooters, but also have a life, so they don't bother keeping up to date with the newest ones when the ones they already have are plenty satisfying.

That 90% was my *****.

This 90% would never utilize their motion trackers, meaning I could move about freely and stealthily take out anyone running around in circles trying to find me. Shit was like Predator.

Unfortunately, the other 10% would oftentimes party up and dominate the hell out of my face, causing my whole team to intentionally rage quit and leaving me to get rocked. Rocked as though the opponent was a goddamn hurricane. Sure, it would be a brutal three-and-a-half minutes, but it sharpened me and made me better. There is no better way to hone your skills than to reforge yourself in the fires of 50-10, them.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
samwd1 said:
fucking little cunts like you people is why I think about getting a sledge hammer and smashing some babys skulls.

now if were all going to act like cunts then Im going to be the biggest fucking **** there is.
Kurt, is that you?


New member
Apr 2, 2010
When I started playing the Call of Duty franchise (specifically MW2) I was months behind my other friends in skill, experience and know-how. I was a typical newbie, making all sorts of mistakes, but I stuck through matches till the end because - excluding hackers - how am I going to get better if not by playing against better people?
What I found hysterical was that a friend of mine (one of the much more skilled players of our group) would ragequit over anything. I honestly don't get it; it wasn't as if a team was hacking, he just didn't like that they had too many snipers, or one guy running around knifing. It made even less sense due to the fact that the things he complained about were often tactics he himself employed.

Either way, I can understand ragequitting to an extent.. The only matches I generally bow out of are ones that require teamwork, a la L4D, when I end up with a team that wants nothing more than to do their own thing resulting in us getting repeatedly stomped. But at the same time, quitting because you have to keep your K:D ratio high, or you simply dislike losing seems quite low.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
ilovemyLunchbox said:
Do people actually think running away from fights you can't win makes you a winner?
We call this the Charlie Sheen strategy.

Also knuckle tats can be covered with rubber gloves when he, let's say, is making burgers for McDonald's. If you truly never want to see employment, get a face tattoo.
But the face tattoo can be covered up by the paper masks surgeons wear.


New member
Jun 25, 2011
The only time I have rage quit is during a game of Words With Friends.
So, never during anything that really mattered.