So, let's talk about online dating.
I think everyone knows that online dating is a bit shit. But it's shit in very different ways for different people.
A friend of mine once did a social experiment where she made a dating profile with nothing but a photograph of her cleavage as a profile picture, but all text in the profile was just out of context quotes from Slavoj Zizek in what sounded like an incomprehensible and actually kind of worrying rant.
It began to recieve messages. A lot of messages. Many of them were just what you'd expect (i.e. gross and creepy stuff) but she also began to notice something weird. A lot of the people sending messages to this fake Slavoj Zizek tits account were seemingly quite sincere about seeking a relationship. In fact, quite a few had already sent exactly the same messages to her actual profile.
Think about that. A significant proportion of the men who were messaging my friend on her real profile had either just looked at her picture and sent a stock message because they liked her physical appearance, or were so indifferent to her sincere desire for a relationship that they considered that profile interchangeable with one that ranted about being a communist phone but had a pair of tits on it.
And it's not just my friend. This is a very common online experience for young "conventionally attractive" women. This is why women stop replying to men online, why they don't feel safe to put things like "I'm into casual sex" on their profiles and why they don't generally want to meet men for casual hookups. It's because the way men behave online (and often enough in person that it's something you always have to consider) is fucking terrifying. I get this myself from gay men, which is why I've generally stopped dating them or having casual sex with them, because I've had some actually scary experiences hooking up with men, experiences which genuinely triggered that "oh shit, I'm going to be found dead stuffed in a hotel closet" kind of impulse, and I consider myself very naive for getting myself in those situations because experience has shown me you can't trust men you don't know. Heck, statistically you can't even really trust men you do know.. you just kind of have to sometimes because what's the alternative?
Incels and red-pillers have built an entire philosophy around the fact that the "desirable females" they want to date don't message them back on dating sites, assumed massive demographic trends and generally convinced themselves into an absurd universe where having the wrong shaped skull or thin wrists means you're some kind of monster who will never know human love or happiness, or that loving sexual partners will inevitably take your money and cheat on you with "Chads", or where you have to be a manipulative borderline rapist to try and "trick" female psychology into accepting them you as an "alpha".
But stop for one second, and actually think about this from the opposite perspective. Think about how exhausting and threatening it would be to recieve dozens of messages from people who clearly have zero interest in you other than the fact they can put their dick in you. Sure, it might be fun or "complimentary" the first few times it happens, and you might even get a little thrill out of it, but by the hundredth, the thousandth? What about the first time someone goes off and degenerates into a stream of insults because you respond to them with anything less than "oh yes, please come and fuck me daddy"? How many times is that supposed to happen to you before you just decide you don't need this shit and it's not worth the risk of replying at all, and this is ignoring the position of women who are overweight, or disabled, or otherwise considered conventionally unattractive, because I'm not even going to touch the stuff men send to them.
When I was younger, I had a lot of casual sex, some of which was with women. Probably far, far more than most people who self-identify as "pick up artists", and I think I can tell you a little secret to being able to do that successfully. The secret is not to try and live up to the abusive, rapey ideal of what you think a "real man" or "desirable man" is. The secret is to be extremely safe, and I say "be", not pretend to be. This means being a known quantity. You can't expect to lurk online sending people dick picks and have them want to fuck you. Join a community of people who are actually into casual sex and make yourself a known quantity within that community, be visible and open to public scrutiny, be respectful of people and their boundaries, excercise the same non-judgement you expect people to excercise of you.
In some ways, PUAs (at least, the better class of them) do have the right idea that the way to meet poeople for casual sex is to get off the damn internet, because the internet and online dating can be a great tool, but it can also be incredibly dehumanizing.