Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"


New member
Aug 30, 2009
So even though I can die from smoking, Video games are still worse?

Irrefutable logic again Australia (sarcasm)

"When a dude's gettin bullied and shoots up his school
And they blame it on Marilyn.. and the heroin
Where were the parents at?"

Way I am - Eminem

I think that pretty much speaks for itself


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Can Grand Theft Auto make a 7-year old kid violent?

Why of course, any moron could understand that.

The thing is that a 7-year old kid isn't supposed to play GTA.

Launch a public awareness campagin about PEGI and ERSP to make the parents understand.

Problem solved!
Aug 17, 2009
Good gracious! Some people are just going to fight tooth-and-nail right to the end on this issue! It's like Germans in Prague all over again!


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Excuse me while I go gun down an entire airport and then bathe myself in their blood. With Bubbles!

I love people who don't know what they are talking about. it's so funny.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
It's times like these where all you can do is throw your hands up in disbelief and mutter to yourself "what the fuck?". It's astounding how militant these anti-video game protesters are; they seem to genuinely believe that video games are the root cause of literally all of society's woes, regardless of the fact that there is absoloutely no evidence to back up that claim - oh wait, that's not a problem; they'll just make some up.

Perhaps it is because I am a product of this high-tech generation, but I simply cannot understand where this scorn and hatred comes from - is it purely out of ignorance? Are these people so hopelessly stupid and fearful of the many shiny things available today that all they can do is climb to the highest hill and shout about how much they hate everything? It just boggles the mind - the longer this goes on, the more convinced I will become that Michael Atkinson and his supporters have secretly constructed a device underneath Australia that will bestow them with god-like abilities once all video games are destroyed.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
Deofuta said:
Yeah guys Video Gaming is the new Cancer.

science owns us all.

though, seriously, this is bullshit. people have been violent since before they discovered clothes, i doubt video games have any significant negative effect.
and i find it funny that people who fought in wars or grew up during them say we are exposed to too much violence.
Nov 28, 2007
SonicKoala said:
It's times like these where all you can do is throw your hands up in disbelief and mutter to yourself "what the fuck?". It's astounding how militant these anti-video game protesters are; they seem to genuinely believe that video games are the root cause of literally all of society's woes, regardless of the fact that there is absoloutely no evidence to back up that claim - oh wait, that's not a problem; they'll just make some up.

Perhaps it is because I am a product of this high-tech generation, but I simply cannot understand where this scorn and hatred comes from - is it purely out of ignorance? Are these people so hopelessly stupid and fearful of the many shiny things available today that all they can do is climb to the highest hill and shout about how much they hate everything? It just boggles the mind - the longer this goes on, the more convinced I will become that Michael Atkinson and his supporters have secretly constructed a device underneath Australia that will bestow them with god-like abilities once all video games are destroyed.
It's a cycle. The 40's had television, the 50's had comic books, the 60's had rock and roll, the 70's had Dungeons and Dragons, the 80's had metal and punk, the 90's had violent movies, and now we have video games. All evils of society.


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
I don't even know what to say anymore. What can educated people with well-reasoned arguments do against the loud and scary voice of television? I can stand on the street corner and yell at the top of my lungs and it would make no more effect than a grain of sand on a beach, but the television reaches millions of people at once.

Dare I say we've already lost? The claims made in this news spot are nearly as slanderous as The National Enquirer, but they will never be held accountable for it. The "expert" they interviewed was real, even if he wasn't really an expert. His portrayal of the games and his opinions on them are just that: his opinions. There is no burden of evidence as there is in the scientific community. This is the world of politics, where all that matters is what the people believe, facts and reason be damned.

How do we, as a community, fight this? How does truth rise above emotional pandering?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I don't believe reporters especially this time, saying gaming is worse then smoking??
I would like to c a study that connects cancer with gaming.


New member
Aug 23, 2009
From my personal experiences us gamers are too damn lazy to actually get up, stop playing games and be violent.

The Singularity

New member
Jun 3, 2008
Probably true, with video games you visualize and act out violent acts albeit not in reality. This simply confirms the brains natural urge to be a animal. Just like paint-ballers have a crazy high chance of murdering someone as paint balling is the closest thing to shooting and killing someone possible without doing it.