Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Secondly, I don't see how any two stereotypes are different. Whether it be Racial, Social class, Social grouping(Goth, punk, hick, etc..), Country-inclined, or State/Province-Inclined.

A stereotype is a stereotype. There are no levels of this issue of which it becomes incomparable.[/B]

I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

My point about us being our own worst critics is that the US is not the only nation with a major "weight problem". It afflicts the entire first world to some extent or another. The problem comes from a society where someone can live their entire life being mostly sedimentary , sitting in a car to drive, sitting in a cubical to work, sitting in
front of a TV or game box to relax. For an American the question isn't usually "will I get to eat" it's "what will I eat" and of course the simple fact that we have a massive array of choices when it comes to foodstuffs, pretty much anything in the world can be devoured in the US. It doesn't matter what someone eats, if they get next to no exercise.

Generally speaking there is more whining from Americans about our health issues than anything we hear elsewhere. Especially seeing as most nations are either looking at our lifestyles with envy (to some extent), or dealing with their own problems.

See, while other nations might have most of the same stuff as the US, there has been a lot of discussion there about American excess, including things like the number of cars, how many TVs and game decks people own, and similar things. Even in the rest of the first world few people live like we do, and are as heavily automated with a gadget to do nearly anything. The level of obesity generally (but not always) cooresponds to the technology in the hands of the people.

Lazy isn't really an issue because most people work, they just do it more intellecually. The US being a market/service based nation rather than an industrial power. Like it or not, most money and administration goes through the US (although ironically we're becoming more of a hub, as we're passing a lot of that off to other nations like India).

For the most part I don't see much of a "fat, lazy, American" stereotype other than coming from other Americans who seem to think that this is what the rest of the world would see as our stereotype.

My point being that I don't think it exists in use, I just don't. Just as many of the streotypes about Brits didn't come into being until after the sun finally set on the British empire.

I'm not saying you couldn't come up with a universal American stereotype, and I'm sure one will exist at some point. Just that's not out there. I think some people have tried to define one, but it hasn't in so far worked... and I've seen plenty of media from other countries.


New member
May 21, 2010
its just. well honestly since the beginning of any cowboy movies creation, where there's a Irishman, it seems he drinks. It seems to be another "oh videogames are horrible" attack.

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
I'm Irish. I don't care if they use that sterotype. It's a brilliant game. I haven't personally heard anyone get upset about it either. I'd say it's just a slow news day for the paper (which isn't a top class one anyway)


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
For gods sake, why do people take offense to something like this in a video game!? I'm part Irish and I don't care, people all over the world get stereotyped in things and it's just one of little deals in life you have to put up with.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Outright Villainy said:

Hey, I'll have you know Tom Cruise's performance in far and away was masterful. I mean it's simply genius how he parodies the American's view of a typical Irishman, while making his accent as un-irish as possible so we know he's in on it.

Or you know, he just has the worst Irish accent ever.
The only good one I can think of is Atlas form Bioshock... pure Dublin skanger


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Furburt said:
MiracleOfSound said:
The only good one I can think of is Atlas form Bioshock... pure Dublin skanger
What about yer man from Far Cry 2? I know you hate that game, but the IRA guy had a perfect Ulster accent.
Yeah he was good... I was kicking myself for picking to play as him because then I didn't get to hear him talk.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Furburt said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah he was good... I was kicking myself for picking to play as him because then I didn't get to hear him talk.
I know! I played him the first time too.

Mainly because I took one look at his profile, and his photo, and thought "Fucking hell, it's my cousin Brendan".

I couldn't not play as him.
Yeah, I've never wished so hard for cutscenes :D

Joe Cullinan

New member
Apr 17, 2010
Irish stereotypes in games are great. I want more of them. I love that no company can get an Irish accent right. You'd think any company that works with Havok could get an Irish accent. Hell, I'm going to start drinking now at 1:25am.

MrBacon said:
I'm sorry... This is the HERALD. It's a tabloid. It's bound to have twattish stories. I'm Irish myself, and I LAUGH at the stereotype. It's funny as hell! Although real drunks (in Dublin) are more likely to stab you or scream at you than anything else.
The Herald is a great paper. Brightens up my day. Always full of nice news. Yeah, there are some pretty poor Irish people. Granted, I haven't gone out in Dublin City in a few weeks, but I imagine the same general bunch of spanners are around town every night.

Also, anyone who's American "Irish," just stop it. You're American. We don't care about your ancestry.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Well, not surprised. But, at the end if the day it's a game and I am sure they will get over it


New member
Oct 12, 2009
As an Italian, Jersey Shore (and the popularization of the "style" of a "guido") upsets me on a daily basis, but you don't hear me bitching and moaning about it.

People are way too PC these days and I can't stand it.


New member
May 15, 2008
Jbird said:
I personally don't advocate the use of stereotypes, considering I hate how Hollywood portrays people from Louisiana as being super-Cajun coons who live on the boondocks. But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype. I hope you're proud of the damage you caused.
Better than that the "Australian" stereotype. If one more person tells me to put a Shrimp on the Barbie, in a Steve Irwin-esque voice, I will stab a *****.


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2009
I'm Irish, and I don't care! Whoo! This whole controversy is over nothing important and should just be ignored, it's simply someone who was unhappy complaining over something that doesn't really affect them but they feel they have the right to complain about. To all people who actually feel offended by this:


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Please. I'm Scott Irish and I thought his character was terribly funny. Besides, is it really a stereotype if it's true? Now where'd I put my Harp?