Rape, Feminism, and The Escapist Forums


New member
Mar 25, 2009
corneth said:
I'm not entirely certain what section I should put this in, or if there even is a section that fits it, but this needs to be said. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm a massive user of these forums, I'll browse them casually now and then, but every time I glance down at the "Popular Forum Posts" box there's a post about Anita Sarkeesian or rape or a discussion of sexism. My question is why, on a website at least ostensibly about video games are there so many angry posts about feminism and rape? Of the top ten most discussed topics of the last year, five directly or indirectly referenced feminism or sexism in the opening post. From an outsider, this seems like overkill, and I really don't see a good reason for it. At best it seems excessive, at worst it perpetuates the stereotype that all nerds or "Gamers" are whiny, neckbearded pseudo-intellectuals who can't get any.
Am I the only one who sees the irony in this? You complain about how "popular" discussing feminism is on this forum by making a topic about it? (In a way this is about feminism and how the community interacts with/sees it)

And I guess we should as such also thank you for perpetuating the stereotype that all nerds or "Gamers" "are whiny, neckbearded pseudo-intellectuals who can't get any."


New member
Apr 11, 2010
JT-ham said:
hooksashands said:
I know man, ***** be crazy. She's saying that media is shaped by culture and that media in turn shapes culture. What insane radical nonsense is this?

Not quite. She's saying that any examples of sexism she finds in video games are ingrained throughout culture to the point that we're not even aware of them, which sounds strangely similar to how an evangelist preacher might tell you you're filled with the devil's influence and don't even know it. This sketchy premise enables her to dismiss all criticism by throwing anyone who doesn't agree with her under the wheels of the "anti-feminist"/"rape apologist" bus, while assuring that nobody voices a dissenting opinion for fear of social backlash.
JT-ham said:
This interview with Jim Sterling [http://www.gamingaswomen.com/posts/2013/06/an-interview-with-jim-sterling-about-sexism-in-game-culture/] is a pretty interesting read. He used to be part of the boo-feminism-sucks crowd, and then later decided to start paying attention to what people were actually saying and decided that he agreed with some of it. He also comments on Sarkeesmania:
Wundergeek: My biggest question for you is why? What happened that caused you to change your views about sexism in the game industry? What was the turning point? Was there a specific event, or was it a gradual evolution? And what did that feel like for you?

Jim Sterling: You can hold a mirror up to a person as many times as you like, but only the person can look. The nature of online interaction is such that one can pick and choose the things they have to confront, and I simply chose not to confront the idea I was supporting sexism in any way.

I?ve taken to calling my prior attitude, as well as the attitude of other members of the gaming community, the ?obviously not? syndrome. In my mind, I ?obviously? wasn?t a sexist because I didn?t believe in mistreating women, in hurting women, that sort of more extreme activity the cursory glancer associates with sexism. That?s the insidious thing about misogyny and privilege ? you never really think of the subtle things, the more sinister harmful things you may be perpetuating. Making jokes about feminist, being ?satirical,? calling someone a ?feminazi slut,? it was all fine and dandy, because I ?obviously? didn?t mean it, and ?obviously? didn?t think I was a bad person. The trouble is, when you start telling yourself it?s ?obvious,? you give yourself no further cause to actually reflect on yourself or your behavior.

I don?t think it was any one thing that changed my mind, though I would strongly credit the work of writers such as yourself for putting under the microscope that which I was unwilling to. I owe a great deal as well to my wife, who has become a more vocal feminist herself over the years, and who patiently educated me in the ways of becoming a more inclusive, more positive influence on the gaming community. I?ve also been blessed with excellent friends who possess strong feminist views ? a writer local to me by the name of Tom Head, as well as Colette Bennett and, more recently, Leigh Alexander. Being in the presence of such people has been of amazing benefit to me and the evolution of my career.

