
Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Phasmal said:
Lil devils x said:
I just wanted to congratulate you on your anniversary, and hope you were able to celebrate it nicely. I am the terrible one in my relationship who doesn't remember things like that, and has to be reminded and cannot even remember how long we have been together.. I actually instead celebrate a little bit all the time instead and just surprise him randomly with something he will appreciate. I have always been weird about things like anniversaries, I have no idea why I can't remember things like that. LOL
Thanks. :D
Me and the Boyfriend did have a bit of a disagreement on the exact date of our anniversary, so I compromised and went with the day he thinks it is (just because that way it's further away from my birthday).
My girlfriend's the same, she completely made up our anniversary date as far as I'm concerned, but whatever makes her happy.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Johnny Novgorod said:
Phasmal said:
Lil devils x said:
I just wanted to congratulate you on your anniversary, and hope you were able to celebrate it nicely. I am the terrible one in my relationship who doesn't remember things like that, and has to be reminded and cannot even remember how long we have been together.. I actually instead celebrate a little bit all the time instead and just surprise him randomly with something he will appreciate. I have always been weird about things like anniversaries, I have no idea why I can't remember things like that. LOL
Thanks. :D
Me and the Boyfriend did have a bit of a disagreement on the exact date of our anniversary, so I compromised and went with the day he thinks it is (just because that way it's further away from my birthday).
My girlfriend's the same, she completely made up our anniversary date as far as I'm concerned, but whatever makes her happy.
Even though I have to be reminded about these these things, I can't imagine just making up a date.. How does that work? she just picked a date that she liked? DO you celebrate on both days? This just seems so odd...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Lil devils x said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Phasmal said:
Lil devils x said:
I just wanted to congratulate you on your anniversary, and hope you were able to celebrate it nicely. I am the terrible one in my relationship who doesn't remember things like that, and has to be reminded and cannot even remember how long we have been together.. I actually instead celebrate a little bit all the time instead and just surprise him randomly with something he will appreciate. I have always been weird about things like anniversaries, I have no idea why I can't remember things like that. LOL
Thanks. :D
Me and the Boyfriend did have a bit of a disagreement on the exact date of our anniversary, so I compromised and went with the day he thinks it is (just because that way it's further away from my birthday).
My girlfriend's the same, she completely made up our anniversary date as far as I'm concerned, but whatever makes her happy.
Even though I have to be reminded about these these things, I can't imagine just making up a date.. How does that work? she just picked a date that she liked? DO you celebrate on both days? This just seems so odd...
She claims our anniversary is on a certain date, but our dating chronology is so fuzzy (to me) that the date means nothing to me.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
ok i read the whole thread. pretty interesting stuff, cool walls of text, especially 'lil devil xx', so here's my 2 cents.

I'm right there in the middle, my first kiss was 17 and my first serious relationship was at 20, so I'm not totally inexperienced (my last serious relationship was four years ago, had quite a bunch a short-lived ones) but I'm not that experienced with serious relationships as well, had only three. Almost 2 years ago i was able to be TRULY content with what I've achieved so far - a place of my own, driver's license, profession (professional translator), and not struggling with money. at 31 i realized that fight for relationship is not one i can win so i just stopped trying, too tired for that.

in 2012 i met a someone in a two-week camp-vacation overseas (people from all over the world), totally had a crush on her. although she didn't feel the same way we had a lot of teasing and she was always close. it was obviously can't work because we're overseas anyway (I'm from Israel, she's from Belgium), so i let it go. 2014, again same deal, even closer with more teasing. I've always tried to get closer, mostly successful while she always reminded me "you're not my type" (then why do you care so much and always get close to me while you know I'm gonna try to take it up another notch?!) after that no more camp-vacation, now I can let all go with awesome memories.


still had her on my mind quite a lot. in 2015 i had a vacation in Amsterdam and she came to meet me, although i wasn't the only reason she came (there was a music festival) she didn't gave up and cleared a day for us to hang out. it was very fun! we met at our hotel and she went to my room with me... "don't try anything or i'll run" damn! then why are you here after you know me and my MO?! especially when you how i feel about you. fine, the chance was over. that's it. done. at least i tried :)
and now fast forward to present day. she's coming to visit me at my place, wanna sleep over. for a week. "keep your hands to yourself". really?! now you're coming to my place, OVERSEAS for a week (I've offered to look for a B&B for her, she refused) and seriously think I won't try to make any move? that's a lot of trouble for someone who isn't your type...

women are so weird even at this age...

it always happens to me when i get too comfortable in my life, something will totally get me off balance. it's like she can sense me.

that was a good rant :)

things that make me happy are old games from my childhood on GOG, discovering a new artist\band or just awesome chill tracks, playing coop games with my nephews :)
so what am i looking for in a woman? someone to enjoy all of the above with her.