Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Maybe people who complain about this should look at some of the other characters from Rockstar's games. Aren't they so grounded? And realistic? Rockstar totally strives for realistic characters, it's not like they're trying to be a little comedic.

Les Awesome

New member
Mar 29, 2010
As irish
I feel offended by how some people think we give a damn about drunken Irish stereotypes
I mean WTF 2010 ???


New member
May 31, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Could "Irish" be removed from future versions of the game? There's certainly a precedent for it.
Don't the Irish understand?!?!

This is a game for mature people! [] And mature, well-adjusted adults love terrible stereotypes!


New member
Apr 2, 2010
ProtoKactus said:
Funny how on St.paddy's they love the image. but when its anyone else saying it. OH YU's Be Insulting me people.. cha chicha chicha.. go hide your lucky charms ya drunks
Please, take it from an actual Irishman......the Herald is porbably the most disliked newspaper in the country (if even half the country reads it). They even complained about GTA4.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
BOOOOOHOOOOHOOOO they had an irish drunkard in the game....get a grip...i don't cry about every WW2 shooter do i?


New member
Apr 2, 2010
RivFader86 said:
BOOOOOHOOOOHOOOO they had an irish drunkard in the game....get a grip...i don't cry about every WW2 shooter do i?
As I stated above, the Herald isn't very popular here and they tend to publish a lot of shite. :)


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
Therumancer said:
johnman said:
Nobody cares what the Irish think (thats probably the English in me speaking though. They are portrayed as drunks in all media, this is'nt the first or last time it will happen. That episode of Family guy for example portrayed all Irishmen as drunken catholic wife beaters.
Well, I'd say a lot of it has to do with the Irish encouraging parts of that stereotype themselves. Look at old bands like "The Irish Rovers" for example.
USSR said:
DividedUnity said:
Yeah but this stereotype is actually believed by alot of people which is why theyre getting so pissy.

Americans are stereotyped as being fat and lazy, but are they?
A good bit, yes, but not all.

Irish are stereotyped as drunks, but are they?
Same goes for them. A little bit yes, but not all.

All in good humor; no reason to believe they are a "special stereotype" in any way.
Well, that's one of the problems I think. There really isn't any kind of a real "American" stereotype that can be picked on. Probably because we're simply put the greatest power the world has ever known *at this moment in time* (it could change). A lot of the British stereotypes I've seen, seem to have come about AFTER the fall of the British empire when they went from being the most dominating force on the planet, to merely a world power.

In general being "fat and lazy" isn't something specific to Americans, what issues you see there are generally the result of our success. Basically we've built a culture where people are raised with the (not unfounded belief) that they shouldn't have to do hard, physical labour. Being fat is similarly from having more than enough to eat, combined with a lot of technology which means strenuous physical activitiy is something a lot of people have to seek out.

To countries where people routinely live more hand to mouth, and doing hard, physical labour is a way of life for pretty much everyone, we can seem fat and lazy, but it can't really be used as an insult because we've been successful enough to build this for ourselves and have managed to hold it for a substantial amount of time without our perceived "decadence" causing us to fall.

If you've read this far, don't misunderstand. This isn't so much about defending America from slights, or making excuses about it. Simply to point out that it's not the same thing. It's sort of like how you might find people being "Racist" against people from say poor Eastern European countries (Borat, etc...), but in general there really aren't all that many racial slurs or "smackdowns" that can be used against whites that get any kind of response. That's how it is when your dealing with whomever is at the general top of the pole. If the mighty fall... well, things change. I'm sure if the US ceased to be a superpower, and most of the Western World because secondary to the Eastern one, we'd all hear all kinds of wonderful new insults and painfully true stereotypes non-stop.

