Remove one game from existence

Spartan Altego

New member
Aug 7, 2012
Half Life 2. Because fuck all of you.

Though I really would just get rid of Duke Nukem Forever. It doesn't need to exist.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Half Life 3 ... What's that? It has not even been announced, yet alone released yet?

Well... sure, that is what you remember it as ;) Reshaping Time is a funny thing to spectate.

Alternatively, on a more serious note, whatever title that introduced On-Disc Day-1-DLC, let divine reality-removing judgement be fallen upon it.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Spartan Altego said:
Half Life 2. Because fuck all of you.
No no no, if you want to fuck everyone over, get rid of Super Mario Brothers. NES doesn't sell nearly as much, game industry possibly flops, everyone sadfaces.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Mass Effect 2. I was content with the ending of Mass Effect, sequels were just not needed.

If I could make it so a game had failed completely it would have been CoD MW2. maybe it would have shown them that generic games are not the way of the future.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
the whole bad mortgages/credit default swap scam thing that was a major contribution to the recession was a game, a gambling game pure and simple, that we could have definitely done without.

As for a game that takes place in a more discrete, hypothetical logical know what? Screw Monopoly. I can't help but wonder how much mindless, rote action get shoehorned into boring games because of Monopoly's influence. Monopoly is a horrible game, with barely any skill or agency, and its spread out over endless, boring hours, where half the time you already know whats going to happen and your just going through the motions. Seriously. When was the last time anyone actually had fun playing Monopoly, BECAUSE of Monopoly? Because I'm pretty sure that event is a myth.

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Imma go with Mass effect 3, I didn't hate it but it was a real disappointment in the way of story to me. All it did was ride off the success of mass effect 2. And of course the ending was just underwhelming.

I strike it from this earth and have them do it over again.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Diablo 3 for sure, I've never been a huge fan of the series, but some of my friends are, and want me to play with them. I just can't do it though, i just find the game play to be terribly boring. The whole this is a mess that i could rail against for paragraphs, it not existing would make the world a better place for me, and it would remove a great stain from Blizzard's record.

Tiger Sora

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Aug 23, 2008
World of Warcraft (MMO). Spent 3 years of my life playing that game, time I could of put to better use.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Call of Duty 4...

Oh I see there are other bright people here. Well I should have figured.

While it may not be bad in and of itself but it is the root of all evil in terms of the stagnation of the FPS genre to the date, and while it does bring a lot ( AND I MEAN LOT) of money into the industry, most of that money ends up going in the wrong direction.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Black Arrow Officer said:
WoW. It tears at your very soul and leaves you a brain-dead husk incapable of any thought or action besides the game. Your life revolves around WoW instead of WoW revolving around your life. You can deny that the game isn't addictive or harmful, but then you're just sounding like the many drug addicts out there who deny the poison that has worked its way inside their bodies. It turned some of my best friends into overweight, depressed, antisocial zombies and has literally ruined the lives of many more. The world would be a noticeably better place without WoW.
Damn dude, how about you tell us how you REALLY feel about it??
I played WoW for... lemme think, about 5 1/2 years, with the last 2 years being far more casual than the former 3 1/2. And while I can agree that it has a potential to be "destructive" I don't agree with it having ACTUAL PHYSICAL addiction, forcing you to play. Those 3 1/2 hardcore years of gaming were just that, gaming, and I never felt overwhelmingly compelled to play whatever time of the day. Maybe I was spared because of my young age(9 when I started, 14 when I quit, 16 now) when I started playing, and while I can still admit WoW had a fundemental factor in causing the gamer in me that I am today, it didn't really go beyond that.

Brotha Desmond

New member
Jan 3, 2011
My first thought about a game that I want to be removed from existence is Devil may cry 4. My second thought is to slap you in the bollocks for reminding me of it.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
I know this will be controversial, but...Skyrim. The fact that it sold so colossally well has, I think, cemented in Bethesda's mind that it's OK to release what is essentially an unfinished, glitch ridden game. I mean, some of the bugs on the PS3 were game-breaking, imploding save files and the like. When they patched it, the patch introduced even more bugs. Now they're doing timed dlc, so the 360 gets it first, the PC only gets it later, and so far, the PS3 hasn't got it at all. It's ridiculous, and the game gets perfect tens from reviewers and millions of sales. I get that it's a massive, engrossing experience. However, it's incomplete, no matter how you look at it, especially on the PS3, and the timed/exclusive DLC just makes it even worse. I don't think it's a bad game, but I think it's popularity and acclaim are giving Bethesda the wrong message, that these sorts of practices are OK, which they most definitely are not.


Mar 27, 2011
Am I the only one who feels that removing Call of Duty 4 wouldn't have stopped a generation of stupid games? There would have been something else for people to latch on to and create stupid knock offs, like Guitar Hero for example.

Or maybe I didn't read the forums thoroughly enough to find something like this.

OT: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD. I fucking hate that game with a passion. One of the few purchases I utterly regret and despise paying money for.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Mr Cwtchy said:
I'm going to be 'that guy' and say nothing. Removing a game from existence just because I didn't like it is incredibly selfish. I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoyed whatever game it is that you want to remove, you'd be stealing that from them too.

..that said, I do have to wonder what this past year would have been like without all the Mass Effect 3 threads.
This. Also, there is always something to be learned from every game, even if it is just a list on how not to do it. If you take that away you are limiting the material that those who want to make games in the future will use to both inspire and refine their own ideas.


Mar 27, 2011
JeffBergGold said:
Guitar Hero it is definitely one of the worst games ever created.
Hey now, I personally enjoy myself some nice guitar hero-ing. Not so much the later ones, but I love the second one! If you wanna hit off bad party games, toss Mario Party! Or Crash Bash!


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Black Arrow Officer said:
WoW. It tears at your very soul and leaves you a brain-dead husk incapable of any thought or action besides the game. Your life revolves around WoW instead of WoW revolving around your life. You can deny that the game isn't addictive or harmful, but then you're just sounding like the many drug addicts out there who deny the poison that has worked its way inside their bodies. It turned some of my best friends into overweight, depressed, antisocial zombies and has literally ruined the lives of many more. The world would be a noticeably better place without WoW.
If I could remove every MMORPG, I would. Because of the way their profit models work, their goal is to suck up as much of your time as possible. My brother dropped out of college because he played too much EQ1. He just went back, though. I'm so happy for him. And jealous that he understands calculus so much better than me.

EDIT: Just for clarity, back to *college*.