Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Starke said:
Are we basing this off the data that smoking isn't connected to lung cancer because tobacco inhibits the destruction of cancer cells, but isn't actually carcinogenic itself?
that is true but theres a metric shitload of more crap then just tabbacco in ur average cigarette


New member
Sep 18, 2009
...what do they think we are retarded? No source, no evidence, you may as well say unicorns have been bred from donkeys.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Since MW2 gamers have been planning terrorist attacks on citizens? Bullshit... This is coming from a group in Austalia who have no "real" evidence to prove that the average child will be effected by violent games, does anyone else dectect the faint stench of Atkinsons doing? Seriously, videogames and violence go together like smoking and lung cancer?


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Yes, well, while Atkinson is in office Australia will have to understand if I don't take them seriously.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
You know, instead of blaming these violent crimes on an innocent group and setting up unnecessary censorship, why don't you DEAL WITH THE ACTUAL CRIMES.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
-BloodRush- said:
Surggical_Scar said:
A general rebuttal towards media perceptions of gaming as a new 'sin':

You know what? You're entitled to your opinions. If you say games are destroying our youth and breeding armies of disenchanted, psychotic killing machines, go out and say so. Our industry is an amalgamation of numerous companies selling vastly different products, some designed to deliver cheap thrills, others to push the boundaries of storytelling, interaction and moral choices but to name a few, some of which make half a billion dollars in their first week of release.

The only industries that have that kind of financial clout are the true world-changers - Arms, Tobacco, that sort of thing. What would you rather have you son come home with, a gun, a pack of smokes or a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV? Even if you truly believe in your heart that we purvey sick, twisted filth, could you honestly say we were any worse in terms of damaging quality of life than these other giants of industry?

Guns are made expressly to kill. Cigarettes are made and sold with the goal of addiction in mind, in full knowledge that this addiction will likely end in a premature death or crippling disease. Games are designed to entertain. They may go about achieving those goals in gratuitously violent, obscene, even disturbing ways, but the intention to cause literal harm against the player is non-existent.

So, please, feel free to yammer and cry your eyes out over the so-called destruction of our youth, throw as much mud as you see fit. Just remember, at the end of the day, amongst the giants of industry, supplying us with our cars that kill and maim millions every year, our cigarettes that slowly crush the life out of people hopelessly addicted to a substance harder to quit than most other hard drugs, our weapons that find ever more inventive ways to kill people for reasons that never seem right after the act, at least you can sit down with a dumb little game, ignore the horrors of the world for a few hours, and try to have fun.


The Informed Opinion
indeed. nothing else really needs to be said other than that study is a simple investment to lean people towards a pre-determined mind set.
We should mail that to Atkinson and his supporters.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Ah, ignorance at its finest. It shall be many a year before such a grand example is forgotten.

Seriously, this is just silly. Besides the fact that no actual reports/studies are cited, they don't even know what Modern Warfare is or conatains. I'm not even sure if this is serious or not.


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Yellow Journalism at it's finest! Make a warrantless claim and pander to the undereducated. Do I smell, wait, yup, smells like Rupert Murdoch to me...


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Well I'd argue that, even if this was true (though it clearly isn't), there's no proof that the games are the causative factor. It's more likely that people with violent behavioural characteristics will choose to play these games.

Therefore it's NOTHING like smoking and cancer. Feckin' eejits.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I saw the fox argument about the original mass effect's sex scene last night. Apparently it displayed full digital nudity. Then it had several people proceed to make wildly inaccurate arguments regarding the subject.

Why can't a media source actually do some research before playing a game?

BTW i just had a great idea for a game, where the player plots terrorist attacks. And it shall be a mix of Modern Warfare and COD.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Apparently the connection between people who commit violent act and the people who breathe is about 100% so everyone should stop breathing, especially gamers.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
CD-R said:
I actually read over the ACCM's response on thier website. They're basicaly saying there shouldn't be an R18 rating because parents in Australia are too stupid to know what it means.
if the parents are too stupid to know what "R18+ Restricted to those over 18" means, then they shouldnt be parents to begin with. im pretty sure that most 8 year olds know what that means (after being told what the word restricted means that is).

fuck australia, come over to new zealand, where at least we dont try to use the stupidity of people entrusted with the lives of children as an excuse to push personal agendas.

also, i agree with the people who said that they only feel violent when reading these bullshit studies. its shit like this thats makes me wish the internet was never invented or that ww3 would hurry up and start so the whole planet can be nuked and we can start over


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I find this humorous. It's funny to try think like these people. Do they see the world as I do? Are they perhaps caught in a different dimension? Do they maybe have birth defects in their brain?


New member
Oct 21, 2009
It's amazing how it's always violent games that cause violence to these people yet they never consider:

a) Basic human nature, which is probably predisposed to violence, though it differs from one person to the next

b) Cuts in police forces, meaning more violence goes without justice

c) Shitty legal system (at least here in the UK) where criminals get next-to-no serious punishment for their crimes and are free to go and slash people again, only to get put in jail for another six months rinse and repeat

d)Constant violence in TV and movies (yes I know, it's not interactive blah-de-blah, they always use that one) and constant coverage of war, violence, murder, kidnap, rape etc on the news. The way society is now, we're raised on a diet of violence and those of us too weak minded to know better are learning by example and going out beating seven shades of shit out of random people.

I won't deny, people with mental issues and those who are easily lead might be influenced by violent games, but just as much as they'd be influenced by violent films and TV. The vast majority of us (should) know better and I really hope these bleating morons actually have an awakening of sense and stop acting like it's the goddamn Bonfire of the Vanities 2.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Alright. I usually try to be a good person about things like this, but damn if I don't find myself jsut waiting on them to die.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Don't blame the games, blame the parents for getting and allowing the games. Better yet blame the parents for not monitoring their kids recent behavior.