The point being is that while stereotypes exist (I'm a defender of sociology) I don't think you can try and say "well people stereotype Americans to" the same way. It's differant, and honestly it seems that most of that "fat and lazy" stuff comes from other Americans to be honest.
Actually...I've noticed it tends to be mixed bag of what could be considered negative traits when it comes to America:

Crassness, crudity, overbearing patriotism and jingoism, outright arrogance and general insensitivity toward others without seeing any reason to be apologetic for these things. This article here by a Graphic Designer named Andy Rutledge is these traits condensed:

It was, I found a nauseating read. And not because I don't agree with many of the points he makes, but mainly because of tone. That, America is the be all and end all of the world wide stage and how everyone else is supposed to look up to her as a parent would a child.

It's damn condescending. And while the above traits aren't necessarily exclusive to Americans, it's still how many are seen, and even present themselves on occasion.

As for the article, it's really non-news, I doubt there are any here who pay much attention to it anyway. xD


New member
Nov 24, 2009
People are just so stupid in this world we live in, its a joke. I'm almost 100 % Irish and im not offended by it


New member
Jul 17, 2009
For everybody saying "The Irish" Like we are one fucking person shut up, nobody asked me about the article and no I wouldnt be offended. Jesus everybody has stereotypes, I dont mind a drunk Irishman, hell give me another 6 hours and ill BE a drunk Irish man. We drink alot, it doesnt bother us and because some journalist got his PC panties in a twist doesnt mean we Irish are upset. I plan on buying RDR next week since I hear nothing but good things about it.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
What a failing of convictions. If you're gonna make some dirty jokes at the expense of an entire group, at least stand up to it be making fun of yourselves so that you can at least have some mild stance. Never back down on it, either. If you're gonna be an asshole, at least stand to your principles.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Stabby Joe said:
Wait, I just remembered from Blazing Saddles, offense words naturally:

All right... we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks. But we don't want the Irish!

Anywho, Really? A drunk named Irish offends the Irish? I would think you would have to go a little pass simply intoxicated to make the Irish look at you with disgust. Then again, I only know Furburt.

Oh That Dude

New member
Nov 22, 2009
I'm half Irish and I don't give a shit. In fact, I think it's pretty funny. Maybe it should be done more in games, like if someone surrenders for whatever reason, they get called France for the rest of the game.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Woodsey said:

Jbird said:
I personally don't advocate the use of stereotypes, considering I hate how Hollywood portrays people from Louisiana as being super-Cajun coons who live on the boondocks. But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype. I hope you're proud of the damage you caused.
You didn't seriously just say "coons"?
I've said that while actually refering to raccoons, unfortunately it was while I was working at a tourist place, so me yelling "Lock the garbage up last night, the coons got into it" while a busload of Haitians walked by got me a series of dirty looks.

To the OP: An Irish Stereotype? Oh no, it's not like that doesn't happen all the bloody time, hell, I could complain about how 'How I Met Your Mother' portrays Canadians, but then again I have a sense of humour/irony.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Emm? Ok... speaking as an Irish person, I have heard no, absolutly no up roar about this?? Really the herald will print anything to try and get people riled up. So yes, the Irish are not up in arms at this "injustice". Sure we're all too drunk to notice :p lol

One Irish newspaper hardly speaks for the whole country, right? I mean we're always depicted like that for a reason, because its kinda true, lol, I mean honestly half my friends are classic drunkards. Stereotypes usually originate from a true source, not all, but as for ours its partly true.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
speaking as someone who actually IS mostly Irish...
I don't find that character offensive.
From the videos I've seen... by Rockstar's standards... he's pretty low on the controversy.

Though... judging from the videos I've seen of him... he does seem a little annoying.
Annoying, but not offensive.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Island said:
Swifteye said:
Kinda weird that this dude is getting all upset about an irish person being depicted as a drunk. I mean I kinda thought at this point it was pretty common knowledge that drinking and being irish Is a common circumstance (and from reading the history of irish people I honestly can't blame ya).