As far as how it?s felt, I?d have to say there?s an energizing element to it. People believe that choosing your words to be more gender-neutral, elimating words that can be uniquely insulting, is ?censorship,? that it restricts how you write and speak. Far from it, it?s only encouraged me to be more creative, to seek a fresh presentation and open myself up to a whole new vocabularly. It?s difficult, and even scary, to get deeper into the gender issues that affect the gaming world ? you never know who you?re going to upset, and accidentally upsetting people is the worst. However, that?s also a special kind of challenge I?ve largely been grateful to face.

This is to say nothing of how much there is to talk about once you open your eyes and stop denying there are any problems. My, but there?s a ton of it!

Wundergeek: You?ve made your feelings known about feminism in the past. What are your views on feminism (and feminists) now? Would you call yourself a feminist? Why or why not?

Jim Sterling: I?ve always tended to be a centrist, historically, never a fan of extremist thinking. Ironically, that?s led to me having pretty extreme views on movements I?ve simply decided are extremist! As far as feminism goes, I think my biggest issue was personal arrogance in assuming I could sort the ?extremist bad ones? from the ?normal alright ones.? It?s not exactly my place to make that call, yet make it I did.

My views now? Still forming, always evolving. I?ve leaned more liberal the longer I?ve been an atheist not-straight Brit living in Mississippi (funny how that works). I owe a debt of gratitude to many in the feminist corners of the community, though, for being among those who contribute to my growth as a writer and content producer. I feel feminism ultimately benefits every gender the human race has to offer, concerned as it is with smashing enforced gender roles and expectations. With some of the things I do falling well outside of my gender?s typicality, I can more than appreciate that!

I wouldn?t call myself a feminist, nor would I call myself an ally. Not out of disdain or contempt for the terms ? quite the opposite, in fact. It?s one of those things where I feel it?s not my place to apply such terms to myself. If what I?m talking about at the time aligns with a feminist view, then great! I wouldn?t just up and say, ?Welp, I?m a feminist now, everybody pat me on the back.? Not earned that distinction.

Wundergeek: What made you decide to speak out? You could have just changed your opinions and stayed quiet, but you decided to speak out in some of your new videos. What was the thought process there?

Jim Sterling: There?s a number of reasons. As a ?not straight? person, I?ve always cared deeply about LGBT issues, even when my vulgar turns of phrase and use of ignorant language may have made it appear otherwise. From some of my older videos and articles on the topic of gay issues and homophobia, there was a natural step toward examining sexism too.

Another reason would be the aforementioned looking into the mirror, and being of a frame of mind to finally see how much there is to talk about. This has gone hand in hand with many other games writers highlighting the problems, so many more now than there were a few years ago. It?s reached a point of exposure to where no reasonable person could deny sexism is a problem in game culture.

The third reason is personal. I?ve been a fairly prominent speaker in gamer culture for a fair few years now, and in turn have contributed to the form it?s taken. My earlier work was harmful in ways I never thought about, and in the years since examining that work more closely, it?s something I feel obliged to help make better. I want to be a more inclusive and positive voice for everybody in gamer culture, and that?s one of the biggest driving factors in my work, especially Jimquisition, tackling such topics with greater regularity. I don?t want to be Angel, fighting demons in LA to atone for my wicked ways, but I certainly don?t want to be a poisonous force in our culture.

Wundergeek: Have you experienced any backlash from the gamer community over your recent videos expressing concern about industry sexism? If so, do you think it has been comparable to the backlash Anita Sarkeesian has gotten for her videos tackling industry sexism? And if not, what are your feelings about that?

Jim Sterling: Some, sure. It?s a very odd thing to be called a ?misogynist? and a ?vagina warrior? in one day, but these things happen. I kind of get it from both sides these days. Through absolutely my own fault, I have many of people in feminist cicles who still feel alienated by me, while those in the camp of the bigots or the gamers who ?don?t care about this shit? view me as an annoyance who was ?gotten to? by the brainwashing feminists. These are the things I should expect, and more or less deserve.

