Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"

Banana Phone Man

Elite Member
May 19, 2009
If they replaced the word "children" with "idiots" then they may have a point but even then I still think smoking will do more damage to people.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
there is only one "violent games make you violent" theory that I think holds water, and that is that playing violent games removes the instinctive "I won't shoot this person" if you were ordered to shoot a person, like in the army.

Back in the day, they used circular targets for the military, and they found that like 80% of shots were shot low or high to avoid killing their enemy. They used more and more human looking targets, and that number dropped lower and lower.

Violent Videogames are the ultimate apex of that. A soldier who plays violent videogames for instance, probably will never misfire when faced with a real enemy. It takes away the optimistic idealism that the person your gun is aimed at is anything but someone who would willingly kill you first if they had the chance, at least on the battlefield.

I would imagine it would have a similar effect on children, and might cause kids that were already prone to violence to become MORE violent, because it punts their lizardbrain "human is friend" conscience right out the window.


New member
Aug 25, 2009

Even though 100% of that "study" is complete bs, it's valid enough for the average moron to take and throw around. Why can't we have credible scientists prove that videogames aren't related to violence?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Dudemeister said:
These fucking retards in the media are determined to make me join a terrorist cell aren't they?
Que Australia seeing this and quoting it


New member
Feb 24, 2008
dogstile said:
Dudemeister said:
These fucking retards in the media are determined to make me join a terrorist cell aren't they?
Que Australia seeing this and quoting it
I wouldn't normally say it but it was them games what did it to me. Evil they are.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Australian scientists...figures. Those guys really hate video games. That report is full of bollocks and they know it. How they compared games with cancer is clearly an attempt to scare people away from buying games to their kids. Idiots. Progress can't be stopped, and there is nothing Australia or anyone else can do about it. Stupid conservative pricks.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
wunderguy said:
Starke said:
Are we basing this off the data that smoking isn't connected to lung cancer because tobacco inhibits the destruction of cancer cells, but isn't actually carcinogenic itself?
that is true but theres a metric shitload of more crap then just tobacco in your average cigarette
Indeed, it's the pesticides they use ON the tobacco that's outright carcinogenic. You sir, have earned this cookie. *Dispenses cookie.*


New member
May 10, 2009
Journeythroughhell said:
Report: Gaming is the product of Satan and if you play, you'll become one of his little minions.
About as likely, I say.
somedude98 said:
I think the use of cancer was all fear mongering "You know cancer, that really scary illness, WELL THIS IS WORSE THAN THAT!" Unless the chances of being a major criminal increase by 50% on top of the usual amount than usual the person who wrote that artical can STFU. These people annoy me. "Games are the reason for all problems in society" Crime rates are fairly solid all over, no amount of punishment or prevention will stop a criminal, they are desperate people. From death scentance to verbal warning, crime rates show no massive decrease for iether.

I have a very vivid and random image from this.

"JIMMY come here!"
"What dad?"
"Dad seriously thats not mine, i was holding it for a friend."
"You bring grand theft auto into MY house, MY HOUSE! Do you have any idea how bad these are for you, i dont care if its yours, you have GTA in your possession, i want you to get rid of this RIGHT NOW!"
"Im sorry dad i swear youl never see it again"
"Sorry isnt good enough, i want you to take 3 of these packs, go up to your room and think about what you did."
You forgot: "I learned it from watching YOU!"
Heh... nostalgia critic did a whole skit about what happened after that commercial...

"So, did you find a good place to filter the bong?"
"Well, they dont sell them at places like ACE hardware anymore, but there are some good places online that sell them for a very good price."
"Im proud of you son!"
"Well, i did learn from the best!"

OT: As they say on 4chan, "pix or it didnt happen." i want proof. A step-by-step list of what these people did, so that i and many other people can test it's validity. Until then, i call bullsh%t.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
crystalsnow said:

Even though 100% of that "study" is complete bs, it's valid enough for the average moron to take and throw around. Why can't we have credible scientists prove that video games aren't related to violence?
Because credible ones tend to have pesky things like ethics, and don't bow to sensationalism? Also, proving a non-correlation in a complex environment is a *****. And the average media consumer isn't smart enough to understand concepts like multiple contributing factors. :(


New member
May 10, 2009
Dudemeister said:
dogstile said:
Dudemeister said:
These fucking retards in the media are determined to make me join a terrorist cell aren't they?
Que Australia seeing this and quoting it
I wouldn't normally say it but it was them games what did it to me. Evil they are.
its ok, we can get through this. (hands Dudemeister a tissue box)


New member
Dec 22, 2009
"Plotting terrorist plots..."
Bull. Shit.
And can they reference any other game than "Modern Warfare: Call of Duty 2?"