A game about the rough and tumble wild wild west isn't exactly a field for progressive character models what with angry indians and violent mexicans. Oh and whores.
what kind of stuff does it have about Indians?
well the game is set in the wild west so I have to assume the angry indian stereotype will be in there front and center.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Actually...I've noticed it tends to be mixed bag of what could be considered negative traits when it comes to America:

Crassness, crudity, overbearing patriotism and jingoism, outright arrogance and general insensitivity toward others without seeing any reason to be apologetic for these things. This article here by a Graphic Designer named Andy Rutledge is these traits condensed:

It was, I found a nauseating read. And not because I don't agree with many of the points he makes, but mainly because of tone. That, America is the be all and end all of the world wide stage and how everyone else is supposed to look up to her as a parent would a child.

It's damn condescending. And while the above traits aren't necessarily exclusive to Americans, it's still how many are seen, and even present themselves on occasion.

As for the article, it's really non-news, I doubt there are any here who pay much attention to it anyway. xD

Hmm, well unlike you I agree with 99.9% of what that article says, albiet he seems to skip over thinks like America's pre-WW II isolationist policy. Some of his current political criticism is right on as well, I've been warning people about the Democratic party and it's censorship kick for a long time. Trying to convince people to give up their free speech rights in order to protect people from hate speech, and children from violent video games, and similar things. The big thing is that in the US the people pretty much have to give the goverment power, it's nearly impossible to get back though. The current administration is especially good at making arguements as to why we need the goverment to effectively protect us from our own freedoms.

As far as the general attitude of "exceptionalism" goes, I think it's right on. Like it or not, the world has undergone profound changes since the rise of the US. As much as people complain about us, the simple fact is that our culture is contagious, and even in fairly oppressive countries people have more rights than they did beforehand, our global policing also makes a huge differance for all the whining. It's like being a cop, nobody wants you around, and enforcing the law on them, until they need help.

Things like the "national firewall" programs you see are pretty much intended to try and prevent people from wanting to become even more American, and desiring more freedom from their goverments.

Generally speaking I think that the perception of American arrogance isn't as common as people think. Generally speaking there are two basic groups that see things that way, one are of course Americans who are being critical of their own goverment. The bottom line being that nobody wants to fight wars, pay higher taxes, or anything else, and argueing that we should stay out of certain issues is largely motivated by people really not wanting to have to actually DO anything, even if it's pay more money. Human rights, and maybe a world unity under constitution-like principles are fine on paper, but the bottom line is nobody wants to send their kids off to get shot over it. The bit about "Doing something" has always been the stumbling block for any nation, and the very freedom we represent also increasingly makes it harder for us to do anything.... the other group involved are simply foreign nationalists who think that their nation is awesome and should be running the world. To such people America and it's relative successes, and the way our very existance has changed the world, are an anethema. They might want to see similar things happen, but they want everyone to come over to THEIR way of doing things rather than them going over to someone else's

To an extent there is no real way to do some of the things that America does without being called "Arrogant" but on a lot of levels that can't be argued because we're right. Still, when our nation has only existed a little over 200 years, and you tell a nation with 5000 years of history they're doing it wrong... well, that causes issues even when your right. Hundreds and thousands of years of cultural identity builds up.

In general though, I think the parent/child relationship is pretty accurate. But then again understand I believe for humanity itself to survive we're going to need to unify the planet. I don't think we can seriously conquer space until that happens. I happen to think American principles are the only ones that could truely unify everyone under any reasonable degree of freedom.

Still, the thing is that while that attitude is arrogant, that doesn't make it wrong. What's more, in general the US tends to behave rather humbly in it's actual dealings with other nations unless there is a direct conflict. I don't think many people can really say Americans are arrogant, unless it's Americans argueing politics with other Americans. I think the actual complaint is that the actual idea of America is arrogant, as is the way we spread our ideas of freedom around.... basically "how dare you prove something like that can work". I think the fact that Americans tend to actually be pretty tolerant and accepting when we travel abroad (the "obnoxious tourist" is a universal stereotype, and not specifically true to any group), and that's kind of insufferable when all is said and done.

I do admit that guy in the article states things "arrogantly" but then again I don't think one can make a point about national principle like that without doing so.