It is, however, nothing compared to what happens when a woman dares tackle the same issues I do. Nobody threatens to rape me. Nobody says I ?must be stopped.? The worst I get is an accusation or two and the obligatory reminder that I?m a fat fuck ? not the most thrilling of engagements, but far better than consistent hate campaigns and utterly vile personal attacks and threats. Whenever I do a video on sexism, at least one comment will always be congratulating me on how better than Anita Sarkeesian I was. There?s an obsession with her, and I don?t understand it. Compared to my characteristically combative videos, Anita?s work is downright restrained. Yet I?m told I?m the reasonable one and she?s the radical. It makes no logical sense!

For me, confusion is the most dominant feeling over this stuff. I honestly do not get why Anita has been so especially marked.

Wundergeek: Some people are going to see this and assume that you are changing your tune out of personal interest; namely that you are turning your back on your sexist writing because of career and financial motivation, not out of genuine desire to change on your part. What would you say to those people? Which is the real Jim Sterling?

Jim Sterling: What could I say to that? There is no way to invite one into my brain with a flashlight to have a good old poke around, so there?s really no proof of sincerity. These accusations come up regularly enough, though funnily it?s not usually from feminists, but from angry male gamers who link to old blog posts about me to try and shut me up. That is yet to work.

I?ve been tackling more and more feminist issues, gradually attempting to evolve my work for maybe a year or two now, and I don?t believe it?s been a sudden 180, but a gradual change, which I welcome everybody to go and check out for themselves if they care enough to. However, it?s not something I wish to go out of my way to prove. I?m an unbelievably fortunate person to have the job I have, and the position I have, and I want to use that position to be a good element in the gaming community. It?s an element all are free to embrace or ignore.

I resolved never to say ?I?m not sexist.? To echo a phrase I used earlier, it?s not my call to make. It?s up to the individual to decide, and if anybody decides I am, then I can only acknowledge that as a fair assessment and continue to work. It?s not as if I didn?t willfully contribute enough evidence.

Who is the real Jim Sterling? He?s an idiot who tries to be less of an idiot every day.

Jim also said that we're not allowed to talk about Sarkeesian simply because of the comments and e-mails she received: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/6264-Anita-Sarkeesian-The-Monster-Gamers-Created).

In fact, the very first article on the Escapist to mention her personally blames ALL THE MALE GAMERS ON THIS SITE at the end:
Sure, because we had some cosmic male-only power to prevent this shitstorm from ever happening. No, sorry. I'm not convinced. To reason that I--or any other man on the Escapist--could have stopped them from sending her rape/death threats is absurd. No one is responsible for the misogynist horde except the misogynist horde themselves. Their being laughably stereotypical douchebags neither proves that the videogame industry is infested by sexism (see: 'Hitler ate sugar/played video games') nor reinforces the notion that I am living in a man's world. Rather, it has the opposite effect: I feel like I am being witch-hunted by feminists. You could make the case that someone can be sexist without realizing they're sexist (as Jim notes), but there's a difference between that and being un-apologetically vindictive to another human being.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Phasmal said:
I honestly don't know.
It's a controversial issue, sure, but there are plenty of other ones. The obsession with this one is more than a little disturbing.

You are right that it perpetuates an extremely negative stereotype about gamers.
Some of the stuff that gets said is concerning and it makes it difficult to be a feminist and female gamer on here. I really wish I knew why people keep feeling the need to bring it up.
Going to play Devil's Advocate here, I'd say its down to people fearing that the feminists who follow the same school of thought as Sarkeesian use "SEXISM" the same way Senator Yee, Feinstein or Wayne LaPierre use the term "VIOLENT VIDYA GAMES"; taking a few examples completely out of context to try to prove a supposed problem in an entire industry and then using it as an attempt to force their own "correct" ideas on designers. Now I'm not saying that all (or even many) feminists think this, only that I've seen a vocal minority that think like this.

While I agree that there is sexism in certain parts of the industry (mostly unintentional) I don't see how the recent views being put forward show any real solution to the issue, rather only treating a symptom but adding far more new problems with the precedents that could be set.

