Really? Do older game consoles suck?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
It's like movies in the 80's. In the 80's acting and character development were more important then special effects and sex appeal. But we have some movies like Donnie Darko that focus more on plot and characters rather then effects. SO you see what im saying there are timeless games that were amazing now they arent as fun to play because we've beaten them so many times, we have to move on to these new games. So send your gamecube and ps2 off with love. And buy an XBOX 360.


Oct 20, 2009
Older games or consoles don't suck. Many of us have a favorite game that's on an older console. Take me, for example. My favorite game on any console is Final Fantasy IX on the PS1. I know someone who's favorite game is Megaman X. So it all depends on what you think. Do you like graphics better then the actual story or gameplay? Someone else I know likes to play games for their graphics mainly. I like to play games that I have fun playing.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Ildecia said:
Embz said:
I love my gamecube! Even though I can play the games on the WII theres something nostalgic about playing them on my cube :) I even bought a spare in case it ever broke!
you'd have to try to break a gamecube man... but i get what you're poking at

I have a PS1, a PS2, a N64, and my old Gameboy pocket. (call me a nintendo fanboy, i dun care.)
I probably wont sell any of 'em because of the nostalgia i feel when playing 'em but the only one(s) i'll take to college are probably N64 and the Wii
Take your goddamn PS2 instead of your N64.

OT: If you want to, you COULD get a Wii, since that works with ALL Gamecube games without having to download extra crap.

Last I heard, PS3s still have backwards compatibility, but not PS3 Slims.

And for some reason, the 360 sucks crap at emulating an XBOX original.

Anyway, old =/= worse. If anything, I'm starting to long for the old days of gaming when graphics weren't the major focus of every other developer because consoles and PCs were so limited in the graphical department. Now any game that looks half as good as Crysis on the best gaming PC money can buy today will sell well even if it's priced at $70-$80.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
If you sell them, you'll find yourself helplessly craving some classic Legend of Zelda in a few months time. You don't want to be in that position.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I'm with pretty much everyone else here.
Consider this: The PS3 has sold 35.7 million copies worldwide (for reference's sake, the Wii has sold twice as many)
The PS2 has sold 140 million. That's 4 times as many. And this is according to Wiki, when the sales were last taken at the end of March. Apparently PS2s are still sold all over the place. They're definitely worth the 30 pound investment, or however much it is anywhere else - it's the most popular console in history, and some of the games on it are definitive. Admittedly they can be played on a PS3, but to those of us who don't have the several million bucks it costs for one of those beasts kicking around the place, the PS2's not a bad alternative, and the games are ridonculously cheap too.
And I resent that newer games are often considered better. How many people on the 21st said a grand "f*** you" to their seventh-generation consoles in favour of playing a version of a 30-year-old game on Google?


New member
May 19, 2009
I have more fun on my Gamecube than I have had on any 360, PS3 or Wii game.
Its all a matter of personal preference. I love my Gamecube titles, and my Gamecube loves me. I'd never get rid of it.


TF2 Group Admin
May 1, 2008
That depends- can you play Jet Set Radio on the PS3? No? Then it's not better than the Dreamcast.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Graphically they're clearly inferior (but then again I myself play some gems from mid 90s).
The older generations of consoles are practically dead - and yes, I'm aware that there are still some games made for PS2, I own one too.

But, yeah, older consoles are kind of like old people. Sure, they might have had fun in their 60s and 80s, but in the end of the day they're the ones who stink, suffer from STD's and heart attacks, no matter what they did "back in the day". And in enough time, you'll replace them in the same niche.

Although if you're okay with what you have, don't waste 300 bucks on PS3. There are better uses for 300 bucks... Like, you can send them to me or else you'll be forever cursed with spirits of dead treeeees. Or some shit. I don't know, what do teens do with money these days. Buy drugs, probably. That sounds about right.

TheProfessor134 said:
If game consoles from back in the day truly sucked.. We wouldnt make and download emulators of them to play with.

(Atari doesnt count.. xD)
Nostalgia is a *****.

Con Carne

New member
Nov 12, 2009
Old games rock! I still have my SNES. Those games may be visually inferior but as far as quality and replay value, they cant be beat.


New member
May 8, 2010
N64 was still the best console ever created, and Super mario 64, super mario kart 64 and James Bond Goldeneye were the best games on it.

Then Sony and Microsoft got their hands on the gaming industry, and look how cynical we all are now...


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I own nearly every conself Im almost with the same lvl as the avgn....and have never or will never get rid of a system to get the "next gen console" and after a while frankly my least fav is the ps3 and my favs are my dreamcast and gamecube.....


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I have to agree the older games regardless of what platform it was on were far better than today. I feel that there is so much concentration on producing high end graphics most mortals can not run, that they completely forget about gameplay, story and plot. It's just like Hollywood in a sense, because the unwashed masses just want CGI-FX and couldn't give a rats bum about what a plot is.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Depends. There's no universal right answer. Are the games you would play again backwards compatible? Are your favorite old games innovative contemporary games without so much replay value, probably heavily storyline based, or are they well designed ageless games that focus on replayability? Remember that a lot of old classics will (And possibly have) come out on some sort of virtual console for cheap: Then again, classic consoles can also be found very cheap, and give you even less for trade in, makeing the pay off for getting rid of an old system minimal (Though also consider issues of space, storage, and dealing with all those wires.) Do you play PC games, allowing you to rebuy the classics you care about when they come to Steam or Good Old Games? And lastly, remember that realistically, even if someone refuses to take of their Nostalgia glasses, it's probably more satisfying to play a fresh, new, innovative game, then to play Zelda, Metroid, and Super Mario Brothers for the 300th time in a row. Figure out what games, realistically, you will play in the long run, and figure out your options for playing them. And remember that your not betraying a game by leaving all of your praises in past tense. Gallileo was wrong about a lot of things that would be mistakes of basic astronomy today, but he was still an excellent scientist, and modern astronomers owe him a great debt. The best way to pay this debt it by following the new innovations like that game once did, rather then rely on the standard, already been done formula.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
There are a lot of arguments about new games vs old games and I don't think you can categorise them like that. Games are games, some are good and some are bad. Not all new games are awesome and same with older games. Although I do think that games have gotten shorter and easiler which sucks


New member
May 8, 2009
Well, I sold my PS1 a few years ago... it was one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I guess it depends on how nostalgic you are, but if you're as much so as me, you might just end up buying all of your old games back when they become available for download on newer consoles, so there's really no point.