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I think it's ironic that he makes it sound as though people playing video games/letting their kids play video games are ignorant when he is, in fact, the ignorant one using facts that are half-true at best.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
gee don't they have more important things to study ? don't go looking for answers to questions nobody asked


New member
Jan 20, 2010
So THAT is why I blow stuff up. I always thought it was because I worked as a demolition expert..


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Smokes aren't available to children...why are violent video games? Don't they have ratings?

Blame the parents who don't police their children's activity and they CANNOT blame their ignorance about technology. It's your child, make a bloody effort. STOP blaming video games, when the major influence on a child's actions is his upbringing.

This scape goat has been flogged harder than a dead horse.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
In other news, "experts" can be found who will say virtually anything, including that the earth is flat, was created six thousand years ago, and is made of styrofoam. Because "expert" is a title which requires absolutely no credentials whatsoever, and the more willing the audience or media outlet is to not look into the fine print, the more credence such people seem to have.

Shame on Ten News for not asking some obvious questions, such as "why has the rate of youth violence been dropping as video games become more realistically violent" and "are you actually saying that a greater percentage of people who play video games will be involved in serious violence than people with a long-term smoking habit will contract lung cancer [, look me in the eyes and speak into the mic, you lying piece of shit]?"


New member
Mar 12, 2009
you know, i did a debate project about video games last semester, and my team f**king raped. the other team looked so bad because of us, and here's the best part; the question was "do video games have a bad influence on kids" and i was on the 'no they don't side'.

from the research i gathered, there is SOOO much evidence that indicates that video games aren't bad.
1. violent people like violent images, you can't help it if that crazy kid at school was a crazy bully BEFORE he got GTA4.
2. there are literally, and i counted, 6 times more E games and 3 times more T games than there are M and Ao games, explain THAT violence
3. kids getting addicted to video games are a huge concern that parents complain about. gee, i wonder what kid of parents those parents are if they're not good enough parents to take control of their kids. source of video game addiction is not the game (unless it's halo, life is halo) but rather parenting. here's the typical story of a video game addict;
-A. the kid doesn't have many friends and wants to have some.
-B. the kid wants to do what those kids do so he can be involved (his mom told him that)
-C. the kids play video games (monitored and self-controlled) so the kid has his mom get popular some video games.
-D. the kid get's games from his mom like Halo 3, Gears of war 2, GTA4, you get the idea, WoW maybe.
-E. in an attempt to forget the times he was lonely, the kid plays video games all the time like he thinks all the other kids do (but they don't play all the time)
-F. the kid now becomes friends with a lot more kids because he's "in", he knows what's cool, stuff his mother disapproves of
-G. the mother is appauled at the kids friends and the kids new behavior and personality and blames it on the video games he has
-H. she "warns" all the mothers in the community and all the parents get locked down on video games
-I. i hear about it and flame about it on their new "video games are bad" website.
4. i got ahead of myself, a lot of the wild accusations about the poisoning of our youth are made by crazy parents like the one in the story, and parents who just can't blame themselves for their child's behavior because 'they're such good parents' and 'my son is such a golden boy'. bullshit.
5. i think we all know the rating SNAFU in austrailia, some suit high up in the system won't let the whole country play M rated games of any kind, not even halo, NOT EVEN HALO, AND REACH IS COMING OUT, WTF?!??! I'M ABOUT TO THROW-UP A POOL OF PITY FOR THE AUSTRAILIANS BECAUSE THEY WON'T GET REACH!!!
6. *IMPORTANT* i want you to either think about or ask all your friends if they any M rated games like GoW2, Halo 3, GTA4, CodMW2 (awesome) or the best game ever ✠BRÜTAL LEGEND✠. then when you think about it, tell yourself how many of your friends or even how many kids at school have games like these.....think.....done? ok, now......are any of your friends crazy charles manson psyco's? or really? none of them are? well, that's funny. then explain to me WHY VIDEO GAMES ARE SUCH A F**KING BIG DEAL IF NO ONE IS DRESSING UP LIKE EDDIE RIGGS OR MASTER CHIEF OR MARCUS SO THEY CAN RUN AROUND AND BEAT HOOKERS TO DEATH WITH BATS AND SHOOT UP SCHOOLS!!?!?!?!

F**KING PARENTS........SUITS.......i have a theory, and it's about the system. i bet the suits on capitol hill, in every country, are trying to monopolize M rated games and get parents to hate them so kids will want them more, then, they'll make a huge profit on those games.

i listen to too much Megadeth, anti-gov stuff.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
I've got a great idea, instead of letting "Children" play these games make some kind of age limit?

Like make it so you have to be, oh I don't know, over 18 or something to play/buy these kind of games which contain violence and gore?

Never mind its a stupid idea.....