I do think some people on here certainly have some unresolved issues with feminism, and women in general, but I don't think that accounts for all of it.
On this note I have to disagree, you only need to look at the fallout of Other M to see that nobody has a problem with female protagonists/action leads but rather are fully in agreement that there need to be more. The issue lies more in the immaturity on both sides and the lack of ability to voice their arguments without attacking the other side.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Ninjamedic said:
While I agree that there is sexism in certain parts of the industry (mostly unintentional) I don't see how the recent views being put forward show any real solution to the issue, rather only treating a symptom but adding far more new problems with the precedents that could be set.
Ooh, if you really want a good talk that mentions solutions, I would recommend watching this: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/194571/Video_Sexism_and_sexuality_in_games.php
I would embed it but it's not from youtube so I dunno how.
To be honest, the industry probably knows what the issues are and it's not that hard to see what they should maybe be doing less of. So that's kind of obvious.
Personally I get more annoyed at the sexism in gaming communities than in the industry, but I suppose those things probably affect each other.

Ninjamedic said:
On this note I have to disagree, you only need to look at the fallout of Other M to see that nobody has a problem with female protagonists/action leads but rather are fully in agreement that there need to be more. The issue lies more in the immaturity on both sides and the lack of ability to voice their arguments without attacking the other side.
I'm not quite sure why you thought me saying some people have issues with feminism and women means they are against more female protagonists. That isn't really what I meant. Feminist is seen here as a dirty word, even an insult. Not to mention, a lot of people here will freely admit they have very little experience with women. Which does make me wonder if they have difficulty empathising with us.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Phasmal said:
To be honest, the industry probably knows what the issues are and it's not that hard to see what they should maybe be doing less of. So that's kind of obvious.
I think this ties into the Tunnel Vision the AAA publishers have had for the past 7 years, in their determination to make "safe" games, emulate Call of Duty or appeal to dude-bros, one of the main consequences out of the lack of deviation from these narrow conventions is the unintentional "boys club" of action games. Though I could be talking crap for all I know.

Personally I get more annoyed at the sexism in gaming communities than in the industry, but I suppose those things probably affect each other.
I usually opt to apply GIFT here, it usually explains most of it.

I'm not quite sure why you thought me saying some people have issues with feminism and women means they are against more female protagonists. That isn't really what I meant. Feminist is seen here as a dirty word, even an insult.
"lack of ability to voice their arguments" I proved my own point. Hooray for me.

I was trying to say that while some people see "Feminist" as an insult, many of those people would in fact agree with most of the ideas being put forward, only disagreeing because the ideas are coming from the "other side".

Not to mention, a lot of people here will freely admit they have very little experience with women. Which does make me wonder if they have difficulty empathising with us.
I wonder if anyone has looked into this in detail.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
corneth said:
I'm not entirely certain what section I should put this in, or if there even is a section that fits it, but this needs to be said. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm a massive user of these forums, I'll browse them casually now and then, but every time I glance down at the "Popular Forum Posts" box there's a post about Anita Sarkeesian or rape or a discussion of sexism. My question is why, on a website at least ostensibly about video games are there so many angry posts about feminism and rape? Of the top ten most discussed topics of the last year, five directly or indirectly referenced feminism or sexism in the opening post. From an outsider, this seems like overkill, and I really don't see a good reason for it. At best it seems excessive, at worst it perpetuates the stereotype that all nerds or "Gamers" are whiny, neckbearded pseudo-intellectuals who can't get any.
Well, the reason it continues to happen is because it's garaunteed to generate a lot of views and replies, and people like forum badges.

Why it happened the first time? Not sure. I'd say the forums generally cover a lot of topics and if you ever hop over to R&P you'll find people talking about all sorts of non-gaming related issues.

That, and a lot of people have backwards attitudes about rape and sexism and are willing to get angry to defend them, and we have just enough feminists here that they can make just as much of an impassioned stance against it. I'd also say that most of the posts in those threads are totally not angry and completely on the level, but the angry, cynical, judgmental and stupid ones are the ones that mostly stick out in your memory.