Kakashi on crack said:
ph0b0s123 said:
When you think of it, you get more bang-for-your-buck with a run of the mill PC than you get with a consol since, you know, the PC gets advanced apps that could never work on a console, access to online flash games for free, the ability to mod games, etc.
Not trying to be a PC elitest here, but I see consoles as being the cheap-but-effective enough side of technology, with PCs being the more expensive with more features side of tech. Arguing specs will get you no where with consoles since a console is limited to just that machine and future versions released by the company while you can customize a PC until it's a YT-2300 freighter with advanced ion cannons
I really don't know on that one. Consoles have games that are programmed for their exact hardware and are optimised heavily, whereas PC's seem to be getting more ports, so the optimisation is not done as well. So it may well be that consoles actually are more bang per dollar spent on them.
The PC getting stuff that won't work on a console is, I believe starting to get rarer. They have titles that are unique but due to low interest from the console market or can't be done on a controller. I can't think of many recent titles that required performance that consoles are not capable of, as happened when Farcry and Crysis were first released.
I have always seen the PC and console dynamic as being very analogous normal road car, super car dynamic. Normal road cars are like consoles, pretty ubiquitous and get you from a to b cheaply and without trouble. Sports cars like Ferraris and Lamborghini's are like PC's and are niche vehicles and cost a lot more. Normal cars like consoles things you get when you are on a budget and just want something that is good enough to do the job. Super cars are what you get to guarantee having the best performance.
I not going to say that sport cars are 'best', as 'best' is subjective and depends on your criteria, like their fuel economy is not great.
Sports cars are limited in that they are hamstrung from showing off their better performance due to having to stick to the same speed limit as normal cars.Also technical advances made in the sports car market are used to make normal cars better.
The difference is that even though sports cars are a niche market, manufacturers keep building them and pushing the envelope, supporting them. The same is not true for PC's. Also obviously PC's are not as sexy as sports cars, not gona try and argue that one for a second.
"while you can customize a PC until it's a YT-2300 freighter with advanced ion cannons"
Not really a PC anymore, but a space ship with a PC in it, just saying....