Of course, people, both men and women notice appearance first and find certain people more attractive than others. Not everyone however, bases a persons value on that or harshly judges them that way. Infatuation is fleeting. You can have a crush on someone one day and have zero attraction to them the next. What people find attractive can greatly vary as well, even among men. Both men and women find many different things attractive. While one guy may look at a woman and shallowly judge her to be ugly, another may see her as being the most beautiful woman in the world to him. If a guy thinks a woman is a 4 so she should be "happy" he is giving her attention, he is completely screwed in the head in the first place and should address his own issues before he will be ready for any relationship, as there are plenty of other guys out there that are just happy she is giving them attention instead and think the world of her. Some people just " don't get it".McElroy said:Surely women don't entertain the thought that men won't get attracted to looks first? When you as a teenager start realizing why you have a crush on this girl instead of that other one, there's no going back (probably speaking for myself only). When you say that the "direction" people have is maybe too different between sexes, does it boil down to "men want looks, women want personality"? Cause I agree with you that there are different headings, so to speak, but I like to be more specific. Just in my previous couple of years at the university I've witnessed how fast the topic of a casual conversation can veer into a territory men or women find utterly unrelatable (sports is a good example, even women's sports).Lil devils x said:Yes, a man's opinions are often likely to be one of his biggest obstacles to overcome to changing how he is viewed by women in general. The way men view, judge and value women by their appearance is part of the problem to a man's approach to dating in the first place. If a man looks at a woman and thinks " she's a 4" he pretty much just made himself a "0" for viewing women like that to begin with.
When I say "direction" I mean in expectations in a relationship, lifestyle, what they want in life. How they interact with the opposite sex, how they interact every day in an actual relationship. Recent studies have shown that people are becoming more self centered, less empathetic to others and more entitled. Relationships are give and take and you have to want to put the other person's needs and wants first because they are important to you, not just force yourself to or go through the motions. There is a difference, and for a relationship to work, both people in that relationship should be the ones doing so because they genuinely want to.
There are many guys today that cannot even manage to make it through the first interactions with a woman without making an ass of themselves, let alone manage to make it as far as an actual relationship. When a guy is so self centered that even showing others empathy at all feels like a chore, they are not going to be able to handle doing so on a regular basis. Far too often a man thinks of a woman more of as an accessory to his life, like " he needs a woman" to join him rather than him becoming a part of her life and them building a new life together instead. There is a limited supply of women who want one night stands with no strings attached so if guys are so self centered and want to keep their life the way it is, they will have to also accept that they will have to compete with the very limited supply of women who want that as well, otherwise if they want a relationship, that means to make actual changes and to genuinely want to do so on their own accord because it makes them happy to do so and not do so begrudgingly.